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Warnings To Accompany Tv Sex And Violence


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Warnings to accompany TV sex and violence

BANGKOK: -- R_ape and violent scenes on television will soon carry warnings that "this action is illegal and punishable" in order to discourage audiences, especially children and youths, copying it in real life.

The Social Development and Human Security Ministry working team promoting constructive media for children and family proposed the idea.

It will be added to the text identifying the suitable viewing age for a programme.

The age recommendations have been made since December 1 last year.

Women's Affairs and Family Development Office director Suwit Kuntaroj told a meeting of officials and 50 media members yesterday that a recent survey had found 73.2 per cent of people felt most soap operas did not appropriately raise public awareness of the impact of domestic violence on children and women. However, Channel 7's "Sai Nam Sam Chivit" drama was one that did raise such awareness, he added.

The survey of 1,899 people of all ages found more than 53 per cent thought local television dramas appropriately promoted the role of women and men and gender equality.

Slightly less than half, 41.4 per cent, said no soap appropriately portrayed a family's love and understanding in solving problems without violence.

Friends of Women Foundation head and working-team member Supensri Puengkoaksoong said many television soaps and ads were found to trigger violence.

"Thai soaps especially have violent scenes that result in young audiences copying the actions," Supensri said.

She will ask the Women's Affairs and Family Development Office to have film and drama producers attach the warning message to all scenes of sexual assault, physical assault and other violence.

Scenes showing men with mistresses, gambling and drinking alcohol will carry the message these actions are either "punishable by law" or "against good morality".

She said scantily clad television hosts, actors, ad-presenters, singers and dancers prompted teenagers to wear similar clothing, resulting in sex crimes.

--The Nation 2007-01-19

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Excuse me but have I got this right ?

Thai TV stations have rape scenes ?

I have always flipped over them and

shall certainly continue to do so , only

more , if they televise this sort of


Is this the most inane/insane press

announcement I have read ? Maybe.

I shall just go back to my hobby of

lipreading the bad words they silence

out on American movies.

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This government is a complete joke. The country is falling to pieces by their own doing and the best they can come up with is ridiculous rules on morality. ie. Alcohol advertising and sex on TV.

These old farts do not live in the real world and they are patronising the average Thai person. If people copy the clothes worn on TV and those clothes are sexy, how does that lead to more sex crimes? There is absolutley no evidence to suggest this. Devient preditory sex offenders will offend regardless of whether someone is wearing a short skirt.

I thought this government were supposed to be getting us to an election as quickly as possible, it seems all they can do is come up with these stupid new rules that are not needed.

The sooner we have an election the better as this country is going to the dogs.

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This government is a complete joke. The country is falling to pieces by their own doing and the best they can come up with is ridiculous rules on morality. ie. Alcohol advertising and sex on TV.

These old farts do not live in the real world and they are patronising the average Thai person. If people copy the clothes worn on TV and those clothes are sexy, how does that lead to more sex crimes? There is absolutely no evidence to suggest this. Deviant predatory sex offenders will offend regardless of whether someone is wearing a short skirt.

I thought this government were supposed to be getting us to an election as quickly as possible, it seems all they can do is come up with these stupid new rules that are not needed.

The sooner we have an election the better as this country is going to the dogs.

Good rant !

Have taken the liberty of correcting your spelling.

Don't take this as a criticism. I understand passion.


PS Do you have a vote because I sure don't ?

Edited by farangsay
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The parents don't care to tell their younglings that rape is a bad thing?

How long have you been here!!!

This weeks daytime highlights from memory include:

The comedy knockabout skit show had two men thai boxing in a sketch. At one stage they embraced and snogged each other full on the mouth till the ref pulled them apart. One minute later, the fat one ends up on top of the other one and with full pelvic thrusts, simulates sex with him. In front of an audience made up mostly of school children, all of whome were screeming and laughing the place down... As was I!

Later in another skit. The fat guy is punching and slapping his wife with massive force, around 10-12 times to sound effects and mass hysteria from the audience.

However they word it, it will be read my most as "includes fantastic perving and voyeristic opportunities. Grab a bottle of chang, ring round your mates and enjoy

Should have a weekly thread on this.

Edited by Dupont
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When I read the headline I assumed this would be viewer discretion notices but it seems these notices will run on the programming.

Instead of warning you not to let your children watch potential violent or sexually abusive scenes they are basically saying its fine to watch them but in case you are morally so corrupt you didnt realise it we would like to point out this is illegal, immoral antisocial.....

'This is performed by professional actors do not try this at home'.....

The avarage Thai soap will have a warning flashing up every 20 seconds or so during the programme.

The only thing that worries me is that half the kids watching these soaps aint old enough to read the warnings yet.

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