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Do you know how and where to get rid of double chin surgically in Bangkok? Which hospital would you recommend and how much would it cost?


Basically I have some body fat and more of it tend to collect on my chin, I don't like how it looks. I'm not obese, 30 year old, 75 kg and 180 cm, but for some reason I'm getting double chin.


Has anyone tried to get rid of it surgically or by some implant?


I'm having neck lift surgery under local anaesthetic (LA) next Monday in Bangkok. A double chin is (I guess) due to excess fat under your chin or in the upper neck area.

I'm 58 years old, and having lost about 10 Kg over the past year through a fitness/healthy food routine, I now have some loose folds of skin hanging under my chin. So getting everything tightened up should return me to 'you hansum man' status.

The cost is 55,000 baht (cheaper than having a general anaesthetic (GA). LA surgery is feasible because for me it's a fairly minor operation.

I'll update next week if I survive the surgery :)

  • Haha 1
2 hours ago, simon43 said:

I'm having neck lift surgery under local anaesthetic (LA) next Monday in Bangkok. A double chin is (I guess) due to excess fat under your chin or in the upper neck area.

I'm 58 years old, and having lost about 10 Kg over the past year through a fitness/healthy food routine, I now have some loose folds of skin hanging under my chin. So getting everything tightened up should return me to 'you hansum man' status.

The cost is 55,000 baht (cheaper than having a general anaesthetic (GA). LA surgery is feasible because for me it's a fairly minor operation.

I'll update next week if I survive the surgery :)

Good luck! I checked with Yanhee, they're asking 40,000 thb for liposuction in that area. I'm just wandering if someone with my measurements (not obese) has done it and how good the results were.


I checked with Yanhee, they're asking 40,000 thb for liposuction in that area...

In my case, I have no unwanted fat in that area - it's the lack of fat that is causing 2 droopy folds of skin. So the surgeon will simply tighten up my neck skin by making incisions somewhere behind the ears and then pull the neck skin a little tighter.

Yanhee neck-lift is about 80,000 baht if I recall, because they only offer GE, not LA with oral sedation.
13 hours ago, simon43 said:



In my case, I have no unwanted fat in that area - it's the lack of fat that is causing 2 droopy folds of skin. So the surgeon will simply tighten up my neck skin by making incisions somewhere behind the ears and then pull the neck skin a little tighter.

Yanhee neck-lift is about 80,000 baht if I recall, because they only offer GE, not LA with oral sedation.


Hey! Let me know how it goes and whether you're satisfied with result. Not sure which one I need, maybe neck lift as well.

On 3/26/2018 at 9:27 AM, simon43 said:

I'm having neck lift surgery under local anaesthetic (LA) next Monday in Bangkok. A double chin is (I guess) due to excess fat under your chin or in the upper neck area.

I'm 58 years old, and having lost about 10 Kg over the past year through a fitness/healthy food routine, I now have some loose folds of skin hanging under my chin. So getting everything tightened up should return me to 'you hansum man' status.

The cost is 55,000 baht (cheaper than having a general anaesthetic (GA). LA surgery is feasible because for me it's a fairly minor operation.

I'll update next week if I survive the surgery :)

    Hope it went well and I am looking forward to your updates.


Right, I've had my neck surgery - here's how it went:

I had the surgery at Piyavate Hospital, Bangkok. The quoted cost was 55,000 baht, with no hospital stay required.

However, when I was doing the registration at the hospital, they tried to charge me 75,000 baht! (They employed Filipinos as their foreign guest liaison team, and I didn't like the 'pushiness' of these guys - the hospital would present a better image by kicking out the Filipinos and employing English-speaking Thais (maybe hard to find...). They finally agreed the 55,000 baht figure.

The surgeon also said that I would have to stay in hospital for one night, because there would be drains stuck in my neck! That made sense, but the 10,000 baht per night room charge seemed excessive. They gave me a 20% discount down to 8,000 baht.

I was picked up by the hospital taxi from my hotel at 7 am, but didn't get into surgery until after 4 pm. This wasn't because of other patients ahead of me - it just seemed to be typical Thai disorganisation.

Finally, I was wheeled into the op theatre and the surgeon wandered in carrying a rucksack! After giving me an IV sedative to make me sleepy (but not asleep), the surgeon started the operation.

Since this was an operation using local (injected) anaesthetic and IV sedation, there was some pain as the LA was injected all around my ears and neck. After the anaesthetic had taken effect, the surgeon set to work, making incisions from the bottom front of my ears, around the back of the ear and following my hair line for a few inches.

There was no pain during the surgery itself (only one small pain which the surgeon quickly dealt with with more LA injection).

But one problem of LA surgery is that you have to lie still with your head at an awkward angle during the operation. So your back starts to ache and you get an itch on your nose!!

The first side of my neck took 2 hours of surgery to complete. For the other side of my neck, I took more IV sedation, to try to be a little more out of things, so that the time would pass more quickly.

After the incisions were all stitched up and the operation was completed, I was wheeled back to my hospital room with a compression bandage around my head and neck. I didn't sleep much last night, but was reasonably comfortable after I was given some IV painkiller.

This morning, I felt very good, with only neck ache and swelling, but no pain. Prior to leaving the hospital today, the various bandages were removed and I was able to see my new neck. The 'turkey wattle' was all gone and the surgeon told me (and showed me!) that he had removed about 3 cms of skin from each side of my neck to tighten it up.

Right now, I'm resting at my hotel in Bangkok for 7 days with the compression bandage around my head and ice-packs to reduce the neck swelling (So my plan to go off-road biking in Laos had to be cancelled).

But all looks good, no pain, and I'm very happy with the results.

Would I do something similar again? Well, although you save some money with a LA operation, I think the procedure would be more 'enjoyable' under a more expensive GA, simply because of the need to lie still for several hours during the LA operation.

Finally, a funny incident that occurred. I had an ECG measurement prior to the operation, to see if my heart was OK. The junior heart specialist then showed me the results and said that there was a problem, in that my resting heart rate was about 58 bpm ==> much too low for an 'old man' like me, as she impolitely said! There was therefore a significant risk if I went ahead with this operation.

I pointed out that my HR was low because I was very fit. ( I know my own body and HR values very well). This doctor seemed to have no understanding about fitness levels and resting HR. Indeed, judging by the other fat Arabic patients in the ward of similar age, she had probably never met a 58 year old man with a similar fitness level to me.

It took a meeting with the senior cardiologist before the operation was given the OK. That senior cardiologist took one look at me and said "You're a runner aren't you?" I explained my daily exercise regime etc and she agreed immediately that my low HR was of no concern, and indicated a good level of fitness and circulation.



        Great review.  Keep us posted when you remove the compression bandages and maybe a follow up a month later to let us know how you feel about the experience.  

         This is great advice and I am thinking of the exact same operation.  I have a huge turkey gobbler that no longer has any fat in it due to my weight loss.  I would like to get rid of it but really wanted to know how other people in our group that lost weight and maintained their weight loss did with the surgery.

         Good Luck on a speedy recovery.


Any type of fat removal or liposuction is very very temporary.


Just Google James packer. He gained 30kg back after losing Mariah.


50k $$ should be the last resort after will power fails completely. If it's a fat injection type of surgery how do you keep that going without spending your inheritance?



1 hour ago, simon43 said:

Right now, I'm resting at my hotel in Bangkok for 7 days with the compression bandage around my head and ice-packs to reduce the neck swelling


How are you managing the eating situation? Room service?


35 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

Any type of fat removal or liposuction is very very temporary.


Just Google James packer. He gained 30kg back after losing Mariah.


50k $$ should be the last resort after will power fails completely. If it's a fat injection type of surgery how do you keep that going without spending your inheritance?



       We are talking about excess skin removal.  The OP did not have any liposuction.  Also many of us are in the second of third year of maintaining weight loss so no more skin shrinkage is coming.  Not worried about gaining the weight back and stretching out the new tucked in skin much either!  I am hoping Simon is very successful because my double chin is gone but I have a turkey neck in its place after my weight loss reconfigured my body by taking out fat deposits.



      I do see lots of patients that have completed plastic surgery out shopping at MBK.  They still have the big bandages in various places.   Are you going to just stay in until all bandages are removed?  Will the doctor do the removals?

2 hours ago, simon43 said:

Right, I've had my neck surgery - here's how it went:

I had the surgery at Piyavate Hospital, Bangkok. The quoted cost was 55,000 baht, with no hospital stay required.

However, when I was doing the registration at the hospital, they tried to charge me 75,000 baht! (They employed Filipinos as their foreign guest liaison team, and I didn't like the 'pushiness' of these guys - the hospital would present a better image by kicking out the Filipinos and employing English-speaking Thais (maybe hard to find...). They finally agreed the 55,000 baht figure.

The surgeon also said that I would have to stay in hospital for one night, because there would be drains stuck in my neck! That made sense, but the 10,000 baht per night room charge seemed excessive. They gave me a 20% discount down to 8,000 baht.

I was picked up by the hospital taxi from my hotel at 7 am, but didn't get into surgery until after 4 pm. This wasn't because of other patients ahead of me - it just seemed to be typical Thai disorganisation.

Finally, I was wheeled into the op theatre and the surgeon wandered in carrying a rucksack! After giving me an IV sedative to make me sleepy (but not asleep), the surgeon started the operation.

Since this was an operation using local (injected) anaesthetic and IV sedation, there was some pain as the LA was injected all around my ears and neck. After the anaesthetic had taken effect, the surgeon set to work, making incisions from the bottom front of my ears, around the back of the ear and following my hair line for a few inches.

There was no pain during the surgery itself (only one small pain which the surgeon quickly dealt with with more LA injection).

But one problem of LA surgery is that you have to lie still with your head at an awkward angle during the operation. So your back starts to ache and you get an itch on your nose!!

The first side of my neck took 2 hours of surgery to complete. For the other side of my neck, I took more IV sedation, to try to be a little more out of things, so that the time would pass more quickly.

After the incisions were all stitched up and the operation was completed, I was wheeled back to my hospital room with a compression bandage around my head and neck. I didn't sleep much last night, but was reasonably comfortable after I was given some IV painkiller.

This morning, I felt very good, with only neck ache and swelling, but no pain. Prior to leaving the hospital today, the various bandages were removed and I was able to see my new neck. The 'turkey wattle' was all gone and the surgeon told me (and showed me!) that he had removed about 3 cms of skin from each side of my neck to tighten it up.

Right now, I'm resting at my hotel in Bangkok for 7 days with the compression bandage around my head and ice-packs to reduce the neck swelling (So my plan to go off-road biking in Laos had to be cancelled).

But all looks good, no pain, and I'm very happy with the results.

Would I do something similar again? Well, although you save some money with a LA operation, I think the procedure would be more 'enjoyable' under a more expensive GA, simply because of the need to lie still for several hours during the LA operation.

Finally, a funny incident that occurred. I had an ECG measurement prior to the operation, to see if my heart was OK. The junior heart specialist then showed me the results and said that there was a problem, in that my resting heart rate was about 58 bpm ==> much too low for an 'old man' like me, as she impolitely said! There was therefore a significant risk if I went ahead with this operation.

I pointed out that my HR was low because I was very fit. ( I know my own body and HR values very well). This doctor seemed to have no understanding about fitness levels and resting HR. Indeed, judging by the other fat Arabic patients in the ward of similar age, she had probably never met a 58 year old man with a similar fitness level to me.

It took a meeting with the senior cardiologist before the operation was given the OK. That senior cardiologist took one look at me and said "You're a runner aren't you?" I explained my daily exercise regime etc and she agreed immediately that my low HR was of no concern, and indicated a good level of fitness and circulation.

Any before and after pics (hide the facial features a little) Simon.........would be great for others considering something similar?


I have some grainy before photos from my mobile phone - I'll take some after photos and post them.

As has been mentioned, this was not a fat removal operation, it was the removal of excess fat and tightening of the muscle under the chin.

There are no bandages - the stitches have been left in the open to encourage speedy recovery. I have to wear a removal compression bandage, but can take this off when I go out to the shops (I just bought a baseball cap and a small mirror to enable me to apply ointment to the stitches on the back of my neck.

Early days, but I'm very happy with the results.

Edit to add:
I can exercise as much as I want (jogging etc), so long as I don't stress the stitches (which could happen with a head massage perhaps...). I'm not shy to go out with this bandage on - just wear a baseball cap and neck scarf. So I can go shopping, eat at Subway etc.


@simon43     Does the surgeon remove the stitches for you?  There are all sorts of stitches including the type that dissolve away so wondering what he used?   How is the recovery going?


Hi, the stitches will be removed tomorrow (Monday).

Recovery is going fine. I do have some numbness on both sides of my jawline, which is to be expected because some nerves are usually damaged during an operation like this. (I had a similar numbness several years ago with a forehead lift, but the numbness slowly diminishes).

My lower neck and one side of my upper chest is still yellow from bruising (this occurs when the tumnescent solution is injected under the skin during the operation. But the bruising is receding. Although I was prescribed paracetamol for pain relieve, I haven't had to take any at all since the operation last Monday.

  • 2 weeks later...

@simon43        Did the removal of the stitches go ok?  I believe you said you had a procedure last year on your forehead?  Is this the same clinic and doctor you are using this time?  I enjoy the updates.  Keep up posted!

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