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Video: Carnage in the making - appalling driving on Thai roads


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3 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

There have been many times I have been forced to move out of the way of oncoming vehicles here in Thailand, but I don't think I have witnessed anything quite as ludicrous as this. This is beyond being selfish or dangerous.

Yes, disgraceful and deadly, imagine that you are on a motorbike doing 100 Klms terrifying 

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Any of you unfortunate enough to travel on the roads to Isaan before a national holiday would have witnessed this nearly all the way on single lane roads. From Watthana Nakhon up through Tap Phraya National Park in to Buriram I witness lines of overtaking cars doing the very same, causing on coming drivers to be forced off on to the side of the road. In some parts the police actually stop the oncoming traffic for a period of time to allow the lunatics heading North East to make a single lane into a dual carriage raceway way. The trouble then is they continue to think its still a dual carriage way once back to single lane. Most of the accidents I see are when the morons suddenly realise there is no where for the oncoming traffic to go either, so they dive back into the traffic and shunt other vehicles. As many of you have pointed out, without strict policing of the highways this madness will never change

Edited by Holmsedale25
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nothing unusual about this ,happens thousand times every day.all over the country.very scary when a 16 wheel truck is coming at you with his lights flashing in your lane at 100 miles an hour with only a grassy strip on your left to avoid death.

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Yeah normal driving standards on Thai roads.....they usually just flash their lights meaning "get out of the way"...seen it so many times, overtaking and not giving a care about whats coming!!!!.....will be surprised at the standard of driving if its a farang but not out of the realms of possibility......there are some bad / crazy farang drivers too.

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This is precisely ROUTINE driving in Saudi Arabia on all two-lane roads. I survived the KSA Mad Max Fury Road for a total of ten years--the last six mostly by minimizing driving as much as possible. Saudis told me the rationale is simply that the other guy is the one who should get out of the way. In other words, they behave on the road exactly as they do in supermarkets. One time in Oneizah (near Buraidah, 300 miles south of Anbar Province, between Iraq and a Hard Place) I saw a big SUV full of children about to pull out of a parking lot...and the driver was a 12-year-old boy, beaming at me proudly, "Oh, hey there Mr. Foreign Expert, look at me! Look, no hands!"  I asked a British Pakistani colleague who lived in Oneizah, "What's up with the parents?!" He told me "They'll be proud. They'll tell their friends 'I bet YOUR son can't do that.'" I've driven in Chiang Mai a lot. It's like a walk in the park picking dandelions and getting kisses from Scarlett Johannson compared to driving in the Tragic Kingdom.

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I stopped driving on the highways in Thailand a few years ago (in town is safer) - it wasn't worth the near-death experiences every time. The main problems were under-taking, tail-gating, and weaving between lanes at speed like it's a computer game. Never seen this kind of mindless 'drifting' though. Is it getting worse?

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Would be nice to see if some gov. official put pressure on police to track down the License plate and shame the owner somehow. Should be enough attention to this video by now to make that happen. Seems the only way to get someone to change over here is by loss of face.

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well then you need to watch the video again that white line on the right hand side of the video denotes the markings of the highway, vehicles were in fact driving off the  designated highway (hard shoulder/ motor cycle lane) to avoid a head on with this idiot

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or....he could be practising for Son Kran. We all assume that they just go out and slaughter each other, but if you look logically at the situation, to get that good at something requires practise, This may have been a training session.

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