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Brexit has created chaos in Britain – nobody voted for this


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1 hour ago, tebee said:

But all the money the EU gets comes from what the constituent governments give it - it has no direct tax raising capabilities of its own.


We've always paid more in that we got out because we are a relatively rich country - but that's much the same as you would expect say income tax to work? Of course Brexit may fix this for us, but not in the way you'd like it to......

It's the main source, but there are other sources from import taxes and VAT. The best is to consult the original information.


Edited by candide
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3 minutes ago, aright said:

And if Remain wins with a small majority what would you recommend? 

drop the whole brexit comedy for now, let the government come up with a real solution and goals they can achieve, have it discussed with the pro and cons through the media and public meetings throughout the UK then hold a general election with the government manifesto based on leave (it is what they want, after all it's for the good of the nation) , if they lose we stay, if they win we are out. 

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3 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

But why would you want to conceal your nationality? Nationality is relevant in this topic, and it's unfair (and quite odd) not to disclose it when asked.

If I was introduced to someone at a party and they asked if I'm English, I wouldn't say "Why should I tell you?"

maybe you would if the party was in Iraq, it doesn't matter why, he chooses not to, end of story.

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6 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

drop the whole brexit comedy for now, let the government come up with a real solution and goals they can achieve, have it discussed with the pro and cons through the media and public meetings throughout the UK then hold a general election with the government manifesto based on leave (it is what they want, after all it's for the good of the nation) , if they lose we stay, if they win we are out. 

Yikes! Shock Horror! This is worse than finding out Father Christmas doesn't exist.

I always had you picked as an honest broker.

Allow me to truthfully precis your four lines of Chinese algebra 

"If we had won 50.1% to 49.9% we would have stayed in the EU" 

By the way hindsight is not a strategy!

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29 minutes ago, aright said:

Yikes! Shock Horror! This is worse than finding out Father Christmas doesn't exist.

I always had you picked as an honest broker.

Allow me to truthfully precis your four lines of Chinese algebra 

"If we had won 50.1% to 49.9% we would have stayed in the EU" 

By the way hindsight is not a strategy!

But just about every Brexit promise made before the referendum  has turned out to be false.


So you book your holiday flight with Kardasistan Airways because they offer a great price.

But 2 months later you discover that 2 out of every 10 Kardasistan Airways flights has crashed.

Do you then not try and cancel your flight because it's only hindsight that's shown you you might not survive the return journey? 

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19 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

How can the Government come up with that when Barmy Barnier is insisting that the UK remains under the thumb of the ECJ ?


Why does he and the EU Institutions not understand that leaving the EU means leaving the SM. CU and ECJ ?


The Government cannot come up with real solutions because the EU are still determined to try and keep the UK joined at the hip with the EU.


In now look likely that the only thing they will understand is out on the 29 March 2019 and WTO rules apply. They should have been hit with this right from the start, but Remainer May is also trying to keep the UK  attached to the EU.

Er we are out on the 29 March 2019 and WTO rules will  apply.  It's  our government is that is trying to negotiate some sort of compromise that will mean staying in CU and possibly SM because they know hard brexit will be a disaster they will not be forgiven for.


The only part of the UK the EU is trying to keep in the CU and SM is Northern Ireland because leaving them would break a previous government treaty . The UK has already given a commitment that it won't do this  and has accepted the EU's solution. 

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No I'm equally worried for  the UK citizens still living there and the EU citizens living in the UK too. It's a little thing called empathy for you fellow human beings.


I just said because of that it's personal too.


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8 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There’s more than enough posts from Brexiteers here on TVF demonstrating their complete and utter lack of knowledge of how the EU operates and the relationship between the British Parliament, British Law and the EU to expose this idea the British are fed up with the EU as nonsense.


Almost every anti EU argument presented by Brexiteers is a fallacy with no relationship to the reality of the UK’s relationship to the EU or how the EU operates.


And please, the British have not told the EU anything. The pro Leave vote is well short of a majority of the British.

52/48 well short of a majority...rightyho then.

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3 minutes ago, The Renegade said:

The sky has not fallen in.


There was no immediate recession


The housing market has not collapsed.


Unemployment down


Wages on the up.


I could go on and on.


If I really wanted to be pedantic, I could say that the UK has not left the EU yet so how could any Brexit promise be true or false ?

Indeed we haven't left yet and most of the rest of the world does not believe we will be so idiotic as to leave with no deal so that is not yet priced into the price of the pound.


Bur since the referendum the UK has gone from the best performing european economy to the worst one!  

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7 hours ago, tebee said:

I think the EU knows it's not entirely wonderful,  it is changing all the time though, mostly for the better. No one is ever  completely satisfied with their government.


So Brexit will not fix any of the UK's many problems? Indeed it will probably make many worse - so why do it ? It seems to be a prime example of cutting off your nose to spite your face. 

If it knows then it doesn't care. One of the many good reasons to leave. 

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40 minutes ago, tebee said:

But just about every Brexit promise made before the referendum  has turned out to be false.


So you book your holiday flight with Kardasistan Airways because they offer a great price.

But 2 months later you discover that 2 out of every 10 Kardasistan Airways flights has crashed.

Do you then not try and cancel your flight because it's only hindsight that's shown you you might not survive the return journey? 

Hats off for that analogy!


The only thing is, I wouldn't book the flight based on price, so Kardasistan Airways wouldn't get my business. I'm willing to pay more to book with BA

(we're still in the analogy here...)

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17 minutes ago, tebee said:

Bur since the referendum the UK has gone from the best performing european economy to the worst one!  

Look at the UK's performance before we joined the EU.


The 60's, 70's and 80's were great years to be a UK citizen.

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1 hour ago, aright said:

Lets not talk about Commitments. The EU committed to giving the UK access to the Galileo Sat Nav System ...they have reneged on that. They also committed to negotiation in good faith...…..I am still waiting.

Galileo Sat Nav is a classic case of the UK shooting itself in the foot. When it proposed the EU wanted to give all third party counties access to the high accuracy version for a fee. The UK insisted for security reasons that only EU members could have that access. The rules were revised so this was so.


Slight  problem now is when the UK leaves the EU it becomes a third party country and is now banned by the rules it introduced from being part of the program. 

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1 hour ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

Why are you still struggling to understand what majority means ?


Firstly you said it needed to be a decisive majority, which it was; you then said it needed to be an overwhelming majority, then you said 48% of the electorate had been disenfranchised, which they had not.


Now you want a decent majority, whatever that means; what adjective are you going to place in front of majority next, whilst still apparently failing to understand what ‘majority’ means

I'm busy trying to satisfy your ego by avoiding any word you may dislike, you appear to have a little knotted 'me' overwhelming your consciousness with the desire to be 'right', you're not a frustrated schoolmaster by any chance ? 

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