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Hidden Assets Investigation


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Married to a thai woman, i plan to buy a studio far away from where we live and i want to hide it from my wife :smile: If we decide to divorce, the judge will conduct some investigation to evaluate the value of my assets. Could he find this studio ? How could i do to hide it and save it from sharing in case of divorce please ?


Thanks Mates !

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29 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

Don't buy it now,  because it is community property,  rent it with option to buy, where the rent will serve as a down payment once the "marital" situation is sorted  


A lease in your name will not show up on any asset investigation UNLESS you try and buy it under the farang quota, then it will show up on the Land Office Database  

That's very interesting, i never heard about it, rent with option to buy. How does it works ? For example, if i want a condo what should i say to the seller ? I suppose that a need contract from a lawyer right ?


Thanks you so much

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Lease with option to buy is very common in the West, for those who don't have enough funds for a down payment, not so common in Thailand 


Yes, you would probably have to do it via a lawyer to keep it out of any public records and it goes without saying the seller would have to be amenable to the arrangement.  The deal could be sweetened for the prospective seller if the lawyer was willing to keep a fairly large amount of "key" money in escrow


You could also learn from the Thais how they "hide" assets, which is by purchasing property via a company.   Don't want to ignite that particular debate here at TV but it is a way around the asset declaration


Unfortunately anything you do is going to depend upon how much of a bull dog your wife's lawyer is and how much she knows about your source of funds 

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Ive just been talking with my wife about this and apparently the only way your wife’s lawyer would find out about the condo would be if he checked in the exact land office where the condo was registered, and if as you say it was far away then what are the chances of that happening. Of course when/ if it comes to it then you do realise you would be commiting an offence by lying to the court and if found out you would be in deep shit.


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2 hours ago, dotpoom said:

Simple really, I bought my house that way. I simple rented/leased it for two years (I paid it all upfront but didn't have to), no lawyer involved, just a contract with the owner stating that if I wished to buy the house when the two years was up, I could, and the two years rent would be deducted from the price of the house we had agreed at the time of signing the contract.


Thanks mate !

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1 hour ago, Colabamumbai said:

You can put it in my name. I live here permanently. I would only ask that you allow me to stay there once in a while. I have a house/ home in the wifes name. Not looking for money, nor to bring strangers there

 Am 67 and don't drink or party


trusssssst in me  -   555   - bring only friends that think I am hansom and I feel I know already all my life

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You can put it in my name. I live here permanently. I would only ask that you allow me to stay there once in a while. I have a house/ home in the wifes name. Not looking for money, nor to bring strangers there

 Am 67 and don't drink or party



hes properly not as stupid as you were putting it in someone else name.

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3 hours ago, Barney R said:

Begs the question , if you are thinking this way now , why are you with her then ? Seems to me you have doubts about the future 

Free sex presumably. I can't imagine either of you is enjoying your situation...

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Even if legally married and you dont mind breaking the law, then just buy it and claim to be single. And if when you sell do the same thing. I have seen this done many times. The land office is not in the marriage verification business. They usually ask if married especially if people present as a couple. 

Again. This is not legal but it does not carry serious risk, IMHO

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2 hours ago, webmark said:

Don't judge me, you don't know me and you don't my wife. I will share with her 90% of what i own, i just try to find a solution to save something for my kids in the future.  


So now suddenly you 'adjust' your story. 



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