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2 Jobs Tax Problem (need advice)

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I have a problem which I've never heard of before, any advice would be great.


So basically, this time last year I left my old job at University A (UA), and started my current job at University B (UB). As I left UA during the semester, I agreed to help with the grading as a favour to my boss, and was also working that month full time at UB. So this didn't appear to be a problem until recently when the social welfare office called my office at UB. As I was technically employed by both UA and UB for 1 month last year. UB have told me that I need to either: 1) talk to UA and get them to change my date of leaving to before my first day of working at UB, or 2) UB can change my contract so that I 'started' working for them after my last day at UA, but in order to do this I will need to give them back the salary I was paid for my first month working here.


I understand now that I shouldn't be officially employed by 2 places at once. I actually didn't know I was, I was just helping with the grades as a favour.


But even if I go for one of the 'solutions' above, I don't see how that will solve the problem with the social welfare office (as surely they will know that the documents have been changed), and I don't even understand what exactly the problem is for the social welfare office.


I will be going to UA to try and get the relevant documents, but I think they won't be that helpful, especially as I don't even work there anymore. Also, with my job at AB, I enjoy it here a lot, and people are generally very helpful, so I don't want to cause any problems (but obviously also don't want to lose a month's salary).


Thanks in advance for any advice.

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I have never heard there is a problem working for two or more companies simultaneously. The only time social security could have a problem is if the total salary of the two jobs exceed the threshold for SS payments, and payments are made by both of your employers in full. That means that more SS premium were paid in a certain time than the set maximum for that time.

in your case ask University A to ask back the paid SS premiums for the final month. All will be happy. 

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