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Swollen Right Breast - 3rd Time


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Every 2 years ( in the last 6), I have had a weird condition where my right breast swells enormously. It is twice the size of the left breast and rock-hard, feeling like it will explode. The first time was in Australia and despite tests and a mammogram - there was no explanation and the swelling eventually reduced to nothing. The second time was on Phuket - same, same - mammogram - cannot explain.

Now it's happening again! :o

Has anyone experience of this?

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have some manual lymphatic drainage treatments or if you are in australia bowen technique sessions (most probably you have at least heard about that therapy). Unfortunately there is no bowen practitioner anywhere in thailand

Edited by londonthai
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Is it menstrual cycle related? Could be hormonal although it is odd that it is on one side only. Rather than a mamogram, I would suggest a ultrasound. Those can show up veins and arteries as well as solid structures. I had one when I had a dodgy mammogram and it was (for me) much more effective at ruling out the problem. Mine, thankfully turned out to be a blocked milk duct - phew

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i was thinking about you and your swollen breast last night khall. i think you should get yourself off to the doc today. let me know if you want me to come hold your hand.

believe me folks, ive felt it and its as hard as a rock. this needs attention.

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khall, had the same thing two months ago; came back from thailand, and my period was late.both breasts ached. (thought i might be pregnant). right breast was hard. i couldnt move my right arm. my right breast couldnt be touched. i have cystic breasts so i hit the internet and found out some more stuff about cystic breast. stopped panicking, got my (very very heavy more than usual) period (in the net it said to wait to see when menstruatin starts, wait a week and see what happens to the big lump and pain). i found that advil helped reduce the pain. a week or so after my period, it just disappeared.

i also applied hot compresses to the hard swollen area. (like for goat udder when over filled).and did massage gently cause it really hurt. and used a different bra then my usual teenage girl one . (im pretty flat chested so use those training bra type things when needed.)

am now waiting to do a mammo and ultrasound. i am 44 so was thinking that we are just having a hormonal thingy here. u must also do an ultrasound since if u do have slightly cystic breasts the mammo doesnt supposedly present the proper picture.

this only happened on one breast.

they should also check your prolactin and etc. hormones. and check milk ducts/glands. go to a gynie for hormonal checks. try to see if it was pre menstrual the last two time. or if u might have been at the beginning of a pregnancy. (i think i was and it wasnt viable so therefore the late and very heavy long period sort of like an early miscarriage therefore hormones leaping around.)

edit: forgot to say , see what bra if u use one u were using. the same one as last time problems. maybe the bra is cutting in to lymph stuff as someone suggested. etc.


Edited by bina
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Agree with need for ultrasound.

Is it red and inflamed looking or only swollen?

When not swollen, have you had a careful manual exam to check for lumps?

Since it is in one breast only and intermittent it is most likely some type of blockage - lymphatic, milk duct etc. But important to rule out any possible masses. You've already had mammogram, add an ultrasound and then a careful exam (once swelling gone) just to be sure.

Hot compresses, hot baths (whirlpool if available) massage may help resolve the swelling. If massage is too painful, try while soaking in hot water. An antinflammatory (NSAID such as ibuprofen or aspirin) may also help as well as reduce the discomfort.

Lastly if you can get it, progestogel ointment (natural progesterone) rubbed on the breast may relieve it, it is specifically recommended for same by the manufacturer.

Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

Follow up: went to an 'outpatient's clinic' - where I was intimidated by "doctor" to admit for treatment over-night. Essentially, was told I needed an "injection" of high-dose antibiotic every 6 hrs - so agreed to spend a night in the hospital. Subsequently, I was immediately hooked up to an IV!!!! :D Drugs were changed after 8 hrs when I complained...... alarm bells!!!!!!!!!!! :o

Four days later, I was still held prisoner via an IV drip receiving "over the top-useless antibiotics" and other totally uber-priced "medications" - so demanded to be discharged. Was then treated super- rudely by medical staff plus handed an enormous bill for unwarranted "treatment" - I could have flown home to Australia for what they were charging me in inflated medical costs....

I'm disgusted actually, in the intimadatory tactics of this "international" hospital and lack of professionalism. I don't even have a satisfactory explanation of my condition after ultrasound, doctors fees and ridiculous pantomime of "nursing care".

Boob still slightly swollen....

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Khall, I'm a little unclear...what was it you complained of after the first drugs that caused them to change them? (Allergic reaction or what?)

And after the treatment was there any improvement?

Obviously the hospital failed miserably on the score of interpersonal communication, empathy and explanation. But there is some possibility that you did have mastitis and that IV antibiotics were needed. Did they discharge you with oral antibiotics? Are you still taking them?

Is or was the breast red and hot to the touch? (that would indicate a soft tissue infection requiring antibiotics)

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Hey Khall !!! So sorry to hear about your prob. All I can say is.... think of what you said to me when I was ill and apply it to yourself !!!!!! In other words, get a second opinion or go elsewhere for treatment!!!!! Know what I mean??????? Take care and keep us posted. xxx

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Every 2 years ( in the last 6), I have had a weird condition where my right breast swells enormously. It is twice the size of the left breast and rock-hard, feeling like it will explode. The first time was in Australia and despite tests and a mammogram - there was no explanation and the swelling eventually reduced to nothing. The second time was on Phuket - same, same - mammogram - cannot explain.

Now it's happening again! :o

Has anyone experience of this?

As a man I feel inadequately qualified but would like to add my tuppence all the same. I have a naturopathic friend who is an osteopath, who claims that most breast cancers/problems are caused by poor circulation/posture. He uses some kind of heat scanner that clearly shows 'hot' spots in one side or another.

Just a thought, if ever cancer alarm bells sound.

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Every 2 years ( in the last 6), I have had a weird condition where my right breast swells enormously. It is twice the size of the left breast and rock-hard, feeling like it will explode. The first time was in Australia and despite tests and a mammogram - there was no explanation and the swelling eventually reduced to nothing. The second time was on Phuket - same, same - mammogram - cannot explain.

Now it's happening again! :o

Has anyone experience of this?

As a man I feel inadequately qualified but would like to add my tuppence all the same. I have a naturopathic friend who is an osteopath, who claims that most breast cancers/problems are caused by poor circulation/posture. He uses some kind of heat scanner that clearly shows 'hot' spots in one side or another.

Just a thought, if ever cancer alarm bells sound.

Thank you for the interesting insight Mr Plum - in fact you could be onto something there. I spend a lot of time on the computer for mostly work purposes (poor circulation/ posture) with my right hand constantly on the mouse and did feel my (right underarm) lymph glands a little swollen before the breast problem occurred.

I shall endeavour to get more regular aerobic exercise which will hopefully clear my 'hot' spot.

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Khall, I'm a little unclear...what was it you complained of after the first drugs that caused them to change them? (Allergic reaction or what?)

And after the treatment was there any improvement?

Obviously the hospital failed miserably on the score of interpersonal communication, empathy and explanation. But there is some possibility that you did have mastitis and that IV antibiotics were needed. Did they discharge you with oral antibiotics? Are you still taking them?

Is or was the breast red and hot to the touch? (that would indicate a soft tissue infection requiring antibiotics)

Sheryl -I actually complained that the IV antibiotics had not been changed after 8 hrs when the doctor had insisted I be admitted as she said I needed to be "injected" every 6 hrs. I was diagnosed with "infection" and felt I had been falsely coerced into hospitalisation (which seemed apparent after I insisted on discharge several days later and I was handed a bottle of oral antibiotics). The medical report (which I had to demand on discharge) stated 'mastitis' as condition.

Have now finished the course of antibiotics but still some swelling and redness. After asking around for a good doctor to get a second opinion, nobody can recommend... so am thinking I'd better take a further course of oral antibiotics. Not really sure what else to do!

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Yes, that's the best course of action. Mastitits can take a very long course of antibiotics to clear up...even 4-6 weeks some time, and it is important to get it completely resolved.

Since we don't know what bug is causing the infection or its sensitivities your best bet is a very broad spectrum drug, one of the newer ones as less chance of resistance. What was the name of the antibioitic the hospital gave you? If it seemed to help then continue with that. Otherwise I suggest -- provided you have no allergies -- Omnicef (generic: cefinidir) or Cefixime (generic, I don't know what Brand names it may be under here, in the US it is Suprax). These are available in Thailand but will need a large and up to date pharmacy to find them.

If you have any allergies then that's another matter, post or PM me the details.

I suggest you also do hot compresses as often as you can and take an anti-inflammatory drug: ibuprofen if it doesn't upset your stomach (take with food) or even just plain aspirin 3-4 times a day will help ease the inflammation.

Once the inflammation has totally cleared it would be a good idea to consult a specialist in breast diseases in Bangkok, bringing copy of your mammogram and (if it was done) ultrasound with you. Cysts are often a causer of obstruction and mastitits, if so locating and aspirating it would help prevent recurrence.

Good luck.

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I would be very careful of Omnicef as wife just had extreme reaction two days ago. Not for everyone - and the color is really not inviting.

But wife is allergic to many medications including all opium based products and it seems most antibiotics so have no doubt that it is a good choice for many people.

Cost for 15 Omnicef was 1212 baht so not cheap.

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Yes, that's the best course of action. Mastitits can take a very long course of antibiotics to clear up...even 4-6 weeks some time, and it is important to get it completely resolved.

Since we don't know what bug is causing the infection or its sensitivities your best bet is a very broad spectrum drug, one of the newer ones as less chance of resistance. What was the name of the antibioitic the hospital gave you? If it seemed to help then continue with that. Otherwise I suggest -- provided you have no allergies -- Omnicef (generic: cefinidir) or Cefixime (generic, I don't know what Brand names it may be under here, in the US it is Suprax). These are available in Thailand but will need a large and up to date pharmacy to find them.

If you have any allergies then that's another matter, post or PM me the details.

I suggest you also do hot compresses as often as you can and take an anti-inflammatory drug: ibuprofen if it doesn't upset your stomach (take with food) or even just plain aspirin 3-4 times a day will help ease the inflammation.

Once the inflammation has totally cleared it would be a good idea to consult a specialist in breast diseases in Bangkok, bringing copy of your mammogram and (if it was done) ultrasound with you. Cysts are often a causer of obstruction and mastitits, if so locating and aspirating it would help prevent recurrence.

Good luck.

Hi Sheryl - thanks so much for your advice. Just topped up again on the antibiotic administered & prescribed by hospital - at my local pharmacy without prescription - it is called (Di)Cloxacillin.

Also, the anti-swelling drug given at hospital (no further treatment was advised on discharge) was Denzo (?)

Will take another week's course of the antibiotic (first 2 week's double dose and a further week of single dose) hopefully prob will resolve!

The problem boob looks normal now (clothed) but I can notice the difference with self exam and physical markings ... can you recommend a decent Bangkok doctor?

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Sorry to hear about these troubles, Khall. I hope you are able to get good, trustworthy medical care ASAP. I'm glad Sheryl is helping you.

And yes, once this is all resolved you need to make Green Tea a part of your life - every day - and start working out. In fact, start drinking Green Tea now. Get the good Japanese stuff from a Tops or good grocery store.


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