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The way Barca played last night you might end up keeping fabregas because i doubt he'll want to start and finish his career with them as a bench warmer. And from what i've seen of them this season i really really hope Tottenham don't draw them in the CL. :ph34r::ermm::lol:

If there is a Footballing God then............:jap:

There is and he's called Sepp Blatter. Have no doubt if he wants it to happan it will. Maybe singher, he's decided that its time for a new team to the CL to win it and our names on the trophy. keep an eye on the Asian betting syndicates and Blatters rhetoric. Your worst nightmare might come true. :)

It won't.

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I dont know who you are talking to

but I certainly dont see any lady around here

I may be a lady in life, but when it comes to football Im just another footie hooligan, so save your formalities for if you ever are in my presence ;)

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top of the league for now !

some good spells of play at times from the gunners, but yet again looked less than convincing at the back.

great goal from nasri though, to take all three points.

Strange old season when the Gunners can hit the top without hitting their stride and with the poorest defence of the top 6. Vermaelen out until January and now Koscielny out for 3 weeks (not that he is particularly good). Maybe we could convert Bendtner into a central defender pro tem!

We'll have to step up the scoring drive to compensate for those going in at the blunt end

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top of the league for now !

some good spells of play at times from the gunners, but yet again looked less than convincing at the back.

great goal from nasri though, to take all three points.

Strange old season when the Gunners can hit the top without hitting their stride and with the poorest defence of the top 6. Vermaelen out until January and now Koscielny out for 3 weeks (not that he is particularly good). Maybe we could convert Bendtner into a central defender pro tem!

We'll have to step up the scoring drive to compensate for those going in at the blunt end

You forgot to mention sitting on the precipice of CL disaster.......but I'm happy to fill in the blanks for you....(no need to thank me.) :)

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You forgot to mention sitting on the precipice of CL disaster.......but I'm happy to fill in the blanks for you....(no need to thank me.) :)

Getting carried away with the drama are we?

Arsenal need to win at home against a team that has no points, scored 1 goal and conceded 9 to be sure of progressing. Crack in the pavement, not a precipice.;)

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You forgot to mention sitting on the precipice of CL disaster.......but I'm happy to fill in the blanks for you....(no need to thank me.) :)

Getting carried away with the drama are we?

Arsenal need to win at home against a team that has no points, scored 1 goal and conceded 9 to be sure of progressing. Crack in the pavement, not a precipice.;)

For you aye....but when the whistle blows Arsing Winker will be taking his blood pressure tablets. Good luck chumps! :)

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I dont know who you are talking to

but I certainly dont see any lady around here

I may be a lady in life, but when it comes to football Im just another footie hooligan, so save your formalities for if you ever are in my presence ;)

I never for a moment thought you were a Lady Migs, don't worry about that..;)

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couple of minutes till kick off and it looks like RVP has the captains armband tonight. that should put a smile on miggys face ! along with a big box of chocolates shes no doubt tucking into, in nervous anticipation of tonights game. laugh.gif

reckon we will be lucky to get away with a 1 - 0 win tonight, to take us through to the next stages.

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couple of minutes till kick off and it looks like RVP has the captains armband tonight. that should put a smile on miggys face ! along with a big box of chocolates shes no doubt tucking into, in nervous anticipation of tonights game. laugh.gif

reckon we will be lucky to get away with a 1 - 0 win tonight, to take us through to the next stages.

A Fabianski clean sheet???? :lol:

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Comfortable 3-1 win in the end. Minor wobble in the 60th minute when Koscielny and Squillaci went AWOL and let Partisan Belgrade equalise, but otherwise not much to test Fabianski. Goals by Walcott (excellent touch and volley) and Nasri (superb approach play by Song; Nasri took it and in the absence of anyone else to pass it to decided he'd better sweep it into the net) killed it off with 15 minutes left. Van Persie had scored the first from a penalty. Sangna was uncontroversially sent off near the end for a last man tackle.

Major cock-up though to only come second and expose ourselves to Barca, Real, Man U, Chelsea, although on our day we can beat at least 3 of those on their game no sweat.

Wenger is now spoiled for choice up front. Van Pesrsie and Chamak are probably his first pick, though they struggled to team up tonight. Bendtner has looked quite threatening in his recent cameo substitute roles.

Song was M-O-M for me (it's usually him or Nasri). Quite what our central so-called defence would do without Song to protect them I shudder to think.

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Arsenal are looking very wobbly in defence. They will be praying they get Schalke or Bayern Munich in the last 16. On this form they would not be able to handle either of the Spanish giants.

They could pay dearly for not getting the stonewall penalty in Braga.

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I saw Wenger interviewed on Arsenal 360 (TSP 1) yesterday. He said he would not be making any signings in the January window because he already has so many good players that he finds it difficult to find room in the team to give games to them all.

Err - yes but all those good players are midfielders or forwards. Apart from a reasonably decent right and left back and one excellent but hobbled central defender he's either got no decent defenders or he is curiously hiding them from view.

And he has three equally dubious goalkeepers, his defense of whom is one of footballs great mysterys.

Sorry MSingh and co, the great defenders of our coach. I still think Wenger's barking!

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Arsenal are looking very wobbly in defence. They will be praying they get Schalke or Bayern Munich in the last 16. On this form they would not be able to handle either of the Spanish giants.

They could pay dearly for not getting the stonewall penalty in Braga.

salty, were you on the phone with me this morning? :huh:

I had this exact same conversation with someone after the game

SantiSuk - somehow I didnt feel so 'comfortable' despite the scoreline. odd feeling that we would be up against the spaniards....and with the defense (or lack thereof) that we have got!......

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Arsenal are looking very wobbly in defence. They will be praying they get Schalke or Bayern Munich in the last 16. On this form they would not be able to handle either of the Spanish giants.

They could pay dearly for not getting the stonewall penalty in Braga.

salty, were you on the phone with me this morning? :huh:

I had this exact same conversation with someone after the game

SantiSuk - somehow I didnt feel so 'comfortable' despite the scoreline. odd feeling that we would be up against the spaniards....and with the defense (or lack thereof) that we have got!......

Perceptive guy whoever he is. :rolleyes:

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Who's in goal this weekend? How many penalties will you be taking?? What's he throwing out of the pram at half time????


Hi Smokie. It's not on until Tuesday morning so we are all taking a weekend off.

Not really. Of the 3 games I can see that are on prime time tonight I think I'll watch the Stoke v Blackpool game. West Ham v Man City might be more interesting if West Ham sends out the team that tries, but think I'll catch that tomorrow night. The late starting Newcastle v Liverpool sounds juicy too but that can wait for sociable hours viewing. Do Liverpool have some deal whereby they get some spondoolicks for starting their matches at odd times this season?

Looking forward to Spurs v Chelsea tomorrow. Praying for another point sapping drawer - so le'ts hope it's an entertaining 3-3. My best guess is a Chelsea bounce-back and 1-2. I am rubbish at predictions though.

Then the next big one at 3am on Monday morning. Has Evra opened his gob before now? I didn't know he could speak English. What a tosser. I might listen if it were a really good player like Scholes, Giggs or Rooney talking. {ref to comments that Arsenal is a good training ground for players that then go on to win stuff elsewhere - what crap - we hang onto players far too long for that to happen!}

And the answer to your questions are 1. Clown of the moment (Fabulanski) 2. None (Man U's defence too disciplined for that) 3. Probably the lead of the Priemiership - our defense is riding for the tonking they so richly deserve

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Lacklustre Arsenal. Couldn't have scored against that very effective disciplined defence in a month of Sundays.

Assume the position boys - 3rd at best (and potentially much worse than that this season. If anyone says we can still at least win the Milk Cup (or whatever that waste of space reserve team competition is now called) I'll spit in their eye :annoyed:.

Wonder how Arsene is going to lose his cool this week. Queue dark mutterings.

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bad result, poor show from the arsenal boys and not much of a spectacle of a game in all honesty. thought the young lad making his debut in goal had a good game though ! not much he could have done about the goal that decided it. the defense looked so out of shape most of the time and surely wenger must be picking up on it by now. midfield just didnt gel tonight a long with the forwards. no one seemed to be on the same wave length and matters were made worse by a lot of stop start incidents coming into break up the play. all in all a very scrappy affair.

oh well just have to see what the coming games up to the new year have to serve up for the top five teams, with some big matches to be played out.

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bad result, poor show from the arsenal boys and not much of a spectacle of a game in all honesty. thought the young lad making his debut in goal had a good game though ! not much he could have done about the goal that decided it. the defense looked so out of shape most of the time and surely wenger must be picking up on it by now. midfield just didnt gel tonight a long with the forwards. no one seemed to be on the same wave length and matters were made worse by a lot of stop start incidents coming into break up the play. all in all a very scrappy affair.

oh well just have to see what the coming games up to the new year have to serve up for the top five teams, with some big matches to be played out.

nudge nudge....yeah I know what you mean......;) ;) :lol:

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so the usual suspects didnt come by?


I havent much to say, but I thought Id make my presence known or else be accused of not showing up when we lose

What's your opinion on the new keeper?

Seems to have a high opinion anyway....he reckoned Man Yoo were lucky to win.....

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bad result, poor show from the arsenal boys and not much of a spectacle of a game in all honesty. thought the young lad making his debut in goal had a good game though ! not much he could have done about the goal that decided it. the defense looked so out of shape most of the time and surely wenger must be picking up on it by now. midfield just didnt gel tonight a long with the forwards. no one seemed to be on the same wave length and matters were made worse by a lot of stop start incidents coming into break up the play. all in all a very scrappy affair.

oh well just have to see what the coming games up to the new year have to serve up for the top five teams, with some big matches to be played out.

nudge nudge....yeah I know what you mean......;) ;) :lol:

you didnt ? did ya ?

judas ! laugh.gif

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