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Husband And Wife Attacked And Robbed By 3 Thai's

libya 115

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Source: Pattaya People

Dongtan Police on 22nd January at fifteen past midnight was informed that a foreign couple was attacked and robbed on Jomtien beach and were waiting for police assistance.

On arrival in front of Jomtien Boat House, the police met the victims, Mr. Riaz Khan, aged 36, an Indian national, and Miss Mitae Terasawa, aged 37, a Japanese national, who are husband and wife.

They told the police that they reside in South Pattaya and earlier at 9 pm, they came to Jomtien to eat and at the time of the incident they were walking on the beach enjoying the view.

Three men approached them in a dark spot of the beach and asked Mr. Khan who was smoking, for a light. When he was handing his lighter to them, one of the men grabbed him from behind and the other 2 starting beating him. They then snatched Miss Terasawa’s handbag and fled by running back to the main road.

The handbag contained a lot of valuables; 1,500 – 1,600 Dollars, 4,000 Baht, 30,000 Yen, a gold necklace and gold ring, a Fuji digital camera, a Sony IPod, a mobile phone, their ATMs and ID.

The police stated that the men must be from a local gang in that area. This time they have changed their tactics and robbed on the beach instead of the roads since there is less light and the victims won’t be able to recognize them as easily.

The police are after them and hopefully they will be arrested soon.

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Source: Pattaya People

Dongtan Police on 22nd January at fifteen past midnight was informed that a foreign couple was attacked and robbed on Jomtien beach and were waiting for police assistance.

On arrival in front of Jomtien Boat House, the police met the victims, Mr. Riaz Khan, aged 36, an Indian national, and Miss Mitae Terasawa, aged 37, a Japanese national, who are husband and wife.

They told the police that they reside in South Pattaya and earlier at 9 pm, they came to Jomtien to eat and at the time of the incident they were walking on the beach enjoying the view.

Three men approached them in a dark spot of the beach and asked Mr. Khan who was smoking, for a light. When he was handing his lighter to them, one of the men grabbed him from behind and the other 2 starting beating him. They then snatched Miss Terasawa’s handbag and fled by running back to the main road.

The handbag contained a lot of valuables; 1,500 – 1,600 Dollars, 4,000 Baht, 30,000 Yen, a gold necklace and gold ring, a Fuji digital camera, a Sony IPod, a mobile phone, their ATMs and ID.

The police stated that the men must be from a local gang in that area. This time they have changed their tactics and robbed on the beach instead of the roads since there is less light and the victims won’t be able to recognize them as easily.

The police are after them and hopefully they will be arrested soon.

Lets hope TROPO reads this one :o

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QUOTE: Lets hope TROPO reads this one!

I was just thinking the same. The facts are, that Pattaya/Jomtien beach, are out of bounds for a stroll at night. Sad but true. All the statistics in the world won't convince me that I'm paranoid.

The only safe stroll, would be with a group of ten-plus sober martial artists, with an assortment of weaponry.

Edited by libya 115
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QUOTE: Lets hope TROPO reads this one!

I was just thinking the same. The facts are, that Pattaya/Jomtien beach, are out of bounds for a stroll at night. Sad but true. All the statistics in the world won't convince me that I'm paranoid.

The only safe stroll, would be with a group of ten-plus sober martial artists, with an assortment of weaponry.

Well said libya......it`s good that people with experience of the happenings about Pattaya`s beaches are able to warn others of the dangers and thus possibly prevent further injuries or even deaths. :o

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Lets hope TROPO reads this one :o

He'll probably sneek in later and drop one of his pearls of wisdom on us. :D

Shame about the robbery though, ok the couple live in the area and should know better than carry all that, but it seems to be getting out of control.

Who's going to want to come here for a holiday? High class tourists? it's a joke. I was slightly wary of going to Vietnam 'cos the guide books say watch out for robberies on the beachfront at night, but they don't warn tourists about the same thing happening here. :D

Edited by Robski
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Source: Pattaya People

Dongtan Police on 22nd January at fifteen past midnight was informed that a foreign couple was attacked and robbed on Jomtien beach and were waiting for police assistance.

On arrival in front of Jomtien Boat House, the police met the victims, Mr. Riaz Khan, aged 36, an Indian national, and Miss Mitae Terasawa, aged 37, a Japanese national, who are husband and wife.

They told the police that they reside in South Pattaya and earlier at 9 pm, they came to Jomtien to eat and at the time of the incident they were walking on the beach enjoying the view.

Three men approached them in a dark spot of the beach and asked Mr. Khan who was smoking, for a light. When he was handing his lighter to them, one of the men grabbed him from behind and the other 2 starting beating him. They then snatched Miss Terasawa’s handbag and fled by running back to the main road.

The handbag contained a lot of valuables; 1,500 – 1,600 Dollars, 4,000 Baht, 30,000 Yen, a gold necklace and gold ring, a Fuji digital camera, a Sony IPod, a mobile phone, their ATMs and ID.

The police stated that the men must be from a local gang in that area. This time they have changed their tactics and robbed on the beach instead of the roads since there is less light and the victims won’t be able to recognize them as easily.

The police are after them and hopefully they will be arrested soon.

Lets hope TROPO reads this one :o

He will probably say that this is the reason drugs should be legalised :D

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I can never understand why people carry that much cash & jewels in their bags?? Is the concept of banks or safeety deposits alien? I feel bad for them as no oone deserves to be robbed but a robebr getting away with a couple thousand baht is bearable in comparison with this much cash, as well as telling the robbers that all farang/tourist walk around with this muych cash so we are all easy marks.

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I can never understand why people carry that much cash & jewels in their bags?? Is the concept of banks or safeety deposits alien? I feel bad for them as no oone deserves to be robbed but a robebr getting away with a couple thousand baht is bearable in comparison with this much cash, as well as telling the robbers that all farang/tourist walk around with this muych cash so we are all easy marks.

I could understand it if they were staying in a hotel and were fearful of leaving it the hotel safe, but they apparantly 'live' in South Pattaya, so having that amount about their person is just plain daft.

No excuse for the attack , mind, but WHY have that amount of cash and gold with them?

Edited by JacknDanny
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I get the impression victims empty their safety deposit boxes before heading for an evening beach stroll. :o

What would possess you from having that sort of dosh on you at one time. Bloody stupid. :D That being said still outrageous can't have a walk without being mugged. :D

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I can never understand why people carry that much cash & jewels in their bags?? Is the concept of banks or safeety deposits alien? I feel bad for them as no oone deserves to be robbed but a robebr getting away with a couple thousand baht is bearable in comparison with this much cash, as well as telling the robbers that all farang/tourist walk around with this muych cash so we are all easy marks.

Does anybody know a bank here in Pattaya/Jomthien in which one can get a safety deposit box? Or, where else do forum members keep their jewels safely if they don't have a safe at home?

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I can easily believe this story. There is a pattern of crime here.

If the whole story is untrue and it's an insurance job, I can easily believe that too.

I think Libya's posts are great and I hope you keep up the good work mate. The more these attacks and robberies are reported, the more chance something might be done to reduce them.

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The problem here is that nobody cares and there is no accountability.

That's exactly right.

I agree that it is a good idea to publicise these crimes so that others may be warned, but in terms of the authorities really taking positive action, I think we will wait for a very long time.

Like everything else that is going on in Thailand which may deter future tourists, it will take a long time to filter through in terms of numbers of rooms booked in hotels.

In the meantime, everything in garden is fine and dandy, and no-one gives a toss - the tourists will keep flocking in, and the money keeps rolling in.......

As you said Rimmer - nobody cares..... So sad. :o

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It happened to me about three years ago in Jomtien I lost 20,000B and a digital camera. Police response at Jomtien was 20,000B for a farlang is not a lot of money so go away and dont waste my time.

Im sure things will get better when the Hi So tourist start to arrive and the Thai govt gets rid of all the so-called Cheap charlies, sex tourists. I cant understand why sex tourist would come to Thailand there aint no Hookers here. :o

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The handbag contained a lot of valuables; 1,500 – 1,600 Dollars, 4,000 Baht, 30,000 Yen, a gold necklace and gold ring, a Fuji digital camera, a Sony IPod, a mobile phone, their ATMs and ID.

Let's hope that Apple read it - they can screw Sony for copyright :o

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Lets hope TROPO reads this one :o

He'll probably sneek in later and drop one of his pearls of wisdom on us. :D

I'm a big guy who boxes and goes to the gym 5 times a week. I can take care of myself, but here in Pattaya I carry less than 5,000 baht anywhere I go and never carry my ID or ATM/Credit cards with me....what does that tell you?

After reading about too many shooting here and realizing how trigger happy the Thai thugs can be, it's getting risky anywhere late at night. I never walk on the beach at night....as Jack said in another insightful reply somewhere else recently, they didn't put any signs up saying I'm allowed to walk there.

There's too many desperate drug addicts around who need more cash to pay for their very expensive drugs, especially after they've eliminated a massive 1 million bahts worth recently and elevated the street price.

They really do need to start warning tourists of the dangers here as it's getting out of hand. If they keep up these drug raids, the crime is going to continue to escalate.

The Japanese woman was conservatively carrying well over $3000 worth of assets at the time of this mugging. This tells you that tourists are totally oblivious to these dangers.

There you go Jack and Jill and Fox. Flame away!

Edited by tropo
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Lets hope TROPO reads this one :o

He'll probably sneek in later and drop one of his pearls of wisdom on us. :D

I'm a big guy who boxes and goes to the gym 5 times a week. I can take care of myself, but here in Pattaya I carry less than 5,000 baht anywhere I go and never carry my ID or ATM/Credit cards with me....what does that tell you?

After reading about too many shooting here and realizing how trigger happy the Thai thugs can be, it's getting risky anywhere late at night. I never walk on the beach at night....as Jack said in another insightful reply somewhere else recently, they didn't put any signs up saying I'm allowed to walk there.

There's too many desperate drug addicts around who need more cash to pay for their very expensive drugs, especially after they've eliminated a massive 1 million bahts worth recently and elevated the street price.

They really do need to start warning tourists of the dangers here as it's getting out of hand. If they keep up these drug raids, the crime is going to continue to escalate.

The Japanese woman was conservatively carrying well over $3000 worth of assets at the time of this mugging. This tells you that tourists are totally oblivious to these dangers.

There you go Jack and Jill and Fox. Flame away!


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The handbag contained a lot of valuables; 1,500 – 1,600 Dollars, 4,000 Baht, 30,000 Yen, a gold necklace and gold ring, a Fuji digital camera, a Sony IPod, a mobile phone, their ATMs and ID.

I know it's not there fault and there is no excuse for this kind of savagery, but what kind of a mong walks around a dodgy, dark area of a city carrying this much?

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It never cease to amaze me the amounts of cash people carry when out at night.

Quite frankly i find it hard to believe that people are that stupid.

As for walking along the beach at night i do this quite often along Pattaya beach.

Some posters are assuming that all these robberies are drug related which may or may not be true.

If there were no illicit drug trade there would still be plenty of this type of street crime as there are plenty of soft targets in Pattaya and a low likelihood of any serious consequences for the majority of offenders. Be it illicit drugs or money for alcohol or gambling or girls there will always be opportunists looking for a quick easy buck.

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i can remember a topic like this a year or so ago, and the general consensus was we need more protection.

the problem that is going to escalate robbery in and around pattaya,

imho is the seemingly numerous gangs talk amongst each other and cannot believe how easy it is to rob and steal without the fear of getting caught.

unless the police have a sustained 'CRACKDOWN'

do not expect the situation to improve.

if the gangs can make a years salary with a lucky hit, the odds become very attractive.

Edited by opothai
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There have also been numerous instances where the so called 'muggings' have been a set up.The so called 'victims' paying some locals to rob them so they can claim the insurance.This has happened in Hainan,South China.Commonsense will tell you that walking on ANY beach late at night in any part of the world and you are setting yourself upto be a target.

That's life.Worse if you carry such a large amount of valuables but at least no rape,serious assult or murder happened.Lucky nobody was hurt it could have been worse.

Edited by Momo8
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Lets hope TROPO reads this one :o

He'll probably sneek in later and drop one of his pearls of wisdom on us. :D

After reading about too many shooting here and realizing how trigger happy the Thai thugs can be, it's getting risky anywhere late at night. I never walk on the beach at night....as Jack said in another insightful reply somewhere else recently, they didn't put any signs up saying I'm allowed to walk there.

Well tropo after calling me a worry wart for expression my own feelings about walking alone in Pattaya in the lonely hours of the morning I am pleased to see that you held the same opinion as me all along and that infact you DO NOT Walk on the Beach At Night and also you think it`s getting risky anywhere late at night. :D

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Well tropo after calling me a worry wart for expression my own feelings about walking alone in Pattaya in the lonely hours of the morning I am pleased to see that you held the same opinion as me all along and that infact you DO NOT Walk on the Beach At Night and also you think it`s getting risky anywhere late at night. :o

I only disagreed with your comment that walking along the beach ANYWHERE in the world at night is dangerous. I sited my home country as an example of where beach walking can be quite safe and enjoyable at 5 am, and particularly in summer when the sun is rising over the ocean. In the Philippines there are also many beaches where I often walked at night in complete safety.

I do not consider Jomtien and Pattaya safe beaches late at night. I read of muggings almost daily along these stretches of beach and would not be interested in fighting off a gang, or people with knives and perhaps guns.

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The handbag contained a lot of valuables; 1,500 – 1,600 Dollars, 4,000 Baht, 30,000 Yen, a gold necklace and gold ring, a Fuji digital camera, a Sony IPod, a mobile phone, their ATMs and ID.

I know it's not there fault and there is no excuse for this kind of savagery, but what kind of a mong walks around a dodgy, dark area of a city carrying this much?

How is a tourist to know what areas are unsafe? Perhaps their hotel had no safe. Or they heard of how unsafe it is to leave valuables unattended in Pattaya.

The blame can not be placed on these tourists.

In my opinion the blame should be placed on local government for their complacency.

Perhaps a security tax added to barfines would pay for the extra police needed to control the situation. :o

Edited by pumpuiman
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Well tropo after calling me a worry wart for expression my own feelings about walking alone in Pattaya in the lonely hours of the morning I am pleased to see that you held the same opinion as me all along and that infact you DO NOT Walk on the Beach At Night and also you think it`s getting risky anywhere late at night. :o

I only disagreed with your comment that walking along the beach ANYWHERE in the world at night is dangerous. I sited my home country as an example of where beach walking can be quite safe and enjoyable at 5 am, and particularly in summer when the sun is rising over the ocean. In the Philippines there are also many beaches where I often walked at night in complete safety.

I do not consider Jomtien and Pattaya safe beaches late at night. I read of muggings almost daily along these stretches of beach and would not be interested in fighting off a gang, or people with knives and perhaps guns.

Ducking and Diving..........I suppose that becomes the norm when you are in the ring 5 times a week.

Edited by Pattaya_Fox
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Ducking and Diving..........I suppose that becomes the norm when you are in the ring 5 times a week.

There's no ducking and diving at all. You either don't read, don't comprehend what you read, or you're just an irritating troll. :o:D:D

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How is a tourist to know what areas are unsafe? Perhaps their hotel had no safe. Or they heard of how unsafe it is to leave valuables unattended in Pattaya.

The blame can not be placed on these tourists.

In my opinion the blame should be placed on local government for their complacency.

Perhaps a security tax added to barfines would pay for the extra police needed to control the situation. :o

I agree, tourists have no idea what to expect on the beach in Pattaya. Thailand is touted as the "land of smiles" and "amazing". People usually choose beach destinations so that they can enjoy beach strolls day and night. Either the local government need to start a serious beach patrol, or start to warn tourists of the dangers of walking down there at night.

It's a catch 22 for them. Warnings will affect tourism by portraying Pattaya as an unsafe destination. No warnings will continue to result in tourists being robbed, assaulted and perhaps killed.

I was just this evening sitting at the beach at Soi 13 enjoying a kebab when I was surprised to notice the beach lights were turned off at around 10pm. More lighting would be a step in the right direction.

Edited by tropo
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