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Sturgeon says Scottish parliament will not consent to UK PM May's Brexit bill


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32 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

I am not sure that Sir WIlliam Connolly OBE KBE MBE etc. speaks for the rest of the country. His subservience and toadying to the crown is somewhat disappointing, don't you think? If he added substance to his comments, maybe they would be understandable, but without anything to qualify them, he is simply another starry eyed sycophant.



Always remember Dennis Law, who rather then watch England win the World Cup in 1966, declared he hated the English so much, he’d rather play golf.

Strangely though he’s still after all these years, liveing in England, as do all of his family.


Edited by nontabury
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3 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Always remember Dennis Law, who rather then watch England win the World Cup in 1966, declared he hated the English so much, he’d rather play golf.

Strangely though he still after all these years, lives in England, as do all of his family.


I have absolutely no idea about Denis Law - but I can guarantee that if he is anti-English, he is not the only one. There, I said it - there are anti-English people living in Scotland. Just like there are anti-Scottish people living in England; just like there are anti-something people living everywhere. The good thing about most people, though, is that they tend to be reasonable and fraternally minded. I.e. one bad apple should not be used to tarnish everyone else.


There is so much wrong in your FB sh!tpost though - I am not sure I have the will to spell it out to you but I shall try...

The SNP was elected in 2015, 2016 and again 2017 with a clear manifesto pledge to seek a second independence referendum in the event of material changes to the UK, including Scotland being withdrawn from the EU against its wishes. If she was not pushing for this, she would be thumbing her nose at the very people who gave her control of Holyrood and a majority of Scottish MPs in Westminster.

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11 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

R/r..please have the respect and manners to give Lizzie her proper title..Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

But I almost forgot..you knew all about the fact that bjk

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To be honest, I think Betty is a remarkable woman. I have nothing particularly against the monarchy because the thought of a presidency also fills me with trepidation, although when I see things like below, I truly feel sad about how servile our country is. So, for the record - I think the queen is great, but no greater than my mum.



21st century shame.jpg

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4 hours ago, nontabury said:

And there’s me thinking that the U.K.goes back to 1707 or was that 1604.


4 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

In it's current form, not.

Ask the Irish. The UK actual land border with the EU far greater immediate significance than the Scottish question. Of course if the UK still had its old borders from over 100 years ago then we wouldn't be considering such issues. But here we are.

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An interesting little piece here from the Tory think tank The Bow Group, which basically is suggesting that this current ScotGov bid to throw a spanner into the engine of the Brexit bus was actually planned by David Mundell and Ruth Davidson, who contrived with Downing St to grab all returning Brussels powers, knowing that this would cause uproar in the ScotGov, who would then raise holy hell in the courts, bringing to a halt the Brexit process - and at the same time, creating a UK bogey (wo)man in Nicola Sturgeon to take the blame. Astonishing if true. 



The Bow Group calls for David Mundell's resignation


"There should not to be any legal debate or bills introduced at Holyrood in response to Brexit. That we are hearing these discussions is because the British government has landed us in a completely avoidable mess.

The UK, guided by the Secretary of State and Scottish Opposition Leader has crafted the Brexit Bill to rewrite aspects of the Scotland Act in that it takes power from Brussels to Westminster and then decides (unilaterally in practice) when these powers are devolved.
That cannot be by fate or by accident, for those themselves are resigning matters."
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5 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

People vote for candidates and parties, not Facebook shitposts that bear no relation to reality. 


So that’s how you describe anything that you don’t agree with.




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12 hours ago, nontabury said:


So that’s how you describe anything that you don’t agree with.




Most days in most newspapers in Scotland, you will find a fleck-splattered letter from a small band of very bitter unionists, who's sole aim in life seems to be to keep Scotland suppressed within the UK. I don't know the ins and outs of the carer issue but I am sure it is not as black and white as the particular obsessive that you are highlighting makes it seem.


BUT (and that is a very big but) - that is an argument against the SNP, not an arguent against an independent Scotland. I have made this point many times before - the SNP is a very broad church and, post independence, will most likely splinter along their members' ideological beliefs. Who will lead our country after that will be for the voters to decide.


Thankfully, the PM's cappucino speech yesterday, big on promise but ultimately empty of anything other than meaningless foam, highlighted just how incompetent and bereft of ideas she and her government truly are, and just how suicidal Brexit is for the Scottish people. I pray that she does many more of these speeches because there is no doubt that each and every day, more people are waking up to how damaging the UK is to Scotland.

Edited by RuamRudy
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Brexit is happening..no matter how bitter the remoaners feel.
Sometimes in life one has to put their hand up say..I lost
You should do that..why not accept the fact that the British vote went against your remoaner vote.
Life is too short..yesterday is history..tomorrow's a mystery..relax and enjoy yourself
Me..I am a very happy Brexiteer who whilst living in Glasgow had to suffer Salmon's incompetence.. but I accept the democratic vote

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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9 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

Brexit is happening..no matter how bitter the remoaners feel.
Sometimes in life one has to put their hand up say..I lost
You should do that..why not accept the fact that the British vote went against your remoaner vote.
Life is too short..yesterday is history..tomorrow's a mystery..relax and enjoy yourself
Me..I am a very happy Brexiteer who whilst living in Glasgow had to suffer Salmon's incompetence.. but I accept the democratic vote

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Can we go back to the question I asked previously then - the benefits to staying in the union? Can you list any?

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1 minute ago, Jip99 said:




2,001,926 reasons at the last count....

Sorry, I was looking something tangible. If our overwheming desire to remain in the EU is not good enough to allow us to do so, I expect something more for a justification to remain in the UK, especially as the material changes indicated as a trigger for a second referendum - and the SNP subsequently given 3 clear mandates to enact said demand - have clearly materialised.

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The Scottish people not having to bend their knee to unelected jobsworths over in Brussels..who in turn are t-boys for the likes of soros.goldman sachs.rothchilds etc etc.
Also and this is important..the Unionists of Scotland have massive numbers.
Off out now to meet up with some expats for lunch.
Try and chill out..the snp and their lemming like tribe of followers will have to gracefully accept the fact that their cause is doomed to inglorious failure.
Have a good day..cheers

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Just now, malagateddy said:

The Scottish people not having to bend their knee to unelected jobsworths over in Brussels..who in turn are t-boys for the likes of soros.goldman sachs.rothchilds etc etc.
Also and this is important..the Unionists of Scotland have massive numbers.
Off out now to meet up with some expats for lunch.
Try and chill out..the snp and their lemming like tribe of followers will have to gracefully accept the fact that their cause is doomed to inglorious failure.
Have a good day..cheers

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Hmmm - I don't want to piss on your chips, but the most recent polls should make you a little nervous.

Anyway, let's just look a bit closer - Scotand is leaving the EU. Your suggestion of bending of the knee to Brussels is irrelevant. Whether we return to the fold is another matter - one that will be decided by the Scottish people alone. But like the other components of the UK, we are on the way out. Why not sever that much more damaging union and then start afresh? Maybe we remain out, maybe we seek reentry. Either way, the future will be ours for making, not what the Engish voter demands.

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Very quick answer..I am a proud Brit who was born, raised and worked all his days in Glasgow until I retired from business 4 years ago and moved over here.
Imo..you are just another anti English/British jocko with a massive chip on your shoulder..just like wee sturgeon and her cohorts..losers one and all.
Enjoy your day..life is too short..British Brexiteers always do[emoji6]

Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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13 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Hmmm - I don't want to piss on your chips, but the most recent polls should make you a little nervous.

Anyway, let's just look a bit closer - Scotand is leaving the EU. Your suggestion of bending of the knee to Brussels is irrelevant. Whether we return to the fold is another matter - one that will be decided by the Scottish people alone. But like the other components of the UK, we are on the way out. Why not sever that much more damaging union and then start afresh? Maybe we remain out, maybe we seek reentry. Either way, the future will be ours for making, not what the Engish voter demands.

Sorry but born Scots living (working) in England etc had no say in the independence vote but non natives did...

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1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

Imo..you are just another anti English/British jocko with a massive chip on your shoulder..


You love to hurl out these characterisations and insults but you fail each and every time to back them up with anything whatsoever.

Pease provide evidence that I am (1) anti English (2) anti British. While you are at it, evidence please of the chip I have on my shoulder.


1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

just like wee sturgeon and her cohorts..losers one and all.

Losers? Are you sure? It was the SNP who kept Clackmannanshire North yesterday - and the Tories who lost.


1 hour ago, malagateddy said:

Enjoy your day..life is too short..British Brexiteers always doemoji6.png

Ignorance is clearly bliss. :-)


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  • 3 weeks later...
19 hours ago, John1012 said:

using English money....

Which Englilsh money is that, John? With the exception of London and the SE of England, Scotland's contribution to the exchequer exceeds that of every other area in the UK; even the mighty powerhouse that is Yorkshire is trailing behind Scotland. So, unless you live in London or the South East, might I suggest that you pull your socks up and work that bit harder for the national good, just like the Scots are doing? We are a generous people but we are getting so tired of you freeloaders.



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2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

Which Englilsh money is that, John? With the exception of London and the SE of England, Scotland's contribution to the exchequer exceeds that of every other area in the UK; even the mighty powerhouse that is Yorkshire is trailing behind Scotland. So, unless you live in London or the South East, might I suggest that you pull your socks up and work that bit harder for the national good, just like the Scots are doing? We are a generous people but we are getting so tired of you freeloaders.



Completely irrelevant, for the simple reason,this is before the collapse in the price of oil.

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6 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Completely irrelevant, for the simple reason,this is before the collapse in the price of oil.

Completely relevant for these simple reasons:


(1) See the notes in the table, especially the bit that says 'excluding North Sea oil and gas';

(2) Even if you were correct in your statement, Brent crude is currently $69 compared to around $40 in 2015, an almost 75% increase.

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