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There....now I've said it......laugh.gif

Save your last rights until Nasri goes - not yet a done deal. Fab was always likely to go and I think that Clichy had been fingered by Arsene for several months as one of the causes of Arsenal's disarray at the back. Good attacking defender but naive in defensive positioning.

Whatever happens we'll still end up above Spuds - as per normal since the year dot. Might be sub CL spots this year though.:rolleyes:

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There....now I've said it......laugh.gif

Save your last rights until Nasri goes - not yet a done deal. Fab was always likely to go and I think that Clichy had been fingered by Arsene for several months as one of the causes of Arsenal's disarray at the back. Good attacking defender but naive in defensive positioning.

Whatever happens we'll still end up above Spuds - as per normal since the year dot. Might be sub CL spots this year though.:rolleyes:

Theheart is being ripped out of your team but I can understand your stance of course I can. Yes its a three way fight for fourth place most likely and Liverpool look not bad.

Just have to see who we bring in won't we!

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There....now I've said it......laugh.gif

Save your last rights until Nasri goes - not yet a done deal. Fab was always likely to go and I think that Clichy had been fingered by Arsene for several months as one of the causes of Arsenal's disarray at the back. Good attacking defender but naive in defensive positioning.

Whatever happens we'll still end up above Spuds - as per normal since the year dot. Might be sub CL spots this year though.:rolleyes:

Theheart is being ripped out of your team but I can understand your stance of course I can. Yes its a three way fight for fourth place most likely and Liverpool look not bad.

Just have to see who we bring in won't we!

Agreed, but it was a heart that was not strong enough to win trophies, as you have all so many times gratuitously (ie we know..we know!) pointed out. Fab's captaincy was always a weakness in my view, alighted on by Denilsson mid-season and papered over by Wenger's ridiculous utterances about having captains all over the field. He (Fab) desperately needs to go elsewhere and avoid responsibilities for which he does not have the natural charisma if he is to make the most of his talents - they are dying on the vine at the Emirates.

Shame - he'll be a loss to the English game and I would rather see him go to Spurs and do well than go to Barca and sit on a bench. There's another Barcelona club isn't there (Getafe?). Maybe he should go there.

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There....now I've said it......laugh.gif

Save your last rights until Nasri goes - not yet a done deal. Fab was always likely to go and I think that Clichy had been fingered by Arsene for several months as one of the causes of Arsenal's disarray at the back. Good attacking defender but naive in defensive positioning.

Whatever happens we'll still end up above Spuds - as per normal since the year dot. Might be sub CL spots this year though.:rolleyes:

Theheart is being ripped out of your team but I can understand your stance of course I can. Yes its a three way fight for fourth place most likely and Liverpool look not bad.

Just have to see who we bring in won't we!

Agreed, but it was a heart that was not strong enough to win trophies, as you have all so many times gratuitously (ie we know..we know!) pointed out. Fab's captaincy was always a weakness in my view, alighted on by Denilsson mid-season and papered over by Wenger's ridiculous utterances about having captains all over the field. He (Fab) desperately needs to go elsewhere and avoid responsibilities for which he does not have the natural charisma if he is to make the most of his talents - they are dying on the vine at the Emirates.

Shame - he'll be a loss to the English game and I would rather see him go to Spurs and do well than go to Barca and sit on a bench. There's another Barcelona club isn't there (Getafe?). Maybe he should go there.

Espanol is who you are thinking of mate, but with his injury record, he would be lucky to get a game there!!! :lol:

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Nasri reportedly will move to Man City for £19 million. Clichy went for £7million. The rumours are true, Man City are buying everyone.

Still - apparently we can look forward to great new additions like Joey Barton and Kevin Doyle. Life is a rolercoaster la la la.

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Nasri reportedly will move to Man City for £19 million. Clichy went for £7million. The rumours are true, Man City are buying everyone.

Still - apparently we can look forward to great new additions like Joey Barton and Kevin Doyle. Life is a rolercoaster la la la.

I'm feeling sorry for you lot now. Tell ya what we'll let you have Defoe for £7m as a replacement. smile.gif

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Nasri reportedly will move to Man City for £19 million. Clichy went for £7million. The rumours are true, Man City are buying everyone.

Still - apparently we can look forward to great new additions like Joey Barton and Kevin Doyle. Life is a rolercoaster la la la.

I'm feeling sorry for you lot now. Tell ya what we'll let you have Defoe for £7m as a replacement. smile.gif

... and did I say that van P is rumoured to be putting in a transfer request and Chelski want Theo. Don't panic Captain Mainwairing :rolleyes:

If all this is true I cannot see how Wenger stays in the job. On the other hand, perhaps he has decided to close the business down for a couple of seasons to watch while all the other clubs overcommit themselves into administration, then comes back and buys all the good players on the cheap when the new financial restrictions come in.

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Nasri reportedly will move to Man City for £19 million. Clichy went for £7million. The rumours are true, Man City are buying everyone.

Still - apparently we can look forward to great new additions like Joey Barton and Kevin Doyle. Life is a rolercoaster la la la.

I'm feeling sorry for you lot now. Tell ya what we'll let you have Defoe for £7m as a replacement. smile.gif

... and did I say that van P is rumoured to be putting in a transfer request and Chelski want Theo. Don't panic Captain Mainwairing :rolleyes:

If all this is true I cannot see how Wenger stays in the job. On the other hand, perhaps he has decided to close the business down for a couple of seasons to watch while all the other clubs overcommit themselves into administration, then comes back and buys all the good players on the cheap when the new financial restrictions come in.

I think the players have realised Wenger has had his best days....shame really as Arsenal aside his approach to playing the game is a positive one regardless of how little you lot appreciated watching it. biggrin.gif

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Unfortunately i can't gloat yet as we have'ny done anything as of yet in the transfer market but i have to say the situation at Arsenal is looking really dire isn't it. :)

I love how their defensive frailties have all been placed at Clichy's door this week.

Of course oh yes that's why Man City bought him! biggrin.gif

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We have to sell Squillaci and possibly Koscielny yet, trouble is no bids are emerging. That also seems to apply to the ones we all wanted to be dumped, like Denilsson and Bendtner. I think we are going to end up with a lot of B team players same as Spuds forward line up :rolleyes:.

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Unfortunately i can't gloat yet as we have'ny done anything as of yet in the transfer market but i have to say the situation at Arsenal is looking really dire isn't it. :)

any of you spuds care to put a wager on the fact you will finish higher in the league then ?

whats that i hear ?

a gush of wind, a pin dropping, complete and utter silence. thought so ! rolleyes.giflaugh.gif

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Unfortunately i can't gloat yet as we have'ny done anything as of yet in the transfer market but i have to say the situation at Arsenal is looking really dire isn't it. :)

any of you spuds care to put a wager on the fact you will finish higher in the league then ?

whats that i hear ?

a gush of wind, a pin dropping, complete and utter silence. thought so ! rolleyes.giflaugh.gif

whoops ! nearly forgot the tumble weed from the wizard of oz.

so which one of the you spuds is the scarecrow, lion and tin man ? biggrin.gif

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^ BTW, isnt the lodge at Luxborough lane a shit hole.

more like an A1M lay by cafe with a load of overgrown fields surrounding it ! biggrin.gif

Like I said this morning gooner <deleted> just deliver our bacon and eggs.....keep your croissants for the empty bus stop down the road.

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Unfortunately i can't gloat yet as we have'ny done anything as of yet in the transfer market but i have to say the situation at Arsenal is looking really dire isn't it. :)

any of you spuds care to put a wager on the fact you will finish higher in the league then ?

whats that i hear ?

a gush of wind, a pin dropping, complete and utter silence. thought so ! rolleyes.giflaugh.gif

Unusually chirpy aren't you after receiving our normal tiping service....first time was it? biggrin.gif

Anyway in response I'll take the bet....shall we say a bottle of Sangsom then? cool.gif

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Unfortunately i can't gloat yet as we have'ny done anything as of yet in the transfer market but i have to say the situation at Arsenal is looking really dire isn't it. :)

any of you spuds care to put a wager on the fact you will finish higher in the league then ?

whats that i hear ?

a gush of wind, a pin dropping, complete and utter silence. thought so ! rolleyes.giflaugh.gif

Unusually chirpy aren't you after receiving our normal tiping service....first time was it? biggrin.gif

Anyway in response I'll take the bet....shall we say a bottle of Sangsom then? cool.gif

typical spud, a bottle of Sangsom ! laugh.gif

make it a bottle of JB black label or if you are bit strapped for cash i will go as low as a bottle of red label.

mind you, make sure its none of the copy <deleted> they flog off down the local mom and pop shop where you can buy lucky dip raffle tickets at 2 baht a go. wink.gif

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typical spud, a bottle of Sangsom ! laugh.gif

make it a bottle of JB black label or if you are bit strapped for cash i will go as low as a bottle of red label.

mind you, make sure its none of the copy <deleted> they flog off down the local mom and pop shop where you can buy lucky dip raffle tickets at 2 baht a go. wink.gif

I only drink firewater Thai style or top quality Scottish malt sorry. Whatever this JB ooooh Black Label no less is I'm happy to bet you a bottle. I have an out of favour aunt who'd appreciate a June birthday present.

Also as a special bonus if you win I'll throw in a lovely haggis for you and your missus to enjoy....how about that then? biggrin.gif

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Unfortunately i can't gloat yet as we have'ny done anything as of yet in the transfer market but i have to say the situation at Arsenal is looking really dire isn't it. :)

any of you spuds care to put a wager on the fact you will finish higher in the league then ?

whats that i hear ?

a gush of wind, a pin dropping, complete and utter silence. thought so ! rolleyes.giflaugh.gif

Are youdescribing the atmosphere at an Arsenal home game?

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Unfortunately i can't gloat yet as we have'ny done anything as of yet in the transfer market but i have to say the situation at Arsenal is looking really dire isn't it. :)

any of you spuds care to put a wager on the fact you will finish higher in the league then ?

whats that i hear ?

a gush of wind, a pin dropping, complete and utter silence. thought so ! rolleyes.giflaugh.gif

Are youdescribing the atmosphere at an Arsenal home game?

Of course he isn't He's describing Wenger's thoughts on what he's going to do to right the sinking ship ahead of a relegation fight.

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'Fraid I have to side with a spud on the whisky stakes Tigerfish. Gross disloyalty to a gooner I know but JW Red is a bit if a travesty of a Scotch, consumed only by Asians who are blinded by the little lovely on their knee at 2am, stroking you know where in some karaoke, and so don't know any better. Black is overpriced.

I just content myself with the rubbish sugar water that passes for Saengsom or 555 or Regency when I'm en famille here and save the serious drinking for back in the UK (same with wine). Being in Issaan of course the Saengsom is saved for best - normally Lao Khao and Archa. Nah - I'm not that cheap, except when the drinks (for the village) are on me, make that Lao Khao and Chang.

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Unfortunately i can't gloat yet as we have'ny done anything as of yet in the transfer market but i have to say the situation at Arsenal is looking really dire isn't it. :)

Spuds aint looking to hot. Modric quoted as saying:

"A lot has been published in the press about the meeting with Levy, who gave the public a twisted account of what happened."

"I must say that I am genuinely disappointed about what Levy said to me. He didn't care about what I was telling him. It all only convinced me further that I was right to consider moving on to another club.

"He threatened me - he said if I didn't accept the club's stance, they would make me sit on the bench or in the stands."

One unhappy bunny. Still want to gloat with the prospect of your star midfielder occupying the bench all season? At least our guys are keeping their feelings close to their chests for now.

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Mirror says that Juan Mata will be bought from Valencia for £15m to play on the right wing alongside Nasri. Two right wingers? (shurely some mistake!)

Mail says Nasri will go to Man City despite Wenger's protestations and Fab to Barca is almost a done deal for £34m, in which latter case Wenger will bid £27m for Real's Karim Benzema. Another French-speaking North African, must be Arsene's little peccadillo. He's still only 23 by the way.

Bendtner and Almunia stay behind from the Asian trip (Nasri plays) to complete sell deals - good, although I guess we are paying someone to take Almunia away :rolleyes:

It's all heating up now

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Mirror says that Juan Mata will be bought from Valencia for £15m to play on the right wing alongside Nasri. Two right wingers? (shurely some mistake!)

Mail says Nasri will go to Man City despite Wenger's protestations and Fab to Barca is almost a done deal for £34m, in which latter case Wenger will bid £27m for Real's Karim Benzema. Another French-speaking North African, must be Arsene's little peccadillo. He's still only 23 by the way.

Bendtner and Almunia stay behind from the Asian trip (Nasri plays) to complete sell deals - good, although I guess we are paying someone to take Almunia away :rolleyes:

It's all heating up now

Bah the Standard has 'em all staying. How boring and predictable of you lot.

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Bah the Standard has 'em all staying. How boring and predictable of you lot.

I'd swap Fabregas for Benzema. Fab's heart aint in Arsenal any more and he's too frail to build a team around, and especially he is not a team captain.

What we really need is a knock your socks off captain a la Adams/Keane (ok, go on then, add Dave McKay to that list if you SPuds can remember that far back :rolleyes:)

Per the Beeb,

"Arsenal have confirmed the signing of Lille's Ivory Coast striker Gervinho.

The 24-year-old scored 15 goals to help Lille win the French league and Cup double last season."

No mention of fees - I seem to recall £8m was being talked about earlier.

Another day, another frog. Presumably no Benzema then. Him plus Gervinho plus vanPersie - all a bit too crowded, though vanPersie must be thinking that he'd rather move than take up the French lessons needed to understand what's happening in the team these days.

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Bah the Standard has 'em all staying. How boring and predictable of you lot.

I'd swap Fabregas for Benzema. Fab's heart aint in Arsenal any more and he's too frail to build a team around, and especially he is not a team captain.

What we really need is a knock your socks off captain a la Adams/Keane (ok, go on then, add Dave McKay to that list if you SPuds can remember that far back :rolleyes:)

Per the Beeb,

"Arsenal have confirmed the signing of Lille's Ivory Coast striker Gervinho.

The 24-year-old scored 15 goals to help Lille win the French league and Cup double last season."

No mention of fees - I seem to recall £8m was being talked about earlier.

Presumably no Benzema then. Him plus Gervinho plus vanPersie - all a bit too crowded, though vanPersie must be thinking that he'd rather move than take up French lessons needed to understand what's happening in the team these days, French being the lingua franca at the Emirates.

A decent signing. Meanwhile back at the Lane....unsure.gif

Leaving aside me disdain for your club for a sec we both need to strengthen further if we're to challenge for anything next year...and I just don't see it happening.

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Bah the Standard has 'em all staying. How boring and predictable of you lot.

I'd swap Fabregas for Benzema. Fab's heart aint in Arsenal any more and he's too frail to build a team around, and especially he is not a team captain.

What we really need is a knock your socks off captain a la Adams/Keane (ok, go on then, add Dave McKay to that list if you SPuds can remember that far back :rolleyes:)

Per the Beeb,

"Arsenal have confirmed the signing of Lille's Ivory Coast striker Gervinho.

The 24-year-old scored 15 goals to help Lille win the French league and Cup double last season."

No mention of fees - I seem to recall £8m was being talked about earlier.

Presumably no Benzema then. Him plus Gervinho plus vanPersie - all a bit too crowded, though vanPersie must be thinking that he'd rather move than take up French lessons needed to understand what's happening in the team these days, French being the lingua franca at the Emirates.

A decent signing. Meanwhile back at the Lane....unsure.gif

Leaving aside me disdain for your club for a sec we both need to strengthen further if we're to challenge for anything next year...and I just don't see it happening.

does that mean i can have my bottle of sangsom now smokie ? whistling.giflaugh.gif

btw santi its 10.9 million for Gervinho.

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<deleted> at no heart

Just won nil 4 against Malaysia. Yes it's a friendly

But remember last time arsenal were in Asia, we lost 2 nil against Thailand :P

I have full faith in the team. As ever.

Yes a few gaps here and there......

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