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Thai National Anthem

Jet Gorgon

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I'm not a patronising sort, but I always stand up when I hear the anthem being played. Mostly, it's when I'm having breakkie on arrival at Hualongporn RR station at 6am. I see it as a sign of respect for the King and country. Is it necessary for farang to do so, or do you think it is "patronising"?

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Is it necessary for farang to do so, or do you think it is "patronising"?

It's not necessary, you're not going to get arrested or beaten up.

I generally don't - ever listened to the words? Kinda strange for a foreigner to stand up for.

Thailand is the unity of Thai blood and body.

The whole country belongs to the Thai people, maintaining thus far for the Thai.

All Thais intend to unite together.

Thais love peace but do not fear to fight.

They will never let anyone threaten their independence.

They will sacrifice every drop of their blood to contribute to the nation, will serve their country with pride and prestige full of victory.

That's a nice translation.

Edited by Neeranam
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The BBC shuts down some of its stations at 1am. This is 6 pm Thai time. For those listening to the Beeb on the net, you can have 2 National Anthems back to back to equal things out. Turn up the volume and go stand on your balcony. :D:o:D:D

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Personally speaking, I think it's very disrespectful not to stand when the NA is played at the BTS. I can't believe anyone with a shred of decency would continue walking around nonchalantly while Thais are standing to attention.

Neeranam, I don't know if you're married to a Thai, but would you continue walking if your wife stopped? Or if you were walking with Thai friends.

We're guests in this country. When you stay in someone else's home, it's just good manners to do as they do when it's something so important to them.

Edited by bendix
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Hold on. 6 am? Troll


The cheek, Briggsy. My overnight train usually arrives at 5am or so, so usually sitting with coffee and toast at 6am. And, being a country lass, I'm awake at home when the first rooster crows at 5:12 am. Lazybones, Briggsy.

And, I am not talking about the Royal Family; I am talking about proper etiquette re the anthem here. I know the Thai people are supposed to stand up, but I see many who cannot because they are busy going about their work.

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It's played 8:00 am and 6:00 pm. Just do as anyody else does.

Or, when played in a movie theatre, stand up as anybody else does. Who wnats to make everbody upset?

I stand corrected on am times then. But I do know they played it at 6am when I was last at the station.

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Is it necessary for farang to do so, or do you think it is "patronising"?

It's not necessary, you're not going to get arrested or beaten up.

I generally don't - ever listened to the words? Kinda strange for a foreigner to stand up for.

Thailand is the unity of Thai blood and body.

The whole country belongs to the Thai people, maintaining thus far for the Thai.

All Thais intend to unite together.

Thais love peace but do not fear to fight.

They will never let anyone threaten their independence.

They will sacrifice every drop of their blood to contribute to the nation, will serve their country with pride and prestige full of victory.

That's a nice translation.

The words are irrelevant.

The closest analogy I can think of is at an international sports match or Olympics award ceremony, when they play the national anthems of the competing teams. There would be an outcry if the players from the opposing team wandered around warming up, while the other country's National Anthem was being played.

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I think that the "Troll" remark was not aimed at your waking time but rather the fact that the anthem is played at 8 am, not 6.

Edit: woops, to late, you already realized that Jet Gorgon

Edited by tycann
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I think that the "Troll" remark was not aimed at your waking time but rather the fact that the anthem is played at 8 am, not 6.

Edit: woops, to late, you already realized that Jet Gorgon

Indeed, Tycann, that was my tongue-in-cheek point. :o

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PS. Expect this post to get closed as discussing the royal family is against forum rules!
And, I am not talking about the Royal Family; I am talking about proper etiquette re the anthem here.

So long as discussion continues re etiquette and the national anthem, and not the royal family, this thread can stay open.

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Please see my post, above. I was sure it was 6am...

Apologies to you Brigs.

It's possible you were confusing the National Anthem with Apaporn Nakhorn Sawan's "Cote Lor" and all those standing up were in fact shaking their booty at Hualampong at 6am. :D:D

I must have something better to do than this. Ah yes, I've got some undies soaking in a bucket to attend to. :o

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I always stop if I am at a skytrain station at 6pm. Just feels a bit disrespectful not to. Having said that there are always a few Thais who carry on walking.

They're decoys trying to lull you into a false sense of security ... take one step to copy them and you get lynched :D

I freeze as soon as that music begins and stay frozen for a full 5 minutes after it has finished just to make sure :o

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Since Neeranaam is taller sitting down than I am standing up, I'm not sure he need stand!

My Thai wife always stands in the theatres when the anthem is played. However, a couple years ago we found ourselves alone in the theatre. I stood as usual and she didn't. Seems standing is to show respect, if there is no one to show respect to, why stand? I thought it was pretty funny and felt like I was committing some sort of minor crime by joining her sitting down... I love Thailand and am constantly amused by us farangs either insulting, or trying desperately not to insult the Thai people. We are a bit like bulls in a china shop. That said, we are often so vociferous in our insistance that farangs behave a certain way here, when the Thai people really don't spend their time pondering. I've never heard a Thai person appalled by someone wearing short pants in a common wat, they do it all the time. But I've heard farangs berating other farangs for the same practice and pulling out their guidebooks and showing the page where the law is clearly written...

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However, a couple years ago we found ourselves alone in the theatre.

You and the missus alone in the movie theatre??? hehe, did u see much of the movie? :o

Right you are! It was in one of those theatres with the reclining seats and the blankets and I don't recall what film was showing. Respectfully, we didn't start groping until the anthem was well over; well, at least over anyway!

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Since Neeranaam is taller sitting down than I am standing up, I'm not sure he need stand!


Not if we're both driving, you're way higher than me.

Don't get me wrong - I stand up in the cinemas. When I used to work at the Victory Monument I never stopped walking as I was always late. It's not really as big a deal as many think.

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