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7 hours ago, Chicog said:


You do know most pre-season matches are about fitness, right Bob?

Playing Viking isn't about preparing tactics for a game against Liverpool.


Added: 90 minutes for Santi will have done him the world of good. He'll be starting a week tomorrow (barring the injury curse of course!).



You do know that a "gentle stroll" will do <deleted> all to improve your fitness, right Chic?



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14 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

^Santi's injured is he; one too many down downs no doubt ;-)

On on!


he's a hugely important player for Wenger.  Last seasons failings probably had a lot to do with his injury.  Makes the side tick.

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Generally positive for Arsenal until the last minute.


Looks like we play the first half of the season with only one recognised CB following a nasty looking twist to Gabrielle (who still looks an unlikely worthy CB for Arsenal anyway). AW needs to buy a couple of CBs now, one this week!


First half looked like a case of not winning games with no recognised centre forward but the likes of Walcott did well in the second half.


So two CBs and a centre forward still needed. Probably to be answered by a mediocre CB. Never mind we clearly still have great strength in depth of talented attacking midfielders to get us a 4th position. Make that third - looks like City will take half a season to create a top half quality defence!

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44 minutes ago, Chicog said:

We don't need to rush out and buy two centre backs - one for sure, but not two.

But please please please get Lacazette whatever it costs, if he's available.




Bit early to be on the sauce mate.

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12 hours ago, jellydog said:

The game against Chelsea likely put them in first. All is forgiven !:wai2:


That was just ridiculous and a sign of a young side feeling the pressure knowing a win was a must.  Add to that necessary comments by Chelsea players and a large element of their loathsome fans what happened happened.


Posh held his hands up for that one quite rightly but aside of that the marker was put down at the start of last season we are no longer a pushover and will match attacking flair with physicality when required.

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On August 7, 2016 at 10:59 PM, Chicog said:

Well there's the injury curse again. Starting early this year.


"Injury time" has a different meaning for us.








It happened to us last season and it is happening to us again this season also, we are in the same boat come Sunday, let's hope neither of us are worse off than today.


I'm hoping you keep with tradition and don't turn up for the season opener. 

Edited by BangrakBob
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36 minutes ago, StevieH said:


who is likely to be lining up against us on sunday? chambers and holding or something?




Would seem the best choice at the moment.


Unless he moves Monreal in there and plays Gibbs at left back.





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