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Recommendations for company to help track UK pensions.

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Title says it all really guys, I need to sort out old pensions that have lapsed in the UK…But still have good value in them. State and military pension I can sort out, but the others are becoming a pain. There is also an endowment policy that I need to find as well.

Anyone used such a company and able to personally recommend a company that is FCA, (Financial Conduct Authority) registered. I would be grateful.

I have contacted a company called ‘Pension Review Thailand’ and now have found out they are not FCA registered, however I have done a few searches and can’t find any dirt on them. They don’t ask of payment of any kind and say they get bank by referral, for example ‘up selling’, if you just take the info about your policies there is no charge…….. Sounds good, maybe too good, I don’t know.

So any knowledge on ‘Pensions Review Thailand’ or a recommendation, or a ‘stay away’ from would be great.

Thank you.

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38 minutes ago, JohnC said:

When I applied for my state pension six years ago , the department of pensions sent me details of every pension schemes I contributed to, even those that had been cashed in , that might be a good starting point. 

Thanks JohnC,


That would work very well.

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