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Your Home Country, Reasons Why You Left


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People who talk like politicians oughtta shampoo my crotch.

You seem to have earned a lot of criticism for this comment dgoz, but nobody has enquired as to whether you are male or female. It could be the offer of the week !!

Did you ever work in G-Spot before Purachai (the MP) went on the rampage? Perhaps you'd just like to have your old job back and hence your dislike of politicians???

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Here is my favourite passage from "The Moon and Sixpence" by Somerset Maugham, published in 1919. Looked for this book for years in London, US, HK, and finallly found it at a second hand book stall on Khao Sarn Road in 1995. This passage sums up my life.

I have an idea that some men are born out of their due place.

Accident has cast them amid certain surroundings, but they

have always a nostalgia for a home they know not. They are

strangers in their birthplace, and the leafy lanes they have

known from childhood or the populous streets in which they

have played, remain but a place of passage. They may spend

their whole lives aliens among their kindred and remain aloof

among the only scenes they have ever known. Perhaps it is

this sense of strangeness that sends men far and wide in the

search for something permanent, to which they may attach

themselves. Perhaps some deeprooted atavism urges the

wanderer back to lands which his ancestors left in the dim

beginnings of history. Sometimes a man hits upon a place to

which he mysteriously feels that he belongs. Here is the home

he sought, and he will settle amid scenes that he has never

seen before, among men he has never known, as though they were

familiar to him from his birth. Here at last he finds rest.

Sounds like a good read..... And pretty much sums up my reasons....

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Don't be so quick to knock the place, it is afterall where you'll go running to if life in the Land of Smiles goes to rat <deleted>.

It is also the place that gave you sufficient prospects in life to be able to make the choices you are making now.

You are absolutely right but the majority of us are here because we feel our relationships with our home countries are no longer entirely amicable.

speak for yourself. why would you assume that your view is shared by the majority of us?

I love the country i came from and i love to visit it, but i choose to live here for the climate, the proxmity to the beach, the food, the women, the lifestlye, the opportunity, the cost of living and for my daughter. those are just some of the reasons.

Edited by t.s
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Going further with why I prefer Manado to Canada:

Was I ever lucky to have circumstances lead me to Manado. I really like the people here. They are so friendly to me - people greeting me on the street all the time. It's pretty easy to get dates, and the women in this area are famed as the most beautiful in Indonesia, due probably to their wide mixing of heritages - Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, and more recently also Austrlian, German, etc.

I can't believe what happened on tonights date. I had contacted two beautiful young women, separately, through a social networking website, and they both knew each other, as they work in the same office. So they both joined me for dinner. They then BOTH offered to be my girlfriend! Not at the same time, though, I'd have to choose, I was told. These are office girls, not renta-wifes, girls who say grace, go to church, are close with their family, etc.

What is going on here? My other first date, with a totally stunning 24 year old basically offered herself to me on the first date too, and the next day joked with me that her dream last was of white babies.

People understimate my age - some say I look 30 or even 25. I think I look older than my 40, as I'm balding and have saggy eyes. I guess since they are so unused to seeing westerners, they aren't as familiar with our faces and how we age. Sometimes westerners say that Asians look young for their age. In any case, Olivia, the 23 year old stock broker with a wonderful face and figure and pleasant personality, offered tonight to be my girlfriend. Incredible.

If anyone is hunting for a wife, or a place to retire, I'd recommend Manado. These people strike me as the most straight up and friendly Asians I've ever met. And they don't blink at a forty year old dating or marrying a twenty something.

took you alot of words to admit you couldn't get any until you left home

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Going further with why I prefer Manado to Canada:

Was I ever lucky to have circumstances lead me to Manado. I really like the people here. They are so friendly to me - people greeting me on the street all the time. It's pretty easy to get dates, and the women in this area are famed as the most beautiful in Indonesia, due probably to their wide mixing of heritages - Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, and more recently also Austrlian, German, etc.

I can't believe what happened on tonights date. I had contacted two beautiful young women, separately, through a social networking website, and they both knew each other, as they work in the same office. So they both joined me for dinner. They then BOTH offered to be my girlfriend! Not at the same time, though, I'd have to choose, I was told. These are office girls, not renta-wifes, girls who say grace, go to church, are close with their family, etc.

What is going on here? My other first date, with a totally stunning 24 year old basically offered herself to me on the first date too, and the next day joked with me that her dream last was of white babies.

People understimate my age - some say I look 30 or even 25. I think I look older than my 40, as I'm balding and have saggy eyes. I guess since they are so unused to seeing westerners, they aren't as familiar with our faces and how we age. Sometimes westerners say that Asians look young for their age. In any case, Olivia, the 23 year old stock broker with a wonderful face and figure and pleasant personality, offered tonight to be my girlfriend. Incredible.

If anyone is hunting for a wife, or a place to retire, I'd recommend Manado. These people strike me as the most straight up and friendly Asians I've ever met. And they don't blink at a forty year old dating or marrying a twenty something.

Good Read Jamman

I have friends who are married to girls from Indonesia and you are 100% correct beautiful and gracefull. I have worked with Indonesians men overseas in Africa and they where very good and polite.

What is the area like for living when retired at 50 years young over there, any golf couses. Any links I could check up on. I guess you work over there and fell in love with the people and the place.

Thaks again


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Home is where the heart is and it's the people that make a place what it is and what you as an individual make of the place.

If you left your 'home' country for whatever reason don't knock it.It's the place where you may ultimately end up to get your age old pension.

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it seems that it is easy to be pigeon holed in the west and even though it offers the freedom to choose change it is not as easy to change play mates or play grounds. a typical conversation begins with "what do you do" hence the concept of happiness is in being rather than in doing is often times lost in the rush to succeed. my first stop was bali and if it were not for my tw desire to be near her mother i would still be there.

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