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Your waist matters if you want to fly THAI Dreamliner


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9 hours ago, Bullie said:

And then Thai airways wonders why it is loosing money... Now I now at least one airline company that will never ever fly direct on the United States of America!

I understand that Thai airways likes to exude Thainess, but this is ridiculous. The days are long gone when Thai people were small, skinny and nimble, especially the ones that can afford a western diet.

And if the above picture displays a -very small looking- business class seat, I shudder to think what it will look like in coach....

why are you blaming Thai airways? Seems its a manufacture Thing.  

I agree that it is a small business class seat..

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8 hours ago, Cadbury said:

This is only the beginning. The next big thing will be charging air fares by passenger weight. A few airlines are already doing it. 

To be honest, they will lose money by this policy,,, since people with over 56 inches will be forced to buy regular tickets instead of business class tickets.. it has nothing to do with money and only to do with regulation and safety

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6 hours ago, alant said:

So they can avoid opinionated outspoken people maybe.

Whatever keeps the sweating lardies and crying kids away works for me.  Unfortunately they don't listen to anyone. A 56 inch waist is not a waist - its a belt of cancerous anti social blubber. It's also vile to behold and is a manifestation of a form of insufferable arrogance. 

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5 minutes ago, Monomial said:

Sometimes I just have to wonder exactly what planet some of you people live on. I mean really. Are you so petty you have to shame anyone who is metabolically challenged? Of course, nobody likes someone invading their personal space, but there is no need to actively denigrate a whole group of people who have physical disadvantages.


Personally, I find stupid people loathsome. I think everyone should be forced to take a test before they can fly. They should be charged 3 times as much if they fail, because flying with stupid people who can't carry on a technical conversation is annoying to me. For example, if you can't explain the basic concepts behind covariant and contravariant differentiation along a manifold, then you have no hope of ever understanding General Relativity and therefore you are less worthy as an individual. It isn't that I might be lucky compared to some of you who have to work harder to understand, it is simply that everyone else is lazy and doesn't want to take the time to understand elementary mathematics.


Really guys, how petty can you all be? OK. I get it. You consider yourselves superior to fat people. Get over it. Just state that you would like the airline to come up with a fair policy for everyone that doesn't inconvenience you and be done with it. No reason to spew vitriol at people who have excessive mass.



Well Said!

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1 hour ago, duanebigsby said:

What about the millions of people who have thyroid or hormonal issues who cannot keep off the pounds? Serious issues for a lot of people.

If it’s a ‘genuine’ problem, get a doctor’s note. I knew a woman who cured her full-body thyroid problem. She cured it when she realized that saying she had a thyroid problem made no difference to how people treated her. 


For people without any real afflictions, greed isn’t a good enough excuse to inconvenience other passengers. 

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1 hour ago, DrTuner said:

The world and all its sensitive precious little snowflakes taking offense on every little atom in the universe need a hard way for sure. I'd suggest a proper boot camp, Full Metal Jacket style. Make a man or a trucker lesbian out of them yet.

Just out of interest - have you ever been to through " basic training" or "boot camp"?

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39 minutes ago, Thian said:


Once i flew from new Delhi, just when we were departing they all went to toilet all the time so we lost our slot at the gate and had to wait an hour....babies were put on the floor with full stinky diapers which were opened by mummy...she called the stewards to change the diapers but they refused, so she let the baby lay there on the floor in the crap which stank so much...Finally mum changed the diapers herself but again we lost our slot at the departurestrip...so they turned the motors off and we had to sit in a bloody hot plane for an hour...i was soaking wet of sweat, and it the stench was unbearable..Then the motors were started with aircon on full power, boy was that cold.


I hate all babies/kids in the plane....really don't understand the parents because i think they are very selfish to bring them. 


Have also sit next to a totally wild crying kid for 12 hours nonstop during a flight, it was a disaster....it's also dangerous cause it can drive people insane and willing to start fights..it should be forbidden.

Perhaps you should consider that you were a baby once...

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This should be part of every airline's rules, just like the weight of bags.

Disabled/injured/sick people or those with small children and babies have to declare if it affects their flight conditions in order it can be accommodated.

So persons of "above average size" should be required to do the same.

Don't call it discrimination, if carry on luggage doesn't fit it is rejected. If a passenger doesn't fit into the seats available the same rule should apply.

Makes sense for them, other passengers and for safety reasons.

(PC nuts need not reply)


Edited by George FmplesdaCosteedback
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18 hours ago, webfact said:

hence parents travelling with young children also cannot fly business class on the Dreamliner.

I didn't think I was going to find anything positive in this article, but I did!:smile:

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16 hours ago, paulbj2 said:

Having travelled Business Class in a 787 Dreamliner, I would recommend avoiding the godammed awful contraptions at any price. I flew Oman Air, Bangkok to Muscat and I was amazed to think that anyone could think this was an acceptable aircraft to fly passengers in! The noise levels were simply unbelievable; so much so that I couldn't sleep. The seating, even in Business class was horrendously uncomfortable and the design and ergonomics of the Business class environment was simply appalling; tacky, tasteless plastic. The onward leg of the journey, from Muscat to London, was in a Airbus A333 (A330-300) and the Busines class environment in that aircraft was much quieter, much more comfortable and the environment far better designed than in the 787. On another occasion, on a direct Thai Airways Airbus A380 flight from London to Bangkok, I was in "cattle truck class", aft of the engines but, in stark contrast to the 787 Dreamliner, even on the take-off run, the noise of the engines was barely audible and the aircon, the major source of noise on the 787, was whisper quiet. 


These days I will change airlines and even pay slightly more to avoid the "787 Nightmareliner" unless the flight is pretty short.

I think you're nuts. Dreamliners are very quiet. I just flew on one, in cattle class. In case you didn't know, the airlines configure the seating, not Boeing. I thought everyone knew that. On the other hand, I flew on an A380 and was not impressed by its cattle class.  A 380s can cram up to 800+ seats, and Emirates was considering doing just that to facilitate the constant in-and-out stream of subcontinental workers. Your A380s are just another European elephant prestige project like the Concorde. The A380 was on its way to getting canceled if not for Emirates Airlines, heavily subsidized by Dubai, a city run by 14-year-old boys who want the world's tallest buildings, largest shopping malls, and of course the largest planes.

Edited by Dustdevil
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20 hours ago, Bullie said:

And then Thai airways wonders why it is loosing money... Now I now at least one airline company that will never ever fly direct on the United States of America!

I understand that Thai airways likes to exude Thainess, but this is ridiculous. The days are long gone when Thai people were small, skinny and nimble, especially the ones that can afford a western diet.

And if the above picture displays a -very small looking- business class seat, I shudder to think what it will look like in coach....

Boeing did make this safety belts, and airbag system. Thai Airways need to implement the rules on accordance with the safety. Please be so kind tpo complain to the Boeing factory, and Safety regulators

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19 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Maybe it will. They might eventually have seating groups and seat sizes for Gargantuan Class, Corpulent Class, Portly Class, Medium Weight Class and Skinny Class. You might end up among people of your own kind.

Fair enough, let the waistline determine the seat width and price, 
and those who want a bigger seat pay a premium.

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This is the first time I have heard of a plane with airbags. Very cool!


I hope they mean no heavyweights in any section. I dread sitting next to drunks and large people.

Though I do appreciate the fact that they worked hard to reach that size. Wasn't achieved in a day.

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18 hours ago, mlmcleod said:

Relax, this is just a threat for the hiso fat cats!  There will be no problem seating them in the coach so they can spread their waist all over their neighbors in the row!  


True story, I once took a flight from Las Vegas to Dallas sandwiched between two really queen-sized ladies.  They kept insisting on raising the arm rests so their fat could flow over me.  It was a nightmare that I will never relive!  :smile:


It is only funny now 15 years later!

I hope you insisted on keeping the arm rests down. If some fat person tries that on I certainly will be.

However, the blame rests firmly with the airline for allowing such fat people to travel with only one seat, when they should be required to pay for 2 seats.

In the case of the fatties that disrupted your flight, they should have had to pay for 1/2 the middle seat each, so their blubber could spill over without disturbing those that don't stuff their faces all day long.

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11 hours ago, JAG said:

Perhaps you should consider that you were a baby once...

Perhaps people should consider that their children do not take priority over adults, though that particular wrong thinking seems to be taking hold in the public discourse, where I often see parents allowing their small children to occupy seats on public transport while adults stand.

If parents can't control their offspring, then they should be banned from flying.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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The next thing you know they will have an airline seat next to the carry-on baggage measuring device.  If you appear portly the person at the check-in counter will make you sit in it, giving you a thumbs up or a thumbs down.  If you are rejected they will offer you the seat next to you, for a price.  If there is nothing available you will be required to catch the next available flight.  

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15 hours ago, DrTuner said:

The world and all its sensitive precious little snowflakes taking offense on every little atom in the universe need a hard way for sure. I'd suggest a proper boot camp, Full Metal Jacket style. Make a man or a trucker lesbian out of them yet.

The problem here is that obesity is a huge problem around the world and especially in countries where people have money to fly. This is about business, not the nightly news. I think one of the major problems is that seats are being made too small on many airlines. At this stage, I don't spread onto adjacent seats, but it's often a very tight fit. Thailand is leading the way because of course, SE Asians are a lot smaller on average than their western counterparts.

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17 hours ago, Cranky said:


Guess what, I don't. So I'm not.  And no actually I dont'. And freek 'em, they'll get over it, If they don't you must be confusing me with someone who gives a ....

Of course nobody "gives a.... " what you say on here. There was no confusion about that.


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14 hours ago, JAG said:

Just out of interest - have you ever been to through " basic training" or "boot camp"?

Yes, but that was just another latte drinking exercise. I grew up in the middle of the forest surrounded by wolves. Having to go to school in -50 degrees while they were chasing you for the whole 25km stretch 4am was more educational.

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I was under the illusion that the larger size traveller instead of being in cattle class would pay extra and travel in business class where the seats would be larger and he /she would not infringe on anybody else's comfort. Now, this is being closed how do large people travel?  And we have all heard the advice about exercise and not eating which does often work but sometimes not.

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21 hours ago, David Walden said:

I worked part time after retiring driving a bus (Govt) in Australia.  You could not retain you job if you were more then 120 KG.  The drivers seat and steering wheel got in your way.  I was well within the limit but 50% of the  drivers were constantly in fear of loosing their jobs, some were suspended until they got down under 120 KG.  That is still the same in Western Australia today,  big men like to drive buses...that's life.

big men like to drive buses...


maybe because if stand near the bus will make them look small.555

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Why does nobody here think that the airlines should have seats in which can fit fat people? Why always justifying or be on the side of the corporations when corporations are not and will NEVER be your "friend"?  What a corporation wants - in this case an airline company - is OUR MONEY. I'm not obese but i consider that the money of ( very ) fat people is just as good as ours and if airlines were smart ( which they're not, as we know ) it shouldn't be that difficult to have a certain quantity of seats - let's say not more than 5 - in which fat people can fit in. Contrary to what someone else said fat people are not totally responsible to be that fat. People who are obese are not only because they eat too much, there is a lot of others factors who are responsible of that, starting by the energetic structure they're from or psychological factor. It's much more complicated than "just eating too much".

All airlines already have large sears, it’s called Business or First class

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it's an old one. not long ago i was on a thai airways flight in cattle. 2 seriously big blokes were coming down the aisle on boarding counting the seat numbers as they went. i was thinking no please and rest assured they were next to me. took up half my seat with his big ass arms and over bulging stomach. plane gets ready to take off after everyone boarded and it was probably 70% full so plenty of seats to move to instead of being squashed up against the window. i thought about asking to move once we were in flight but felt bad for the guys next to me so left it. turned out to be a really nice pair of blokes who also were good for finishing off your in flight meal. "are you finished with that?" yeah, am good mate knock yourself out

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