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Trump - FBI missed signs on Florida shooting due to Russia probe

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15 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Don't be ashamed.  Trump is not the USA.  People made a big mistake but did it because they wanted change.  Now most realise that and that Trump was precisely what America didn't need.  HE is the embarrassment and the only people who need to feel ashamed are those who still support him!


@dunroaming, we and the majority of the people in the world hope you are right.


But don't underestimate

  • the stupidity of the voters,
  • the big, powerful money/influence in  the background - i.e. NRA, Koch brothers etc -, 
  • the idiotic, anti-democratic  US election law, which means: it doesn't matter if the POTUS is elected by a minority of the voters.
19 minutes ago, puck2 said:


@dunroaming, we and the majority of the people in the world hope you are right.


But don't underestimate

  • the stupidity of the voters,
  • the big, powerful money/influence in  the background - i.e. NRA, Koch brothers etc -, 
  • the idiotic, anti-democratic  US election law, which means: it doesn't matter if the POTUS is elected by a minority of the voters.

Stupidity of the voters, like those who voted for Bush twice.

I was more ashamed of the actions of Bush for that stupid invasion of Iraq that cost trillions and counting and about 5000 U.S. lives.

And more ashamed of that sap Obama and his ridiculous foreign policy blunders like Libya and also the OP fast and furious


I was more ashamed of the above actions of Bush and Obama than all the words by Trump

45 minutes ago, morrobay said:

Stupidity of the voters, like those who voted for Bush twice.

I was more ashamed of the actions of Bush for that stupid invasion of Iraq that cost trillions and counting and about 5000 U.S. lives.

And more ashamed of that sap Obama and his ridiculous foreign policy blunders like Libya and also the OP fast and furious


I was more ashamed of the above actions of Bush and Obama than all the words by Trump

Obama allowed the US military to play a support role while the UK and French military helped topple Qaddafi.  Is that what you are ashamed of?  Why?


The fast and furious operation was an attempt to catch drug lords that went wrong.  That's bad, but I don't think it compares to Trump's lack of leadership during the mass shootings that have occurred during his term.


When Trump isn't embarrassing the country, undermining its international reputation, or laying the groundwork for a fiscal crisis, he's creating a leadership void by watching television and golfing.  This won't end well.

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Trump's words don't bother me it's his actions or lack thereof that bother me. Selling off public lands opening the coastal waters for drilling bother me. Can't wait to see the lights of Exxon glowing in Morro bay how bout you. His inaction regarding Russian interference in our elections and how he bashes everyone but Putin bothers me. Putting his family in high power positions in the white House bothers me. His tweets are a distraction, a common practice of a shuckster playing 3 card monte which is what he is

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Obama allowed the US military to play a support role while the UK and French military helped topple Qaddafi.  Is that what you are ashamed of?  Why?


The fast and furious operation was an attempt to catch drug lords that went wrong.  That's bad, but I don't think it compares to Trump's lack of leadership during the mass shootings that have occurred during his term.


When Trump isn't embarrassing the country, undermining its international reputation, or laying the groundwork for a fiscal crisis, he's creating a leadership void by watching television and golfing.  This won't end well.

Iraq and Libya were no threat. Sometimes a strongman is necessary to keep the lid on. (Benghazi)  Will agree on Trumps inaction.IE not firing Florida FBI. director.

5 minutes ago, morrobay said:

Iraq and Libya were no threat. Sometimes a strongman is necessary to keep the lid on. (Benghazi)  Will agree on Trumps inaction.IE not firing Florida FBI. director.

Obama didn't get the US into Iraq, and only reluctantly played a support role in Libya.  In spite of the obvious US failures in not "winning the peace" (nation building) after "winning" the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the UK and France made the same mistake in Libya.


Bush's mistake in Afghanistan and Iraq was getting involved with no realistic plan for the countries after the governments had been toppled.  Obama's mistake (a lesser one, but still a mistake) was being too cautious in dealing with the Middle-East, North-Africa, Central Asia mess he inherited.  Trump seems to have no strategy at all.  As I posted, Trump worries me.


BTW, I'm not suggesting that there are quick fixes or easy solutions to the problems in these areas.  I'm stating that dealing with these problems requires an intelligent, long-term strategy, and the flexibility to adjust when things go wrong.  I can't see Trump thinking things through to that degree.

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