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UK spells out Brexit transition demands as pressure mounts on PM May


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2 hours ago, ckerr83 said:

Show me a legal document that clearly stated the voting threshold necessary to prompt the exit process and I'll accept the tabloid reading wisdom of gullible Brexiteers!!


The fact of the matter is that the referendum bill did not specify any resulting action or level of vote necessary - it was a non binding referendum; an opinion poll.


If Brexit happens then so be it but the brexit camp really should stop portraying this as "the will of the people", it represents the will of a small minority, centered in the northern parts of England and is far from democratic. 


Admittedly, capitalising the NO does make for a strong argument. 

before the referendum took place the PM clearly stated that the result would be binding


you really are clutching at straws and talking for the sake of talking, go do some research, oh and are you even from the UK

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2 hours ago, SheungWan said:

This would be the same Jacob Rees Mogg who is opposed to all abortion including cases of rape.

so do you support abortion ?


what has that got to do with brexit, he has every right to have his own opinion

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20 hours ago, dunroaming said:

More to the point the people who voted leave did so based on lies, lies that have now been exposed but still they choose to stick with result.



2 hours ago, chrissables said:

What lie, stated by who?

George Osborne - with his promised 'punishment budget' in the event of a leave vote springs to mind.... :laugh: 

Edited by dick dasterdly
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2 hours ago, ckerr83 said:

Show me a legal document that clearly stated the voting threshold necessary to prompt the exit process and I'll accept the tabloid reading wisdom of gullible Brexiteers!!


The fact of the matter is that the referendum bill did not specify any resulting action or level of vote necessary - it was a non binding referendum; an opinion poll.


If Brexit happens then so be it but the brexit camp really should stop portraying this as "the will of the people", it represents the will of a small minority, centered in the northern parts of England and is far from democratic. 


Admittedly, capitalising the NO does make for a strong argument. 

The fact of the matter is that the people were promised that the majority vote would be respected as binding and subsequently acted on by the government. The referendum result is constitutionally binding. 

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2 hours ago, SheungWan said:

This would be the same Jacob Rees Mogg who is opposed to all abortion including cases of rape.

That it his conviction through his religion. He has acknowledged that his is a minority view and that abortion laws will not change because of his beliefs. What has has this got to do with Brexit? 

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16 hours ago, Grouse said:

Seems like s sensible cove to me! However he probably doesn't have 3 degrees and is therefore not so bright as some others?

Cheap Swipe Grouse. In fact it was you who hounded and demanded peoples educational background, as you insisted those who voted leave, were uneducated and numptys. We disagree and have differences of opinions. Your cheap and snide attempt at humour (if it was), is bordering desperate. Accept that people have a difference of opinion and just possibly have a similar university background, not that really matters. It is that attitude that is making the UK weak, as the remainers STIlLL can't accept the referendum result and constantly try to belittle the brexit process, at every opportunity. Why care, as I thought you were 'jumping ship' and moving to one of the beloved EU countries. Disappointed fella, I thought you were better.

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On ‎1‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 12:30 PM, ckerr83 said:

The people didn't vote out, a super majority was never achieved - a global standard in constitutional changes. It was a mere 32% of the electorate that voted to leave. A fact that brainwashed  Brexiteers all too readily choose to ignore!

Oh dear, I guess you are one of the ones that didn't read the ballot box where you put your cross. It has been done to death but everyone knew what the vote meant. David Cameron told everyone on numerous occasions, it meant leaving the customs union and the single market, if the vote was in favour to leave.


If you don't understand that then maybe you shouldn't have voted, Not knowing what it was about. As for the electorate vote, it was the biggest turnout in history, so please don't try and use that lame excuse. Your embarrassing yourself.

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4 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Oh dear, I guess you are one of the ones that didn't read the ballot box where you put your cross. It has been done to death but everyone knew what the vote meant. David Cameron told everyone on numerous occasions, it meant leaving the customs union and the single market, if the vote was in favour to leave.


If you don't understand that then maybe you shouldn't have voted, Not knowing what it was about. As for the electorate vote, it was the biggest turnout in history, so please don't try and use that lame excuse. Your embarrassing yourself.

To be fair, 18 months on from the vote and the government themselves still cannot agree amongst what Brexit is all about - how do you expect the average man in the street to comprehend?

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48 minutes ago, nauseus said:


I was also going to use the same music group analogy but thought no. If you have nothing to do and don't mind being bored, go back over a year to Grouses posts and he was stating people who voted Brexit had no university education. I disagreed and as someone who has 3 little pieces of paper that have nothing to do with intelligence IMHO,  I have1 undergraduate and 2 post graduate ones. Its rather tedious to be honest, as having a university degree and mine are they are over 20 years old (when they had value) doesn't mean one bit, as I have met so many academics who are thick as pig dung. I also had many friends who voted Brexit who are pharmacist, a doctor, a midwife and teachers, so it throws Grouses theory, out of the water. His ideology stemmed that those who voted Brexit, all worked in factories or were on benefits, which is totally untrue. 


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3 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

To be fair, 18 months on from the vote and the government themselves still cannot agree amongst what Brexit is all about - how do you expect the average man in the street to comprehend?

You have a point but as someone who follows politics closely, as I feel it is important, that you have to be clear and remember what you say and question everything. As an example I stopped watching the BBC, as they are just so biased and the evidence is clear on that. The British public are bombarded with scare mongering, which again has been proven to be false. coupled with a really weak leader and cabinet who are trying to stall and hope that the UK is in such a mess, that the public changes their mind, which doesn't look like happening.


I do have to say that saying that Grouse is your average man will have him fuming. Hilarious.

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

That it his conviction through his religion. He has acknowledged that his is a minority view and that abortion laws will not change because of his beliefs. What has has this got to do with Brexit? 

Exactly but that is the tactics of remainers. Shout down anyone for anything that may be seen as derogatory or less than PC or liberal. You see it categorized as far right or even worse. Its on the TV all the time, at those who dare question liberalism, PC or the EU. This is happening with JRM at the moment.


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16 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Oh dear, I guess you are one of the ones that didn't read the ballot box where you put your cross. It has been done to death but everyone knew what the vote meant. David Cameron told everyone on numerous occasions, it meant leaving the customs union and the single market, if the vote was in favour to leave.


If you don't understand that then maybe you shouldn't have voted, Not knowing what it was about. As for the electorate vote, it was the biggest turnout in history, so please don't try and use that lame excuse. Your embarrassing yourself.

Please show me where it says this? Did you read the ballot paper at all?

screen shot 2016-01-26 at 13.48.09.png

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1 hour ago, billd766 said:


What did the PM at the time David Cameron, clearly state in Parliament on Monday 27th June 2016?


From the Independent on that day.




The will of the people who could be bothered to get off their arrrse and vote  was in favour of leaving the EU. As for those who did NOT take the option to exercise their vote believe that your side would win and it didn't matter anyway.


Did you, personally complain to your MP as you have the right to do so that YOU believed that the rules were wrong? If you did, then good for you, if you didn't why are you still whining 18 months later?


You, like me and every other eligible voter, had every opportunity in the run up to the election to put your own points forward and complain. I didn't because I read and accepted the rules as they were written.


If the Brexit had gone the other way very few of us Brexit voters would be crying that we lost, spitting out our dummies and throwing our toys out of the pram.


If we can accept that then why can't you?


BTW many of my friends in the UK who live in the south and in the west country also voted for Brexit so it isn't lust in the north they voted for Brexit.


A further BTW for you.




Majority rule is a decision rule that selects alternatives which have a majority, that is, more than half the votes. It is the binary decision rule used most often in influential decision-making bodies, including the legislatures of democratic nations.


A vote which is not cast is note an eligible vote and cannot be counted. There if more votes were cast in favour of leaving than in remaining is a majority, at least the UK.

If this is the case, please show me where you "read and accepted the rules as they were written",  show me a legally binding document that states a simple majority is sufficient and we'll put this to bed.


Obviously I wasn't implying that the only people who voted for brexit were in the north of England - I was implying that the vast majority of people who voted for brexit lived in this area.

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15 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I was also going to use the same music group analogy but thought no. If you have nothing to do and don't mind being bored, go back over a year to Grouses posts and he was stating people who voted Brexit had no university education. I disagreed and as someone who has 3 little pieces of paper that have nothing to do with intelligence IMHO,  I have1 undergraduate and 2 post graduate ones. Its rather tedious to be honest, as having a university degree and mine are they are over 20 years old (when they had value) doesn't mean one bit, as I have met so many academics who are thick as pig dung. I also had many friends who voted Brexit who are pharmacist, a doctor, a midwife and teachers, so it throws Grouses theory, out of the water. His ideology stemmed that those who voted Brexit, all worked in factories or were on benefits, which is totally untrue.

Talking of pig dung, meet the hard brexiteers who now have Theresa May as the latest in a long line of Enemies Of The People.

Edited by SheungWan
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7 minutes ago, ckerr83 said:

Please show me where it says this? Did you read the ballot paper at all?

screen shot 2016-01-26 at 13.48.09.png

 I think you have a moral duty to know what you voted for. So David Cameron campaigned and used 9 million pound of taxpayers money to put his point across. He clearly stated on numerous times that leaving the EU meant leaving the customs union and  single market. Also there would not be another second referendum So I will say it again. Accept the result, get behind the UK. It didn't have 10 different categories on the ballot paper, on stay in and keep the customs union,.get out and stay in the single market etc etc. It was simply put, because everyone was told and should have listened. It was leave the EU or stay. we know the result, stop trying to undermine the result with not knowing what people voted for. If you didn't then you shouldn't have voted.

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44 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Cheap Swipe Grouse. In fact it was you who hounded and demanded peoples educational background, as you insisted those who voted leave, were uneducated and numptys. We disagree and have differences of opinions. Your cheap and snide attempt at humour (if it was), is bordering desperate. Accept that people have a difference of opinion and just possibly have a similar university background, not that really matters. It is that attitude that is making the UK weak, as the remainers STIlLL can't accept the referendum result and constantly try to belittle the brexit process, at every opportunity. Why care, as I thought you were 'jumping ship' and moving to one of the beloved EU countries. Disappointed fella, I thought you were better.

Agree - except it's been obvious from the 'start' that grouse prefers to rely on calling those with a different opinion 'stupid and un-educated'....


Probably better not to pander to his (and a couple of other posters) belief that they are 'superior' and have more intelligent comments :laugh:.

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7 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

Probably better not to pander to his (and a couple of other posters) belief that they are 'superior' and have more intelligent comments :laugh:.

Stupid people have the right to vote ......... so the opinions of the 'intelligent' shouldn't have any influence on the outcomes of any ballot.


Pound is up at 72 pesos (was 70 before brexit and 64 after).

Thai Baht is a bit of a mystery ........... at 44.5

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13 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

Stupid people have the right to vote ......... so the opinions of the 'intelligent' shouldn't have any influence on the outcomes of any ballot.

Yes I agree but then when the vote goes against them, they shouldn't say that they are stupid for their opinion. What I question is, that people who voted, say people didn't know what they voted for, so they are stupid. Who are the stupid ones?

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Age might make a big difference in how people view the EU. I’m in my 60s and so saw the UK a prosperous thriving country. Ten years ago I left and already saw the poverty, drugs, government dependency and inner city ghettos. Is this the brave new world the EU promised, because it looks like an EUSSR in all but name. 

Educated or not, has the west really been so dumbed down that millennials believe European leaders who say they’re taking advice from spacemen?!

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16 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Yes I agree but then when the vote goes against them, they shouldn't say that they are stupid for their opinion. What I question is, that people who voted, say people didn't know what they voted for, so they are stupid. Who are the stupid ones?

I would have voted for all foreigners (whose great grandparents weren't British citizens) out of the UK.

Sadly, nobody gave me that option.

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@smedly your correct the U.K. is still in the EU (for now) however incorrect that it’s a debate not an argument reference the points.


Disappointing that people are focusing more on JRM personal views than the political element, and agree that Brussels are scared of JRB because he clearly speaks his mind, I do admire the guy however even Jacob knows he’ll never be PM because of his ‘personal views’.


Unless pressure is firmly applied with a staunch backbone then JRM is quite right to point out the U.K. is heading for Brino....Brexit in name only.


Which is NOT what the majority voted for, 2018 is yet another challenge to deal and overcome, we’ll just see how it pans out.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


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The habitual TV remaining posters on here seem very quiet. The truth seems to do that with them. When the facts and truths are clearly pointed out, they just pretend that it didn't happen, waiting for an opportunity to claim that the vote wasn't binding, people didn't know what they were doing and all those voted leave are racists, and stupid. The rhetoric is becoming tedious, predictable and quite frankly pathetic.

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It’s called democracy, something that isn’t properly understood and which even the EU admit it suffers a ‘deficiency’ of. Leaders of all UK political parties over decades held back waiting for a favourable result and misjudged the mood of the public, badly. Yet it was close and if they had managed to wait even another five years, the result may have been much different. When the EU financial and social collapse does come, hopefully the UK will already be far removed from the effects.   



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6 hours ago, ckerr83 said:

Show me a legal document that clearly stated the voting threshold necessary to prompt the exit process and I'll accept the tabloid reading wisdom of gullible Brexiteers!!


The fact of the matter is that the referendum bill did not specify any resulting action or level of vote necessary - it was a non binding referendum; an opinion poll.


If Brexit happens then so be it but the brexit camp really should stop portraying this as "the will of the people", it represents the will of a small minority, centered in the northern parts of England and is far from democratic. 


Admittedly, capitalising the NO does make for a strong argument. 


"This is your decision. The government will implement what you decide."

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