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Britain's May to set out Brexit vision for trade deal deeper than any other


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S/w..you sound very much as someone who worships money above all else.
Your pathetic attempt to make out that Brexiteers are fools convinces me that you are very much in the mould of Peter Mendalson who has the very same shallow thoughts as yourself.
As you do not wish to declare what you do for a living as I did..I'm going to assume that you are but an "aide" to the likes of Mandalson.
Best if you prepare for WTR..don't want to lose any of your oh so precious money now..do you?

HARD BREXIT..WAY TO GO. [emoji6][emoji6][emoji6]

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On 3/8/2018 at 4:15 PM, malagateddy said:

C/h..freedom from an autocratic dictatorship called the eu is a wonderful thing
S/w..why should the UK have to accept eastern european criminals without being able to do a Police Check..
Any immigrant coming into the UK should provide at their own expense
1.. full police report from their own country..in the English language
2. Full medical records in English language.

Only immigrants who will be a credit to themselves and the UK and who will enhance the UK should be allowed into the UK

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I'd add a point 3 to the list - arriving as a result of having been provided with a well- paying job.

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On 3/8/2018 at 6:55 PM, Chomper Higgot said:

You need to stop ranting at me and write to Tory Minister Liam Fox, who is busy arranging to import cheap labour from India and the Philippines to replace departing EU workers.



Depressingly, I've little doubt that you're right. :sad:


Cheap sources of unskilled labour (pricing locals out of jobs) has been important to many uk govts. for far too long.

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Just now, malagateddy said:

Why not force lazy British giro collectors to do the "menial" work.
If you are fit enough to go to the pub or the bookies..you're fit to do some kind of work.
I knew some of that ilk over in Glasgow..wee job on the "side"..2 holidays a year..no paying rent/council tax for them.

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Because more than a few of those " lazy British giro collectors" are unable to work for various reasons - and some of those who are able to work, have been 'priced out' by those immigrants happy to be employed on minimum wage, or lower...


Yes, of course there are more than a few brits. that 'work the system' - but many more have found themselves priced out of work, and relying on govt. 'top-ups' (i.e. tax payer money) to survive....


There's something horribly wrong when this is not only allowed to happen, but the govt. has no problem with this :shock1:.



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Just now, malagateddy said:

Lets hope all these horrible species from eastern eu can no more step foot on UK soil emoji6.png

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I wouldn't have used those precise words, as I suspect, (I left the uk 11 years ago) that polish plumbers are probably a genuinely needed boon for brit. people!


But then again, I blame brit. govts. responsible for up-holding the notion that pointless, academic qualifications are far more important than manual qualifications :sad:.

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The polish plumbers cut the throat of a lot of West of Scotland tradesmen initially..however..things changed somewhat.
One of my best friends in Glasgow is a senior contracts manager for a well known British house-building company..on his instructions..only British tradesmen were employed..it was done " quietly " obviously..other house-building companies followed suit [emoji6][emoji6][emoji6]

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21 hours ago, malagateddy said:

The polish plumbers cut the throat of a lot of West of Scotland tradesmen initially..however..things changed somewhat.
One of my best friends in Glasgow is a senior contracts manager for a well known British house-building company..on his instructions..only British tradesmen were employed..it was done " quietly " obviously..other house-building companies followed suit emoji6.pngemoji6.pngemoji6.png

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That's how a neo-liberal free market should work, should it not? It sounds like the WoS tradesmen had a hand in their own downfall. As for your Glasgow friend, I presume JRM would frown upon such free market intervention, which hinders the transfer of goods and services at their true market value?


Never mind, once we are in your WTO promised land, it will be the Brits who will be the coolies of the west, wiling to hawk their skills for the lowest price - and JRM will be coining it.

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On 3/10/2018 at 3:17 PM, dick dasterdly said:

I wouldn't have used those precise words, as I suspect, (I left the uk 11 years ago) that polish plumbers are probably a genuinely needed boon for brit. people!


But then again, I blame brit. govts. responsible for up-holding the notion that pointless, academic qualifications are far more important than manual qualifications :sad:.

Yes. We need more hairdressers.

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44 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

The more MEPS who highlight the dictorship that is the eu the better.
Just google "Brexit the Movie"
I am no traitor..I am a very much a Royalust..a Loyalist and a Unionist

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  'I am a very much a Royalust' Vs 'the dictorship' :cheesy:

Such is Brexiteer trade expertise among us.

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