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Congrats on a good game and not a bad result. Hope you finish the job off in Spain. An early goal's what you're gooner need.


gutsy performance by Arsenal last night but i think its more a case of Barca finishing the job off. I don't think they could afford to concede that away goal.

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Congrats on a good game and not a bad result. Hope you finish the job off in Spain. An early goal's what you're gooner need.


(selfish thoughts rix - in which I am in total agreement);)

Sorry gents but are you putting yourselves in the frame for winning the CL already? Best qualify from the last sixteen first. Yooooouuuuu Man Yoo supporters :whistling::lol:

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Arsenal didn't play badly at all but hey, how often do we see Messi missing 3 clear scoring chances in a single match ? Maybe only 1 or 2 times a year ! That happened in this match.....and, the Messi goal that was disallowed...well, I only saw one replay of it....it seemed like a 50-50 thing regarding offside.

But, I actually think Arsenal now have a decent chance of eliminating Barca.


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Arsenal didn't play badly at all but hey, how often do we see Messi missing 3 clear scoring chances in a single match ? Maybe only 1 or 2 times a year ! That happened in this match.....and, the Messi goal that was disallowed...well, I only saw one replay of it....it seemed like a 50-50 thing regarding offside.

But, I actually think Arsenal now have a decent chance of eliminating Barca.


Van Persie missed a couple as well....

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Congrats on a good game and not a bad result. Hope you finish the job off in Spain. An early goal's what you're gooner need.


gutsy performance by Arsenal last night but i think its more a case of Barca finishing the job off. I don't think they could afford to concede that away goal.

dunno, arsenal's pace will cause barca problems in the return leg. if arsenal were to score first it would get really interesting.

hope barca batter them of course like. . .

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if they win 1:0 in the next leg, then we are out

so....Im not saying too much yet

ALTHOUGH, I did advertise and let the world know that

we luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv van Persie :D

(and Im wearing my Cesc shirt all over town today) haha

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Congrats on a good game and not a bad result. Hope you finish the job off in Spain. An early goal's what you're gooner need.


(selfish thoughts rix - in which I am in total agreement);)

Sorry gents but are you putting yourselves in the frame for winning the CL already? Best qualify from the last sixteen first. Yooooouuuuu Man Yoo supporters :whistling::lol:

No dis-respect to the Gunners but I think all of us in the CL would not be disappointed to see Barca go bye bye.

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Congrats on a good game and not a bad result. Hope you finish the job off in Spain. An early goal's what you're gooner need.


(selfish thoughts rix - in which I am in total agreement);)

Sorry gents but are you putting yourselves in the frame for winning the CL already? Best qualify from the last sixteen first. Yooooouuuuu Man Yoo supporters :whistling::lol:

No dis-respect to the Gunners but I think all of us in the CL would not be disappointed to see Barca go bye bye.

We fear no one...:ermm::lol:

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best thing about last night was watching a couple of motorcycle taxi guys and food vendors that i hang out with at the bottom of my soi from time to time, get the whiskey and nibbles in before kick off because they where so confident in making a few baht with the local bookies. then watching their faces go from arrogant grins in the first half to scared like puppy dog expressions in the second half of men afraid to go home to the wife and tell them they had lost this months rent on yet another football match. of course all the time while i polished of the remains of all the free food and the last dregs of the second bottle of whiskey. laugh.gif

serve them right for all being two faced Liverpool / AC Milan or Man utd / Barca so called fans. som nam nah ! tongue.gif

in all seriousness though i thought we got let of the hook last night. Barca every time they got the ball looked like they were going to cause us problems against a non existent defense. and if Messi hadn't of been uncharacteristically out of touch in the finishing department it may well have been a different story. still all credit to our lads for having the nerve to take it back to them and get a crucial if not slightly fragile advantage to take into the second leg. should be a great game to watch !

oh btw, on a side note.

the <deleted> library ! do me a favor alfie. wink.gif

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serve them right for all being two faced Liverpool / AC Milan or Man utd / Barca so called fans. som nam nah ! tongue.gif

Four faced you mean? Actually i think you'd find, were you playing Wigan or West Ham, they would suddenly all be Gooners. Multi-faced might be the best expression here.


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the <deleted> library ! do me a favor alfie. wink.gif

And i thought being called the library didn't get to you :D anyway it's nice to see that it's only taken 21 games and to beat the best team in europe to become a noisy library ;):) long may it continue :lol:

Not bad for that lot was it Alf? Wait for the reception at the Lane.....;):)

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if they win 1:0 in the next leg, then we are out

so....Im not saying too much yet

ALTHOUGH, I did advertise and let the world know that

we luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv van Persie :D

(and Im wearing my Cesc shirt all over town today) haha

I honestly have to admit I never expected Arsenal to win after Barca made the 0:1 but the goal of Van Persie was certainly a brilliant one...amazing indeed!

What worries me is that both Arsenal goals were made by non-Brits and the question is: How many foreigners are playing in Arsenal's team and in the PL in general ?

It's a bad...bad....development in British football with so many non-Brits.

I'm a fierce supporter of Johan Cruijff's plead for a limited maximum of foreign players in any club in the European Leagues. It will give more opportunities for club-educated/trained young players in the future.

Now, many African and South American players of 14, 15 are hired by the big clubs, surpassing their own talents.

And: we have so many brilliant talented players, all over Europe, ourselves !


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the <deleted> library ! do me a favor alfie. wink.gif

And i thought being called the library didn't get to you :D anyway it's nice to see that it's only taken 21 games and to beat the best team in europe to become a noisy library ;):) long may it continue :lol:

Not bad for that lot was it Alf? Wait for the reception at the Lane.....;):)

I still can't get my head round how 36,000 people can make so much more noise than 60,000 ;) perhaps there's a scientific explanation for it :o

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the <deleted> library ! do me a favor alfie. wink.gif

And i thought being called the library didn't get to you :D anyway it's nice to see that it's only taken 21 games and to beat the best team in europe to become a noisy library ;):) long may it continue :lol:

Not bad for that lot was it Alf? Wait for the reception at the Lane.....;):)

I still can't get my head round how 36,000 people can make so much more noise than 60,000 ;) perhaps there's a scientific explanation for it :o

I think its the fear of ridicule factor for them mostly Alf. Only when they play teams they realise are much better than their own can theybecome disinhibited enough to sing.

As I said it should be quite an atmosphere at the Lane this time around! :D

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the <deleted> library ! do me a favor alfie. wink.gif

And i thought being called the library didn't get to you :D anyway it's nice to see that it's only taken 21 games and to beat the best team in europe to become a noisy library ;):) long may it continue :lol:

Not bad for that lot was it Alf? Wait for the reception at the Lane.....;):)

I still can't get my head round how 36,000 people can make so much more noise than 60,000 ;) perhaps there's a scientific explanation for it :o

well you know what they say alfie about those that make the most noise wink.gif. a bit like a guy i used to know that hung out in the pubs of wood green, 5 ft nothing, full of hot air and liked the sound of his own voice. come to think of it he was a spud supporter too rolleyes.gif

you see its all about what you do on the pitch me old son ! let the football do the talking for you, then you've got something to mouth off about biggrin.gif. rather than having this infatuation of trying to get one over on all your rivals, by seeing who can shout / sing the loudest or whatever it is your rabble at the lane churn out week after week. but then i guess i can see where the frustration sets in, seeing as your honors list in the last twenty years isn't exactly much to write home about, is it ? compared to your superior London neighbors whistling.gif.

the sad thing is though you lot never seem to learn anything year after year, its the same old story. the big talk up, it all goes pear shaped and then the usual old lines come out like a broken record ! our managers crap, we should have bought so and so in the transfer window, whys levy doing that, we have too many injuries this season, players being played in wrong positions, fixture lists, refs decisions, shit overpaid strikers.........................

get the picture alfie ? its the same for everyone, its just how you handle it thats the big difference and what makes some clubs better at what they do than others. biggrin.gif

easy answer to all of those points is and you know whats coming next, dont you ?

put up or shut up ! wink.gif

Edited by tigerfish
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It's a bad...bad....development in British football with so many non-Brits.

Diversity is for me what makes the Premiership such a strong and successful league. If this diversity has an adverse affect on the national team, as you believe, then so be it. I don't think international football is the be all and end all any more. FIFA is a bad joke. Anyway, i actually disagree with your conclusions. I think having the best players around the world playing in our league pushes British talent that much further as the bar is raised that much higher than it would be.

Perhaps, as a Dutchman, what really bothers you is not the effect of foreign players in the Premiership on the England national team, but rather why it is that players like Persie aren't bringing glory to one of your countries club teams.

This feigned concern for the English national team seems to be a common trait amongst certain European fellows who just hate how successful the Premiership has become and hate the blanket coverage it gets, especially in parts of the world like this, whilst their home leagues get all but ignored by the world in general.

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It's a bad...bad....development in British football with so many non-Brits.

Diversity is for me what makes the Premiership such a strong and successful league. If this diversity has an adverse affect on the national team, as you believe, then so be it. I don't think international football is the be all and end all any more. FIFA is a bad joke. Anyway, i actually disagree with your conclusions. I think having the best players around the world playing in our league pushes British talent that much further as the bar is raised that much higher than it would be.

Perhaps, as a Dutchman, what really bothers you is not the effect of foreign players in the Premiership on the England national team, but rather why it is that players like Persie aren't bringing glory to one of your countries club teams.

This feigned concern for the English national team seems to be a common trait amongst certain European fellows who just hate how successful the Premiership has become and hate the blanket coverage it gets, especially in parts of the world like this, whilst their home leagues get all but ignored by the world in general.

:blink:..this is the strangest comment I've read about international European football ever and you suggest, no even claim, that I would be jealous ? How absurd.

Would you prefer that Arsenal and all Premier League clubs would have 100% non-Brits, consisting of only brilliant African, Russian and South American football players instead British as well ?

Holland has many players around the world, also in the UK, but I'm the last one who would oppose to that fact.

Of course Holland clubs can't pay and afford the best ones anymore since Holland is a small country and most clubs are in poor financial shape, the same as many British clubs and many of the Italian, German and Spanish (and American) ones as well.

The debts of most clubs are staggering and mind boggling and it's only because of some super wealthy private individuals that most clubs are and were able to survive.

If the PL clubs were normal companies without the bi-weekly crowds nobody sane would invest any money in such a business since it's a failure, operating wise.

It remains to be seen how far and how deep some of the European clubs (and American sports clubs as well) have to sink in the ocean of debts before the managements of the clubs realize they can't continue to pay football players such absurd salaries anymore.

I love British football and the games in the Premier League but I think that if the clubs don't implement a maximum of foreign players in their teams, the end result will be seen in a few years with poor results in the quality of local British players.

BTW: how many foreign players are there in Arsenal's first ?


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:blink:..this is the strangest comment I've read about international European football ever and you suggest, no even claim, that I would be jealous ? How absurd.

Nothing absurd about it. If i were a Dutchman, and considering the number of talented Dutch players there are around, i would, i have no doubt, find it remiss that these players weren't playing for Dutch clubs. And yes, i would be jealous. Who doesn't want their home league broadcast all round the world and of interest to all?

Would you prefer that Arsenal and all Premier League clubs would have 100% non-Brits, consisting of only brilliant African, Russian and South American football players instead British as well ?

No, what i'd prefer is if players were signed by clubs because of their talent rather than their passports. If British players are good enough to sign for Premiership teams then great. If not - if foreign players are better, then British players have to improve and not rely of negative discrimination.

Holland has many players around the world, also in the UK, but I'm the last one who would oppose to that fact.

Not saying you oppose it. I'm saying you'd prefer it if they were winning glory for Dutch clubs. Do you deny this?

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:blink:..this is the strangest comment I've read about international European football ever and you suggest, no even claim, that I would be jealous ? How absurd.

Nothing absurd about it. If i were a Dutchman, and considering the number of talented Dutch players there are around, i would, i have no doubt, find it remiss that these players weren't playing for Dutch clubs. And yes, i would be jealous. Who doesn't want their home league broadcast all round the world and of interest to all?

Would you prefer that Arsenal and all Premier League clubs would have 100% non-Brits, consisting of only brilliant African, Russian and South American football players instead British as well ?

No, what i'd prefer is if players were signed by clubs because of their talent rather than their passports. If British players are good enough to sign for Premiership teams then great. If not - if foreign players are better, then British players have to improve and not rely of negative discrimination.

Holland has many players around the world, also in the UK, but I'm the last one who would oppose to that fact.

Not saying you oppose it. I'm saying you'd prefer it if they were winning glory for Dutch clubs. Do you deny this?

1. No, contrary to your opinion I am more realistic and not jealous since we have a minor country, compared to the largest European nations like Britain, Italy and Spain, next to Germany, and we know that there will be a day that a brilliant player will leave for a bigger more powerful club somewhere in Europe or beyond and leave for the big bucks.

2. The point is, Rixalex, that if young players do not get the chance and opportunity to play at the highest levels in their own country because all clubs preferred to buy (cheaper at first) foreign players, they will NEVER be able to grow to the level, required by the same clubs!

Therefore the local national level will slowly but surely deteriorate; it's simple as that and that's why I applaud Johan Cruijff's fight for a limitation and maximum of (I believe 5) foreign players PER club.

Not because he's Dutch but because he's the one behind the curtains at Barcelona, steering Guardiola, making Barca to such a success, also internationally.

I think he's a football genius and knows more about football than us, simple bystanders (sorry I should say "me" as a simple bystander :rolleyes:)

3. To a certain level, I agree with your vision and of course I'd like to see them play in the Dutch League but it's not realistic; next to that there's the international Podium where Holland, as a minor country, still plays a rather dominant role in the world, BECAUSE of it's football SYSTEM.

The so called TOTAL Football, invented by the late coach/trainer Rinus Michels and which kind of total football you watched in the match between Arsenal-Barcelona but during which match I found Barca to be overly arrogant, thinking they were already there............they weren't as Van Persie showed with his first goal, .bringing Arsenal back in the race.

Can't wait till the next game. :lol:


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1. No, contrary to your opinion I am more realistic and not jealous since we have a minor country, compared to the largest European nations like Britain, Italy and Spain, next to Germany, and we know that there will be a day that a brilliant player will leave for a bigger more powerful club somewhere in Europe or beyond and leave for the big bucks.

2. The point is, Rixalex, that if young players do not get the chance and opportunity to play at the highest levels in their own country because all clubs preferred to buy (cheaper at first) foreign players, they will NEVER be able to grow to the level, required by the same clubs!

Therefore the local national level will slowly but surely deteriorate; it's simple as that and that's why I applaud Johan Cruijff's fight for a limitation and maximum of (I believe 5) foreign players PER club.

Not because he's Dutch but because he's the one behind the curtains at Barcelona, steering Guardiola, making Barca to such a success, also internationally.

I think he's a football genius and knows more about football than us, simple bystanders (sorry I should say "me" as a simple bystander :rolleyes:)

3. To a certain level, I agree with your vision and of course I'd like to see them play in the Dutch League but it's not realistic; next to that there's the international Podium where Holland, as a minor country, still plays a rather dominant role in the world, BECAUSE of it's football SYSTEM.

The so called TOTAL Football, invented by the late coach/trainer Rinus Michels and which kind of total football you watched in the match between Arsenal-Barcelona but during which match I found Barca to be overly arrogant, thinking they were already there............they weren't as Van Persie showed with his first goal, .bringing Arsenal back in the race.

Can't wait till the next game. :lol:


I look at the Dutch as a model for what a smaller nation should be doing in terms of world football. You're derinitely getting a lot right judging from your national team's continuing success....

Care to share a few secrets with your Scottish friends? :rolleyes:

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I look at the Dutch as a model for what a smaller nation should be doing in terms of world football. You're derinitely getting a lot right judging from your national team's continuing success....

Care to share a few secrets with your Scottish friends? :rolleyes:

Thanks but I'm a nobody in football.

But I think the secret is in the system and coaching and so not much of a secret really.

The present important Dutch names in successfull coaching are Guus Hiddink (now Turkey's coach) - Louis van Gaal (present at Bayern Munchen) - Bert van Marwijk (Coach of the Dutch national team and vice-world champion) - Dick Advocaat (present coach of the Russian team) and a few more who escape me right now....

The players constantly change over the years but the coaching systems stay more or less the same but a club buying super players and investing hundreds of millions aren't necessary on top if the technical staff and coach are not able to create a smooth team, working in the interest of the club, not themselves...look at Real Madrid who bought a world class player like Cristiano Ronaldo for some GBP 80 million..........; but the team isn't what they used to be. But we'll better not say that in the neighbourhood of Madrid :)

Aahh..football :rolleyes:..but like I said, I'm a nobody and not a specialist in football; just an observer.


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I look at the Dutch as a model for what a smaller nation should be doing in terms of world football. You're derinitely getting a lot right judging from your national team's continuing success....

Care to share a few secrets with your Scottish friends? :rolleyes:

Thanks but I'm a nobody in football.

But I think the secret is in the system and coaching and so not much of a secret really.

The present important Dutch names in successfull coaching are Guus Hiddink (now Turkey's coach) - Louis van Gaal (present at Bayern Munchen) - Bert van Marwijk (Coach of the Dutch national team and vice-world champion) - Dick Advocaat (present coach of the Russian team) and a few more who escape me right now....

The players constantly change over the years but the coaching systems stay more or less the same but a club buying super players and investing hundreds of millions aren't necessary on top if the technical staff and coach are not able to create a smooth team, working in the interest of the club, not themselves...look at Real Madrid who bought a world class player like Cristiano Ronaldo for some GBP 80 million..........; but the team isn't what they used to be. But we'll better not say that in the neighbourhood of Madrid :)

Aahh..football :rolleyes:..but like I said, I'm a nobody and not a specialist in football; just an observer.


In fact the real truth is in the coaching of 8-14 year olds and the quality of football played there that creates the conditions for good players to flourish.

And I'm no expert either. It doesn't take a genius to work it out.

We employ morons unfortunately. Rich ones as well. Or they employ each other is truer to say.

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In fact the real truth is in the coaching of 8-14 year olds and the quality of football played there that creates the conditions for good players to flourish.

And I'm no expert either. It doesn't take a genius to work it out.

We employ morons unfortunately. Rich ones as well. Or they employ each other is truer to say.

Spot on.

That's what geniuses like Johan Cruijff predict all the time and I fully agree with that vision; it's easy and simple to BUY good players from other continents but if "we" have no proper football education in every single club, the European football system is doomed.

If I see how many foreign players are playing in the Premier League it's really worrying and we can only hope that wealthy and famous guys like Abramovich do not walk away at a certain stage because that would end the system and the system will collapse (without a strong "super football kitchen" where young British, Dutch, Spanish, Italian etc are trained by the best possible coaches)

The answer is not in buying players -exclusively- but MORE club training facilities and possibilities for the young and brilliant players of the future, born on our own soil.

Why does everybody think Africa and South America have so many brilliant players.....? because those little chaps are born with a football -glued- to their feet and play barefoot all day long, day in day out and the best survive out of those millions and go to Europe where they become super stars because their own countries can't afford them...UNTILL....Brazil and Argentina become richer and can afford them also.

We don't have those poor players and "street" facilities because of the bad weather and school system so we have to have the best possible training facilities and coaches to train more and more young guys, otherwise we won't have enough top players in 10-20 years anymore!


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In fact the real truth is in the coaching of 8-14 year olds and the quality of football played there that creates the conditions for good players to flourish.

And I'm no expert either. It doesn't take a genius to work it out.

We employ morons unfortunately. Rich ones as well. Or they employ each other is truer to say.

Spot on.

That's what geniuses like Johan Cruijff predict all the time and I fully agree with that vision; it's easy and simple to BUY good players from other continents but if "we" have no proper football education in every single club, the European football system is doomed.

If I see how many foreign players are playing in the Premier League it's really worrying and we can only hope that wealthy and famous guys like Abramovich do not walk away at a certain stage because that would end the system and the system will collapse (without a strong "super football kitchen" where young British, Dutch, Spanish, Italian etc are trained by the best possible coaches)

The answer is not in buying players -exclusively- but MORE club training facilities and possibilities for the young and brilliant players of the future, born on our own soil.

Why does everybody think Africa and South America have so many brilliant players.....? because those little chaps are born with a football -glued- to their feet and play barefoot all day long, day in day out and the best survive out of those millions and go to Europe where they become super stars because their own countries can't afford them...UNTILL....Brazil and Argentina become richer and can afford them also.

We don't have those poor players and "street" facilities because of the bad weather and school system so we have to have the best possible training facilities and coaches to train more and more young guys, otherwise we won't have enough top players in 10-20 years anymore!


Yes the answer lies in more kids playing under better coaches creating a broader choice for clubs to pick out the better kids younger and training them up.

Why is that not happening in my country I ask myself? :annoyed:

The other factor of course is poverty and desire to succeed.....but I'm not wishing that on Scotland anytime soon! :D

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Yes the answer lies in more kids playing under better coaches creating a broader choice for clubs to pick out the better kids younger and training them up.

Why is that not happening in my country I ask myself? :annoyed:

The other factor of course is poverty and desire to succeed.....but I'm not wishing that on Scotland anytime soon! :D

Isn't money always the most important factor ?

But I don't know about Scotland although in a country with a little over 5 million people and a rather small number of clubs in the Scottish Football League (Premier League with 12 clubs I believe) it's not so easy I think.

But, to be honest, I think 12 clubs in the Premier League in a country with 5 million people is too many but who am I and would probably be lynched if I would say that in Scotland...:crying:


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1. No, contrary to your opinion I am more realistic and not jealous since we have a minor country, compared to the largest European nations like Britain, Italy and Spain, next to Germany, and we know that there will be a day that a brilliant player will leave for a bigger more powerful club somewhere in Europe or beyond and leave for the big bucks.

Just because one knows something will happen, doesn't stop one from wishing it didn't.

2. The point is, Rixalex, that if young players do not get the chance and opportunity to play at the highest levels in their own country because all clubs preferred to buy (cheaper at first) foreign players, they will NEVER be able to grow to the level, required by the same clubs!

Do you have evidence to support your belief that foreign players are cheaper and that is why they are signed over and above British players? I think there's truth to it when we look at the very top players, but with all the others i think it comes down much more to foreign players being quite simply better.

Now your idea is for the managers of Premiership clubs to be made to overlook the fact that British players may not be very good, and force them to sign them and play them, all because it is their responsibility to help develop British talent. For one, i don't think it is their responsibility. Wenger's responsibility is to the Arsenal team, not the England one. And for two, by forcing Premiership teams to play sub-standard British players, yes, we have more British players on the pitch, but by doing so we drop the standard of the league. Better i say to have fewer British players on the pitch, but those who are really are outstanding and are being chosen on merit, not on negative discrimination.

My belief remains that many who are so keen on this negative discrimination idea believe so not through some altruistic desire for more local talent to be allowed to emerge, but because they don't like the domination of the Premiership and want to find a way in which their own league and other European leagues might compete better. I don't blame them for feeling this way, i just wish they'd be more honest about it.

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