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Trump says he 'would apologise' for sharing British far-right videos

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4 hours ago, gr8fldanielle said:

Maybe Trump has a problem with the mayor of London, look at the crime stats. taken from the BBC:

Gun crime offences in London surged by 42% in the last year, according to official statistics.

The Met Police's figures showed there were 2,544 gun crime offences from April 2016 to April 2017 compared to 1,793 offences from 2015 until 2016.

Knife crime also increased by 24% with 12,074 recorded offences from 2016 to 2017.

The Met said although crime rates were rising they remained at a much lower level than five years ago.

Scotland Yard registered annual rises across a number of serious offence categories in the past 12 months, following several years of falls.

The total number of offences during the 2016 to 2017 financial year was 774,737, an increase of 4% from the previous year when total offences stood at 740,933.

Knife crime offences that resulted in an injury also increased, by 21% to 4,415 from 2016 to 2017, compared to 3,663 offences the year before.


Didn't the mayor of London say Trump doesn't represent the values of that city, he was right.  "anti-social behavior" I think that's called rape.


Why would he blame the mayor of London for an issue that is entirely beyond that mayor's remit and instead the responsibility  of the Tory government and indicative of their starvation of public services?

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

No, he offered an apology 

No, he said he would apologise in a hypothetical situation.  That is not an apology. He offered to offer an apology.  How ridiculous this clown is.

14 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Are you saying that Trump would not have then  given a formal apology, had the reporter asked him to do so ?   That is just your assumption and a guess

So he has not given an apology yet then.

No, he said he would apologise in a hypothetical situation.  That is not an apology. He offered to offer an apology.  How ridiculous this clown is.

As ridiculous as they come. They broke the ridiculous mold when they made him.


He has no sense of shame and I wonder if Americans that aren't deeply embarrassed that such an immoral clown is president share that deficiency.


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14 minutes ago, sanemax said:

The TV show that did the interview reported him as apologising 


In the teaser, the US president said sorry for retweeting the UK's anti-Muslim videos which sparked outrage in Britain.




Of course they did, it would hardly be a teaser if they were to say 'the president said he would apologize provided ...'.

6 hours ago, sanemax said:

Its gets tiring reading all these abusive messages about Trump .

But , But he said ,  he did ,hes going  to .

I know, Ive heard it all before , everyday for a year

There are a host of things I'd rather do than write missives about Trump and the cabal he surrounds himself with.  I doubt anything I write will contribute a modicum to bettering the bad situation that Trump has saddled on the US.  So, I do it as pressure-relief, as much as any other reason.  

You see so many disparaging posts about Trump because many posters (and people elsewhere) are seriously concerned about having a dangerous dufus steering the US ship of state toward rocky shoals.  You don't have to read this stuff.  I'm not sorry that it makes you tired.



6 hours ago, sanemax said:

Its gets tiring reading all these abusive messages about Trump .

But , But he said ,  he did ,hes going  to .

I know, Ive heard it all before , everyday for a year


I found most threads have a title, I use the title to determine if it is of my interest.  I have found that by reading the title first, then deciding if it interests me, I am able to avoid topics that bore me and make me tire me out

10 hours ago, sanemax said:
11 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Like a bratty 9 year old,  he thinks: just broaching the subject of apologizing will make it all better.  

Note to Trump: If you start WWIII in Asia or the M.East due to one of your conniption fits, ....it won't matter much when, a few weeks later, you say you're sorry.  The damage will have been done.


Addendum: When Trump fired Comey, he was on his own, without any babysitters/handlers nearby.  That should be a lesson to Kerry and all his other enablers/handlers:  don't let Trump be alone anywhere, ....certainly not alone with his tweeting mobile phone or 'The Football' (with which he can launch nukes all by himself).   The man cannot be allowed to do anything on his own.  He's too stupid and dangerous.  


Its gets tiring reading all these abusive messages about Trump .

But , But he said ,  he did ,hes going  to .

I know, Ive heard it all before , everyday for a year

If Trump invented a cure for cancer, the mainstream media would somehow turn it into a negative.

11 minutes ago, katana said:

If Trump invented a cure for cancer, the mainstream media would somehow turn it into a negative.


And when he farts, his supporters bathe themselves in the aroma dreaming of the day that something solid will be expelled.


If Trump invented a cure for cancer, it would be a fake cure, which actually poisoned people.  He would bottle it and spend a billion dollars (borrowed from Russian banks) to market it as the greatest thing since clothes.   When the plethora of lawsuits came back to him, he would dodge, make insipid excuses, and blame HRC and Obama for making him do it.   

9 hours ago, dunroaming said:

It's quite simple really.  Did you watch the interview?  If the answer is yes then you saw that he did not apologise like the rest of us.  You just need to get out of denial pal.  Have you never wondered why the world have got their knives out for Trump?  Why the worlds media ridicule him and feature him in their cartoons?  Or do you think that Trump is a hero and the  rest of the world is wrong about him?

When did you see the video ?

It isnt due to he aired until today .

Did Trump offer to apologise ?

The left wing media do ridicule everything that he does , that is just a left wing trait .



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Some off topic posts and replies were removed as well. 

6 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

If Trump invented a cure for cancer, it would be a fake cure, which actually poisoned people.  He would bottle it and spend a billion dollars (borrowed from Russian banks) to market it as the greatest thing since clothes.   When the plethora of lawsuits came back to him, he would dodge, make insipid excuses, and blame HRC and Obama for making him do it.   

Yes, if Trump went to war with North Korea , it would be reported as Trump picking on a poor little defenseless  Asian guy who didnt have much weaponry, if Trump made peace with NK , it would be reported as Trump accepting and helping a dangerous oppressive  despot who is threatening the world with his nuclear bombs .

   *Trump attacks defenseless NK for no reason *

   * Trump befriends crazed dictator*

Choose your headline


None of this is racism. Muslims are not a race.


Having said that, there are many legitimate reasons to be concerned about the practices of the religion they follow, and in particular the application of Sharia law. This provides punishments for homosexuals which includes being hurled from rooftops and sanctions the stoning of women for adultery - plus a whole lot more barbaric stuff which one hopes would be utterly repugnant to any Westerner.


I have no idea whether the controversial video footage Britain First disseminated was genuine or phony, but for anyone - including the British government and the President of the United States - to pretend that such gruesome practices are not followed is simply putting the need for political correctness before the need to acknowledge an unpalatable truth.


Facts are facts and they should not be twisted to save face or feelings.

1 hour ago, sanemax said:

The left wing media do ridicule everything that he does , that is just a left wing trait .

You're mostly on the mark.  He opens himself up to ridicule several times each day.  He can't help himself.   I'd love to see the moment when Trump ingests a truth serum (maybe a leftie can sneak it into one of his Big Macs), .....and Trump waxes truthful for a half hour.  Here's what we'd like to hear him say:


"The press corps actually do outstanding jobs. When I chastise journalists, it's when they say unflattering things about me.  Yes, I know they're reporting truth, but I'm such an idiot, I'm compelled to besmirch the entire press corps as fake news and dangerous to America."

Trump goes on....

"I admit I'm totally unfit to be president. I'm rather good at finagling loans from outside the US, but that's hardly a qualification for high political office.  I'm sincerely sorry to immigrants, women, transgenders, blacks, liberals, cripples, journalists, Democrats, Brits, Mexicans, Latinos with US citizenship, and everyone else I've offended. "


When the truth serum wears off, Trump reverts back to being Trump: ....


"Everything I said an hour ago, I didn't say.  I don't care if it's on tape, it's all fake news put together by vindictive journalists who wish Hillary had won.  Forget all those wimpy apologies.  I continue to hate everyone who doesn't praise me.  I intend to imprison women who seek abortions and all illegal aliens who don't immediately flee to the other side of the border.  I also apologize to David Duke and all my Republican colleagues who shield me from criticism, as Sessions should do.   I used to praise Flynn, but now I hate him for telling the truth about me." 



On 27/01/2018 at 3:46 AM, keith101 said:

Did this fake President actually apologise or only say he would as he is the biggest liar ever seen in the White House . 

I think he will on certain conditions...

A state visit, with accommodation at Liz and Phil's place, to address Parliament, full state coach procession to and from Liz and Phil's... and an invite to the wedding.

On 1/27/2018 at 3:52 PM, sanemax said:

Its gets tiring reading all these abusive messages about Trump . But , But he said ,  he did ,hes going  to . I know, Ive heard it all before , everyday for a year

Is it getting to you?  Good.  Everyone needs it to sink in.  Trump is a sustained danger to the US, and needs to be removed - either by quitting (like Sarah Palin quit being governor) or by some other means.

15 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Is it getting to you?  Good.  Everyone needs it to sink in.  Trump is a sustained danger to the US, and needs to be removed - either by quitting (like Sarah Palin quit being governor) or by some other means.

There will be elections in a few years , if the American electorate decide to remove him, they will vote him out of office .

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