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Minister threatens to punish welfare graft by dismissals without pensions


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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

I live by the principle that if i say something i keep my word. When you were complaining that the goverment did not make any comments about the corruption and remained silent I said they were in a no win situation because if they had said something you would complain anyway. You denied it.. just pointing out your failings. Because here you are doing exactly what you said you would not do. Its fun to be proven right about people.


I see the points exactly the way you see them, but i see this as a good thing that they lose pension rights and get fired (that is if they try to get the money back that was stolen too and a fine added otherwise its non punishment). So this guy is making a good statement (if the other part is done too). This guy also has nothing to do with Prawit he is Minister of an unrelated department.  He is making statements about his department (as he should)

Ok I can agree with you that it is necessary for the head of internal affairs to made that statement. It is when he say things like setting standard, I see hyprocrisy. This guy has a rather questionable past and he has a lot to do with Prawit in the NCPO. He is deputy PM with Prawit. If he want to set the standard, he should speak out against the watch alleged corruption. So he condone his unexplain assets and he want to set an ethical standard. Give me a break Rob. 

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Just now, Eric Loh said:

Ok I can agree with you that it is necessary for the head of internal affairs to made that statement. It is when he say things like setting standard, I see hyprocrisy. This guy has a rather questionable past and he has a lot to do with Prawit in the NCPO. He is deputy PM with Prawit. If he want to set the standard, he should speak out against the watch alleged corruption. So he condone his unexplain assets and he want to set an ethical standard. Give me a break Rob. 

You still don't get it Eric, its not that I don't agree with what your saying. Its that you as described in the first paragraph come back on your word. In the other topic i specifically said that silent or not silent you would  comment on them and they were in a no win situation. You denied it and now you do exactly as I said you would. That is my point that you do anything to score points even go against your own word. 


My opinion on this guys is.. wait and see if he makes good on his word. I doubt much will come of the whole affair (unfortunately) as there are too many people involved and its too deeply ingrained. I feel that any action is an improvement as its more then any previous government has done. I would like to see much more of course but even a little bit of action is better as none at all. 


Yingluck for instance in 2010 said corruption should be rooted out in a meeting (she was laughing about it if you want I can get the picture of her laughing at the anti corruption meeting) . Guess what she did not root out corruption like she said she would. So is she a hypocrite too.. being against corruption but then knowingly allowing 36 billion fake G2G deals going on ?



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Wow strong no nonsense warning. Start with your Burapha brother Prawit to “ set a standard for society”. This kind of hypocrisy is nauseating.  


Rob, read my post. I reinforced what I posted that it’s hypocrisy when he want to set ethical standard. He and his fellow buddies have zero rights to set standard in any form. 

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3 hours ago, billd766 said:


To be a litlle fair to him he has only been the Interior Minister for 4 years and this scam has been running for longer than that, so if you blame him for not stopping it earlier you must also balme every other Interior Minister going back some 10, 15 or even 20 years for also not stopping it.


It was only brought into the open this year.

I do blame them but he's had 4 years.  4 years.  So, he's either incompetent  or he was in on it. He's also a member of a "government" that casts itself as the white knight  - pure and blameless - committed to fighting corruption.  Sick joke. Look no further than Prayuth's riches.

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4 hours ago, billd766 said:

To be a litlle fair to him he has only been the Interior Minister for 4 years and this scam has been running for longer than that, so if you blame him for not stopping it earlier you must also balme every other Interior Minister going back some 10, 15 or even 20 years for also not stopping it.




He hasn't stopped anything. He's issued a vague sort of warning while he waits "reports".


The Junta's goal-du-jour was to stop corruption, and four years would seem like enough time to at least responsibly review the financials on an annual basis, and maybe receive a report or two?


Allowing this sort of massive corruption in a ministry you're responsible for is surely grounds for termination for negligence, incompetence and failure to govern. The lack of shame, and ease with which responsibility is dodged by the Junta is alarming. It makes one wonder how they ran an army?


I'm not a big fan of whataboutsim, so cutting this Junta some slack with the excuse that everybody did it in the past seems lame. They (Junta) claimed some sort of moral high ground when they seized power, now might be the time to exercise some morality?


The military and other powers-that-be have been in charge (since 1932) far longer than any representative government. One would hope that they might get it right at some point?



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42 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:

It makes one wonder how they ran an army?

Well, I suppose we could mention plastic toys with extended aerials for extortionate prices, a canvass blimp that stayed grounded, an aircraft carrier in dock and some inflated prices on assorted old equipment. Add a little excessive punishment to recruits and some tales of torture to detainees in the South. I think we know how they ran an army.

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On 3/13/2018 at 3:40 PM, colinneil said:

Well   Anupong action NOW not talk.

You can threaten all you want, action is what is needed now.

Make an example of a few, that will bring the others into line.


As you said, threatening is one thing. Actually doing something to follow thru on your threats is something else.


Let's wait and see if ANYONE end up getting dismissed and stripped of their government pension.  Were that to occur, it would be the rarest of occurrences here.


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2 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

I do blame them but he's had 4 years.  4 years.  So, he's either incompetent  or he was in on it. He's also a member of a "government" that casts itself as the white knight  - pure and blameless - committed to fighting corruption.  Sick joke. Look no further than Prayuth's riches.


So no minister in any government before him was guilty of anything at all. Is that what you are saying?

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3 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

I said "I do blame them"... you read it too fast without taking it in... check again.


And Thaksin governments had at least 10 years and did nothing.


Either you blame them all equally or not bother at all.

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Just now, billd766 said:


And Thaksin governments had at least 10 years and did nothing.


Either you blame them all equally or not bother at all.

I do blame them all. Had you read the initial response, you would have already taken note of that. Corruption is stamped on the DNA of Thai society. But Thaksin was a crook that didn't make much effort to hide it. Prayut, on the other hand, casts himself as the savior of Thailand, morally pure as the driven snow, who has come to purge the country of all corruption, and yet he's totally corrupt. You don't get that rich off a soldiers pay. And he's made it abundantly clear that no one is allowed to questioned how he obtained his wealth. Not only that, this pathetic little man cannot stand a whiff of criticism.  Free speech is now a potential criminal offense, as is pressing like on FB, reading a certain book, and LM prosecutions are out of control... and Attitude Adjustment??? Please. If it wasn't so scary it would sound like something out of a Monty Python sketch. This is also the same man who deployed state security forces (at the tax-payers expense of course) to disrupt a musical performance because he found it personally offensive.  He's not even a real soldier as he claims. If faced with an external threat he would not have a clue what to do.  What has even done about his fat little friend (both of whom are severely intellectually challenged - like spoiled little children) and his watch collection? Nothing, nix, nada. So he's hardly the savior of Thailand now is he?  He's just a buffoon installed by the elites to maintain the patronage system and kill democracy dead. Shall I go on? Because I can. All the above is just the tip of the ice burgh. He's a liability, a national disgrace and an international laughing stock.

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