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We have survived without our key players in the past

Not the end of the world. Nor the team ;)

Many predicted doom when Henry left. Or fabregas. Or, or, or

As I keep reminding myself - no one is really indispensable. There are just hiccups. But the team will continue. Might not sound sexy but sometime I can be a boring realist too :P

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We shall see

We have had bad games with him on

We have had great ones and he's been amazing

I'm not going to say too much just yet. But you all know what my predictions for the game will be ;)

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i take banter and bear the criticisms when we lose

but Im getting tired of some of your comments.

there has been no celebration as such. you call this a celebration? if I were celebrating, I would come on to the other threads to boast about our win, and offer to buy everyone a big round of chocolate drinks, brownies and icecream (and maybe a crate of beer, just so all you lot can get sick from washing all that sweet down with beer!) ;)

but yes I will be ecstatic when we win. even if it is one game in the entire season. thats my loyalty to my team. whats your issue with that?

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Rats - missed the game on TV last night and it's not being replayed today. Have had to break my rule and sneak a peak at the result. Jolly good, but sounds like we stole the points.

If Sunderland can take points from Newcastle today - should be a cracker - that completes a perfect weekend. I'm not greedy, so Spurs can have their win over MU - I'm expecting a strong bounce back from them. I can't bear the thought of how noisy that lot over on the other thread are going to get on our thread if they fall back into serious competition with us.

Liverpool out of it now, and it will soon be a two horse race for the coat-tails slot. I'll have no nails left soon.

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Rats - missed the game on TV last night and it's not being replayed today. Have had to break my rule and sneak a peak at the result. Jolly good, but sounds like we stole the points.

If Sunderland can take points from Newcastle today - should be a cracker - that completes a perfect weekend. I'm not greedy, so Spurs can have their win over MU - I'm expecting a strong bounce back from them. I can't bear the thought of how noisy that lot over on the other thread are going to get on our thread if they fall back into serious competition with us.

Liverpool out of it now, and it will soon be a two horse race for the coat-tails slot. I'll have no nails left soon.

Thanks for that santi because we really don't share your confidence in us tonight! Your goodselves now being just four points behind simply adds to the pressure.

My great fear is Redknapp playing two upfront again and if he does we'll be swept aside. Lets hope he takes the advice of his players and stops pretending he knows anything about how to set a team up. wink.png

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Wojciech Szczesny says Arsène Wenger’s pre-match words of wisdom helped him save Dirk Kuyt’s penalty in Saturday’s victory over Liverpool.

plus more here: http://www.arsenal.com/news/news-archive/szczesny-i-m-paying-back-the-manager

have to admit i was quite impressed with his safe of the penalty and his performance most of the match

lets hope it helps us with the CL game tomorrow

speaking of which, this is what Arsene has to say

Arsène Wenger says it would count as the most remarkable comeback of his career if Arsenal overturn their four-goal deficit against AC Milan.

The Frenchman was hugely disappointed after his team lost the first leg of their Champions League last-16 tie 4-0 at the San Siro two weeks ago.

While he admits that the odds are stacked against the Gunners ahead of Tuesday’s return leg at Emirates Stadium, Wenger insists they have nothing to lose.

“We will give absolutely everything to win,” he told Arsenal Player. “We know the statistics are against us, but you can realise the impossible when you don't know it is impossible. Let's ignore that and just go for it.

from arsenal.com

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You stole the points, indeed. your manager and Van Persie admitted as much.

However, well played to Arsenal and Van Persie, at least you score your chances, unlike our 8 percenters...

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van persie's probably the best striker in the world right now. two chances, two goals. and neither was really a 'chance'. he's fantastic.

Amazingly, he seems like an unassuming guy in the Messi mode too. Like Messi his brain must work at a different speed to everyone elses - he thinks he has loads of time when others would snatch at a shot. Not too much of this theatrical 'look at me' rubbish (ok sometimes a bit of an aeroplane!) after he's scored - mostly just looks to his teammates to share out the thanks. He thinks his form is "insane". Top guy, long may he remain at the Emirates.

Wenger keeps counting the baubies in his pocket (sorry you probably need Smokie to interpret, and apologies for pulling the old Scottish meanie setreotype) and sucking his cheeks in at the thought of how much they are going to have to pay him.

Suarez looks the real deal to me too. That high speed dribble through 4 arsenal defenders was sweet and deserved a stronger shot at the end. My bet for next season's leading PL scorer if vP goes to Spain.

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van persie's probably the best striker in the world right now. two chances, two goals. and neither was really a 'chance'. he's fantastic.

Amazingly, he seems like an unassuming guy in the Messi mode too. Like Messi his brain must work at a different speed to everyone elses - he thinks he has loads of time when others would snatch at a shot. Not too much of this theatrical 'look at me' rubbish (ok sometimes a bit of an aeroplane!) after he's scored - mostly just looks to his teammates to share out the thanks. He thinks his form is "insane". Top guy, long may he remain at the Emirates.

Wenger keeps counting the baubies in his pocket (sorry you probably need Smokie to interpret, and apologies for pulling the old Scottish meanie setreotype) and sucking his cheeks in at the thought of how much they are going to have to pay him.

Suarez looks the real deal to me too. That high speed dribble through 4 arsenal defenders was sweet and deserved a stronger shot at the end. My bet for next season's leading PL scorer if vP goes to Spain.

Suarez is an excellent player but he needs too many chances to score. Strikers arn't avout dribbling through 4 players or whatever therey are about putting the ball in the net. Lineker being a fine example

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Chasing a 4-0 defecit against a good side is folly. Heart ruling head stuff and not a sensible business decision. Since Arsenal seem to base everything else on cautious risk-managed principles I can't understand why they should change tack - other than it 'being personal' for Wenger.

There is a much greater chance of one of our key players (vP, Vermaelen, Sagna, Sczensny or Song) getting injured and being ruled out for the critical rest of the season than there is of us progressing to the next round. Hope I'm not in told-you-so mood tomorrow.

Go Gunners anyway - I'll be getting up at the unearthly hour

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Chasing a 4-0 defecit against a good side is folly. Heart ruling head stuff and not a sensible business decision. Since Arsenal seem to base everything else on cautious risk-managed principles I can't understand why they should change tack - other than it 'being personal' for Wenger.

There is a much greater chance of one of our key players (vP, Vermaelen, Sagna, Sczensny or Song) getting injured and being ruled out for the critical rest of the season than there is of us progressing to the next round. Hope I'm not in told-you-so mood tomorrow.

Go Gunners anyway - I'll be getting up at the unearthly hour

Its a matter of pride and standing. To field a weak team in the CL is unthinkable for any big club. Chelsea would do it without hesitation of course.

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so what do you propose?

as a manager he should admit defeat even before the game?

what kind of message would that send to the players? how is he going to motivate them for any other game?

I dont care about the odds. as a fan I will believe that we have a chance to win!until the final whistle blows.

and thats what we should aim for

(admittedly we have had a few occasions where the players give up before the final whistle.....and personally I think the attitude of the fans also makes a difference on how the players feel.)

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Rather suspected I might get some heat on that one! Ask Tony Pulis if you want to know how its done. Stoke gave up on the Europa to concentrate on the Premiership; the world did not end and they have not imploded because of motivation drain.

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Rather suspected I might get some heat on that one! Ask Tony Pulis if you want to know how its done. Stoke gave up on the Europa to concentrate on the Premiership; the world did not end and they have not imploded because of motivation drain.

Stoke are a club chasing Premiership survival. Not the same situation by a long way.

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Yes Tigerfish. Stunning first half performance - one of Arsenal's best ever. This is not as bad a team as Arsenal are making them look.

We might have to score 6 tonight to beat them.

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Yep so close. vP did the right thing by trying to clip it over the keeper so no hard feelings there. Not much energy left for the second half and no game changers on our bench this season. In reality Milan should have scored at least once - they fluffed 2-3 easy chances on the break, so I don't regard us as that unlucky on reflection. As Smokie said, the main positive is that it keeps us on a roll. Yes Smokey I clocked your intimation we cannot catch Spurs - we'll let the football do the talking I thinkhappy.png. I'm hopeful we can get ahead of you after your next two tough games - we probably have to if we are to secure third. This is Arsenal so anything can happen, good or bad it seems!

Hopefully noone, or only Oxlade-Chamberlain, will have come out of that fixture with more than a game or so of injury recovery time.

Another great effort by Rosicky. He and Song commanded the midfield, without the need for Arteta

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Yep so close. vP did the right thing by trying to clip it over the keeper so no hard feelings there. Not much energy left for the second half and no game changers on our bench this season. In reality Milan should have scored at least once - they fluffed 2-3 easy chances on the break, so I don't regard us as that unlucky on reflection. As Smokie said, the main positive is that it keeps us on a roll. Yes Smokey I clocked your intimation we cannot catch Spurs - we'll let the football do the talking I thinkhappy.png. I'm hopeful we can get ahead of you after your next two tough games - we probably have to if we are to secure third. This is Arsenal so anything can happen, good or bad it seems!

Hopefully noone, or only Oxlade-Chamberlain, will have come out of that fixture with more than a game or so of injury recovery time.

Another great effort by Rosicky. He and Song commanded the midfield, without the need for Arteta

yep, exactly what you said Santi and another good thing was to see them play with a bit of flair and passion knowing what it means to pull on an Arsenal shirt.

apparently Ox hadnt been felling well all day, so if thats him on a off day imagine what more there is to come on a good day.

just hope he and Walcott wont be crook for the run in after a hard run of games.

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I've got to say that is great signing


But the downside, does it mean van persie's leaving?

Good to see it's going through. It's been in the air since Summer and its a move to bring in a second striker (since Chamak gave us a great start to last season but has faded into oblivion for the last 12 months). If it were a replacement for vanP it would be wholly insufficient!

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