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Phuket Amphoe


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Back in November 2017 I applied to the British Embassy for an appointment for an affirmation of marriage and certified copy of my passport . The appointment was made for January 8 th 2018 . 

Whilst doing the paperwork I realized there was a need to put the month and place of registration upon the affirmation and so we went down the Amphoe on December 6 th 2017 to ask / check what was required . They were friendly and helpful and we photographed the file copy of documents required from their check list . They asked us to return once the paperwork arrived from the MFA in January to be checked and that any date in February wasn’t going to be a problem . 

Everything went well , and on January the 8 th we got out affirmation and certified copy of passport which we left with a translation service who translated and took to the MFA and then sent them on to us , such that we had everything in hand by January 15 th 

Everything good and as expected up to now 


We went down the Amphoe as requested back in December on Jan 16 th and handed over our paperwork. At that time my girlfriend had to fill out a basic form to say how we met and for how long . Simple three line biography . The paperwork was processed for which we waited and hour and we were then called back to the desk . At this point two letters had been processed and we were given one . Our paperwork was put into a marriage file that seemed to be common with the process . 


The letter turned out to be a request we had to take to the forensic police lab where they took my finger prints and am having a criminal background check carried out . The lab at that point told us it would be up to one month for the check to be carried out and we could not follow it up until 28 days from the 16 th Jan. 


So we are now  two weeks on from going to the Amphoe . We never wanted to be married before February so have been accepting of the process . The entire process for us was to get a date in February not a walk in and do it on the day . As we have Thai friends we wanted as witnesses who need to take time off work and need to arrange cover with their employer . 


This is is just a tale , a true occurrence and one to be shared . There was never really an opportunity to change the Amphoe , as we had put it on the affirmation, similarly the month , at their advice . 


We we have time to sort through this at their pace and jump thru the hurdles they insist upon . 


I will update as time goes on 


I will though say we went in the afternoon on the 16 th , the staff were jaded , we witnessed a loveless wedding for sale get carried out , and when we got to the counter the woman said , not another wedding , and on seeing the Tabian baan asked why we weren’t getting married up udon thani . She also said that they must do something to protect the young Thai girls . 


For the record , I am 54 and my girlfriend is a 46 mother of three grown up children . 

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Ok went down police forensics last Friday but too early to chase up . Went down Amphoe this morning Monday feb6 th and this now three weeks since the Jan visit , they looked thru a file of about thirty police check forms , but mine not arrived yet . They still offering feb 14 th as a date if the paperwork comes thru . 


Based upon observation would conclude amphoe now requiring criminal reference checks on farang . According to my girlfriend , next step is an interview and then an appointment for the marriage . 


This is is not the Thai life married in four days process . From these observations would not choose to put Phuket as your amphoe on your affirmation documents . 

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I was married at Amphoe Rat Burana late last year - had none of these issues.  No police check, US Affirmation form doesn't require you to decide in advance where you'll go.  The only thing that struck me as a bit over the top was the requirement for a certified copy of passport (that I had anyways, seen many mentions of it).  Went in on a Friday to validate the forms and could have had it done the following Monday if we wanted (as it was, we were going on holiday for a week so we opted for the following Monday).

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  • 2 weeks later...

So today is February 16 th , more than 28 days after the police check letter was handed in . No phone call from the amphoe, so back down to check what’s going on . No police reference on file so they reissue the letter and with the invoice from my finger printing go to the forensic lab . 

But this time I photocopy and read the letter 

it is not just a criminal record check but also a check on my personality profile ? to make sure I am not marrying just to get a marriage visa . Not sure how that check is carried out . 

But the confirmation letter from the police was printed off from the computer , dated today , as now checking everything , and we returned to the amphoe with it

Handed in the letter and then got called over for filling out the pre wedding form , stating when and where we met , and how long we’d known each other . 

Administrator seemed surprised we were getting married after only knowing each other 11 months and said as much to my girlfriend . We’ve been renting a house and living together since June 2017 . 


Next step , we get called back for another interview , and can then get a date for the wedding . 


They are are actively pursuing marriages of convenience, brides for sale from what I’m seeing . And to be honest can’t really complain at that . 


But it based on the any day in February line we were fed in December , we go to udon thani on the 22 nd for a ceremony and honeymoon . So will be away from Phuket til early March . 



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It’s a fair comment but at what point would you have insisted on getting your affirmation and notarized passport copy back ?

 In December when you checked and were told everything would be ok for a February wedding , at which point you could put a different amphoe on your documents with the British embassy

The only real opportunity would have been in January when you were told to go get a record check ?  But without knowing the whole saga would anyone with a clear conscience really have expected the ongoing issues that would throw up . 


At least thru this post everyone can be aware of the problems in Phuket . 


We were told yesterday , Friday,  when we asked for a Monday / Tuesday interview we would get a phone call to confirm . Unsurprisingly we did not get a phone call , so back down on Monday afternoon , for another face to face . 


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Monday afternoon persuade the girlfriend, who’s adamant the ampho will call as they said they would , back down to discover whether we would get our interview tomorrow . The person we need to see is sitting at a desk twiddling his thumbs with nothing to do . We ask about our interview. 

‘ oh your lucky he’s in this afternoon, if you wait you can do it now ‘ 

Have to admit she looked suitably embarrassed . 

Any way , called up stairs for interview , pretty intense and they are actively targeting criminals and marriage for visa , unfortunately some of us innocents are going to get caught up along the way . 


So form being delivered to governor for counter signature , then we can set the date for the actual registry event . Going to be after we come back from our religious ceremony and Lao holiday so early March . 


Closing this topic out now 


Best of luck 

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Final thing , if like me you could have got a retirement visa through age and finances , then go get it if you use this ampho . I could have , but chose to stay on setv as it suited my purposes better at this current time . I believe it was the setv that triggered a lot of this . 

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