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"If you send us back to Russia we're dead!" - sex trainer couple fear retribution from oligarch


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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

I admitted I called it wrong.  So did most Americans, Newscasters, Trump, Melania and many Trump fans.  Not calling the correct horse in a horse race - does that prove someone is stupid?

You'll be glad to know I lost a $100 bet on that election.


No, I think the bigger issue is:  Trump fans know, down deep, their hero cheated to win. I acknowledge winners, but I don't like cheating.   Ben Johnson won the 100 meter dash against the fastest men in the world.  When it was found, days later, that he had cheated (steroids) he had to give the gold medal back.  He didn't even get (or ask for) 2nd or third.   I admit, US prez elections don't work like Olympic events.   Indeed, it's generally accepted for candidates to cheat and lie.  The difference is, this time it's plain that Russian agents, directed by Putin, affected the results.  Trump fans won't agree (because for them, cheating is fine), but it's plain truth. 


The British have a saying, "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game."

Americans have a saying, "Winning is everything."  which implies it's ok to cheat to win.

I'm an American, but much prefer the British outlook on competition.

False. He won against a lot of doubters. Awesome win. He didn't cheat. No American was forced against their will.


Hillary deleted 4,000 emails and lied.


If anyone cheated it was her.


Trump just too smart and too tough for her.


And you know nothing about the British. Their politics is rough and dirty as any.

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

And you know whether I have a job?  How's that?  You sound like a miserable little man.

I'm happy and not little. Why can't you afford a plane ticket?


Why are you so bitter?

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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

Proof, if any were needed, to heed advice - to not to respond to trolls.

Oh dear. You lose then play the troll card. Go save up and fly to Russia. People with character put their money where there mouth is.

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3 minutes ago, Justfine said:

Trump just too smart and too tough for her.

Trump is too smart:   by calling all his opponents stupid names that I wouldn't tolerate from a 4 year old.  ...by not knowing what the nuclear triad is.   

Trump is too tough:   rapes his woman, while tearing out her hair.  



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1 minute ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump is too smart:   by calling all his opponents stupid names that I wouldn't tolerate from a 4 year old.  ...by not knowing what the nuclear triad is.   

Trump is too tough:   rapes his woman, while tearing out her hair.  



President Trump


Has a nice sound to it. Beat the media and 2 political parties.


Awesome win.



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3 minutes ago, Justfine said:

I'm happy and not little. Why can't you afford a plane ticket?

Why are you so bitter?

Honestly, I don't want to go to Moscow for any reason.  It was a concept.  I started that missive by saying, "If I was a journalist....."   I'll forgive you for misunderstanding that, though you misinterpret a whole heck of a lot.  Are you dislexic?   I don't say that in a derogatory way.  I've had some friends who were dislexic.  

Why do you think I'm bitter?   ....because I write so many sensible and truthful posts?

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Just now, boomerangutang said:

Honestly, I don't want to go to Moscow for any reason.  It was a concept.  I started that missive by saying, "If I was a journalist....."   I'll forgive you for misunderstanding that, though you misinterpret a whole heck of a lot.  Are you dislexic?   I don't say that in a derogatory way.  I've had some friends who were dislexic.  

Why do you think I'm bitter?   ....because I write so many sensible and truthful posts?

Why do you keep complaining? You haven't put forward one logical argument in 50 posts.


You admitted to having little money and asked me to fund your dirt digging mission.


It is funny watching you backpeddle.


Trump is President.


Get used to it.

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17 minutes ago, Justfine said:

False. He won against a lot of doubters. Awesome win. He didn't cheat. No American was forced against their will.


Hillary deleted 4,000 emails and lied.


If anyone cheated it was her.


Trump just too smart and too tough for her.


And you know nothing about the British. Their politics is rough and dirty as any.

We have yet to see Trumps tax report as he promised during the election since he claimed he had nothing to hide. Hiding, lying and cheating is seen as accomplishments by fools and them only...:coffee1: 

Edited by ttrd
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Just now, ttrd said:

We have yet to seeTrumps tax report as he promised during the elction since he claimed he had nothing to hide. Hiding, lying and cheating is seen as accomplishment by fools and them only...:coffee1: 

You're bitter and jealous. Poor traits.

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Trump has been highly critical of practically every major world leader, even allies like the UK, Canada, Germany, and Australia ... there is only one country he is never critical of, Russia? A girl who has intimate access to an Oligarch may actually have the goods she claims to have. Is it a coincidence that she just happens to get arrested in Thailand shortly after releasing revealing Instagram posts?

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Let's be honest If Russia wants them dead they are, if they can Kill in London England and get away with it they can do it anywhere. Welcome to Putin's Russia, Mark My words he will cause a War trying to prove he is a big man ,  part of Small man syndrome,

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"When he precedes some statement with; "everybody says"


You don't know much about marketing. Those are common marketing tactics.


People like to belong. For instance you belong to the greeny hate Trump movement.


"A lot of people I know are getting life insurance etc." Companies do this all the time. They hire paid actors to say these things.


Trump uses what works. It rallies his supporters.


The problem with snowflakes is they take everything litterally and don't understand marketing or economics.



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Whether one is spy, dissident, crook etc. the moment you indulge in breaking the law in another country, then what happens after that is down to you. If I had information that could implicate my home government I think keeping a low profile and behaving myself would become necessary.

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They are on the run for their lives so to lie low they open an illegal sex business which if caught would make the news due to the madness of the business. They are professional

liars. Do they do a coarse in that ?

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1 minute ago, BigC said:

They are on the run for their lives so to lie low they open an illegal sex business which if caught would make the news due to the madness of the business. They are professional

liars. Do they do a coarse in that ?

Pattaya doesn't attract saints.

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If they are lying they would be easily found out, so perhaps they are not? It will be interesting to see if someone takes them up on their offer.

As much as the Trump Moscow "PeeGate" story seems bizarre, what appears equally bizarre is his unqualified support for Putin, the only world leader Trump consistently praises. Now why is that?

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25 minutes ago, AlexRich said:

If they are lying they would be easily found out, so perhaps they are not? It will be interesting to see if someone takes them up on their offer.

As much as the Trump Moscow "PeeGate" story seems bizarre, what appears equally bizarre is his unqualified support for Putin, the only world leader Trump consistently praises. Now why is that?

Actually an interesting case as Trump is married with a former "model", accused of sexual assault during the election campain by "models",  surrounded in the white house by "models" and finally his presidency may fall because of a "model" - as its said "what goes around comes around"....:coffee1:











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A more interesting analysis would be to look at:


1 Deplorables comment

2 Deleted Emails


How many votes were lost?


Must have been many thousands.


But that would be proper analysis.


The sex stuff interests the pure and moral people doesn't it


Especially sexpats.

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15 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Not sore losers.  HRC conceded quickly on election night. Dems have not said Trump didn't win.  In contrast: Trump was shouting "flawed election" for weeks prior to the election.  Assange was telling Trump that if he lost (which nearly everyone thought he would) to contest the election results for as long as possible. Knowing Trump, it's surely what he would have done.  His whole adult life has been lawsuits, half of which he's lost.  He gets a kick out of making troubles for the USA.  Look at his record, if in doubt.

Hillary may have conceded the election in a timely manner, but only after BO called her 2 times. In his first call, when it became clear that Hillary would not overcome the Electoral vote deficit BO urged her the concede graciously.  After his second call, when Trump had won enough EC votes, he called again offering his condolences for her loss. After this second called she conceded the election but has never really accepted the fact why she lost and blames numerous other sources for her loss. She has spent months since her defeat blaming her loss on the FBI, the Russian, e-mail server, Benghazi and Clinton Foundation investigations.  She and her devoted flock should accept her loss and move on.

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