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Top idea! Pedestrians should photograph motorists stopping at zebra crossings as campaign kicks off!


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On 3/9/2018 at 10:39 AM, DavisH said:

It just goes to show how few actually stop at zebra crossings. I may stop if there are no cars behind me. You know why.

I have often sat outside Tukcom, South Pattaya observing the zebra crossing there. I have never seen a rear end collision or any accident of any kind there. Cars stop when faced with the choice of stopping or hitting somebody. If they think the pedestrian will wait they make them wait. Motorcycle taxi drivers are the worst weaving in and out of the pedestrians as they cross. It's as if slowing or stopping was against the law.


So yes I know why...you are as bad a driver as most Thais




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On 3/9/2018 at 11:34 AM, overherebc said:

In towns just stick down speed bumps, full width so the brain dead on silly little motorbikes can't speed past the  ends of the bumps.

images (1).jpeg

Hey, don't forget all the brain dead driving their precious cars.

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On 3/9/2018 at 3:57 PM, survivalblue said:

Fortunately, if this happens.  Whomever is in the rear is at fault according to the police, regardless of the situation.  The vehicle in the rear did not stop to prevent the accident.

Which is why rear ending rarely happens in cases at zebra crossings. The drivers in front are just trying to make an excuse for not stopping.

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On 3/9/2018 at 5:29 PM, phrisco17 said:

It would be more effective to take pictures of those cars that do not stop. The BIB could then send them a ticket..... Oop's I forgot, the ticket would be ignored and probably would not get paid.

Too many pictures. Not enough trees to make the paper tickets.

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