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Body Mass Index Calculator


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phewww! the only scale in which Im happy to rate normal :D I range in the 10th to 12th percentile :o but i think this index is too lenient..last time i checked at hospital result wasnt as flattering :D

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There's no getting around it. Most of these indices say I need to lose something like 20-25 kilos, and frankly I'd agree.

I already belong to a gym- should start going more often, I guess. Cut out all extra sugar- and make sure even when I eat Thai food to tell the preparer not to add sugar?

I tried Atkins before but it made me feel very ill, though it seemed to work the way it was supposed to.

All my life I've kept a lot of extra weight on, seemingly no matter how much I exercised. Or rather, when I started to exercise past a certain level of intensity, I always fell ill and then lost the ground I'd gained.

Nice to have the support of others here!

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I have a rather neat circular slide rule from one of the pharmaceuticals.

I am sorry to say that my BMI is 29.5, (98kg and 1.82m)

Mind you that is down from 105kg, 18 months ago, but with quite a way to go to reach 25. :D

I need to get down to 83kg. :o

I am exercising but the major factor has been cutting out sweet drinks like Coke

and smaller portions on my plate, with no seconds and no desserts.

I still find it difficult to get past my mothers training that I should eat what was put on my plate........

I have not yet cut out alcohol....................

but I guess I could do without all those extra calories.

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BMI can be deceiving at times.Best bet is a body fat content test.

Something like this...

Body Type Female Male

Athlete <17% <10%

Lean 17-22% 10-15%

Normal 22-25% 15-18%

Above Average 25-29% 18-20%

"Overfat" 29-35% 20-25%

Obese 35+% 25+%

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BMI is useless.

You need to get your body fat measured to get an accurate picture of your fat levels.

I rate over 27 on the BMI but only have 17percent body fat which is okay for a guy my age.

You can also be slim and have high body fat.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just read about an actor and ex-westler on the bangkok forum (Conan Stevens) who is 7ft tall and weighs 143kg. Looking at a photo of him shows no visable body fat and a very muscled and toned body. Out of interest I put his details into this body fat index and it reckoned he was obese. Also watched the film about the guy who lived on macdonalds for a month. At one point he lost weight, not because his body fat went down, it hadn't, but because he lost muscle tone.

Forget this calculation and look in the mirror, tells you all you need to know

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