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Legalising Rape By Both Spouses


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Bangkok Post of today 25.01.2007 : Draft law legalises rape by both spouses.

Any comments please

A woman in Thailand can not have her husband charged with rape.

And that's the way it has been for years.

Just another confirmation of the Thai males attitude towards woman in the realm.

Edited by john b good
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Bangkok Post of today 25.01.2007 : Draft law legalises rape by both spouses.

Any comments please

A woman in Thailand can not have her husband charged with rape.

And that's the way it has been for years.

Just another confirmation of the Thai males attitude towards woman in the realm.

So far 49 viewers,1 comment(thanks john b good)apparently we still live in a man man's world.

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Bangkok Post of today 25.01.2007 : Draft law legalises rape by both spouses.

Any comments please

A woman in Thailand can not have her husband charged with rape.

And that's the way it has been for years.

Just another confirmation of the Thai males attitude towards woman in the realm.

So far 49 viewers,1 comment(thanks john b good)apparently we still live in a man man's world.

Err actually the quote in the Bangkok posts says "for the sake of gender equality, the Justice Ministry will allow the wives to rape their husbands, too. Don't laugh. That is exactly what the Justice Ministry says in its draft amendment of the law regarding rape."

So it's not just a man's world in this respect. the women have the right to rape the man as well without any recourse... not that many men would complain of course unless she was a tranny or a big fat lass with the face of a bullfrog ;-)

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Never could figure out how a woman could rape a man. I would think that the man would have to be at least somewhat interested to get all the parts acting correctly.

Oral sex? A woman with a gun could force this... and it could be a nasty disgusting experience.

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About the thai laws, they seem to fit in with the evolutionary view that men want to avoid spending resources in support of another male’s genetic offspring (if the wife get pregnant from mr x), and for females as a mechanism for guaranteeing protection and resources for biological children by having a steady partner (husband who doesn't redirect resources to the mia noi)

But on another level it smells of inequality.

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im curious to know what the law and penalty is on raping a girl in thailand?, and if the girl does get raped why doenst she say anything to the police or her family? i dont understand thai-culture. but i know thai police are corupt, is it because they already have so many go-go bars ?

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This proposal is likely to get Thailand more international media coverage that other recent events, none of it likely to be favourable.

What could the Justice Ministry officials have been thinking when they came up with this ? Was there a single woman involved in the decision ? There's no arguing against the reasoning to make a law apply equally to all sexes, but surely the basic premise of the law has to be valid in the first place.

Legalising rape in marriage is no better than accepting as legal the honour killings which happen in Muslim societies, or other acts of intolerance.

If rape in marriage is legal how about some legislation forcing the husband to provide for the offspring resulting from those rapes ? If a woman rapes her husband and gets pregnant, who pays for the child then ?

Definitely another knee-jerk reaction to a problem without thinking about the consequences. Astounding that it took legislators more than 5 years to come up with this.

The sex act itself probably isn't the big issue between husband and wife. It's more the violence which usually accompanies the act and the imposition of one's will over another which are the big issues.

With so many Thais separated, sometimes for years, but still legally married, surely this is reason enough to make rape in marriage illegal.

Thais are free to make whatever laws they want in their own country, but they also need to consider they have a place in the wider world as well. While this proposed amendment does not significantly contribute to increasing divisions in Thai society, it sure doesn't go anywhere near reducing those divisions which already exist.

Those at the Justice Ministrry responsible for this apalling decision need to think again and the powers that be need to consider very thoroughly the fitness of those responsible to be in the positions they hold.

Edited by sibeymai
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Do not know if anybody read the complete article,my point is,instead to change the law and punish the husband who raped his wife,they just vote now that the wive can also rape her husband,LOS :o

That is exactly why they have changed the law.It means that men STILL can not be charged with raping their wives.

They changed the Law to make it more fair???strewth. :D :D

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Never could figure out how a woman could rape a man. I would think that the man would have to be at least somewhat interested to get all the parts acting correctly.

Oral sex? A woman with a gun could force this... and it could be a nasty disgusting experience.

The gun would certainly make it nasty, but I cannot imagine how the BJ could. What's the saying? A bad BJ beats a good day in the office, or something like that...

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Never could figure out how a woman could rape a man. I would think that the man would have to be at least somewhat interested to get all the parts acting correctly.

Oral sex? A woman with a gun could force this... and it could be a nasty disgusting experience.

The gun would certainly make it nasty, but I cannot imagine how the BJ could. What's the saying? A bad BJ beats a good day in the office, or something like that...

I think Bino was reffering to the man giving the woman oral sex at gun point. Now unless the woman has a todger, a BJ doesn't come into it :o

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Women raping men ? what a joke.

an old one at that ............................

something about running faster with skirts up than pants down ................ :o

The actual physiological intricacies / nuances could mean that forced 'back-door entry' is used or alternatively 'forcing' a guys to 'give head' is known to exist.

It was in the news a month ago of Two women in the middle east who got banged up (into the slammer) for 'raping' a man!

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I assume that, with all the concentration on stopping domestic violence, the law in Britain has been changed. It used to be that a woman could not charge her husband with rape.

Check whether this has been repealed before criticising the Thai proposal.

But really, the way to even things up would be to legalise the wife's right to chop off the offenders schmeckel and feed it to the ducks. It is a tradition already - why not legitimise it :D:D:o

Edited by Humphrey Bear
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I assume that, with all the concentration on stopping domestic violence, the law in Britain has been changed. It used to be that a woman could not charge her husband with rape.

The law has been changed, I am not sure when but I would hazard a guess at perhaps 15-18 years ago. but can't be sure.

So it really isn't that long ago that a man in the UK couldn't be charged with rape against his own wife, because the law wouldn't allow it.

It would appear that Thailand is getting equality before time and the Doing The Right Thing a little later.

Doing The Right Thing or Doings Things Right, well that is the question isn't it?

Good Luck


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Bangkok Post of today 25.01.2007 : Draft law legalises rape by both spouses.

Any comments please

And at the risk of mega flame let me say, so it should be. The police have enough to do without getting involved with bedroom marital disputes.

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Bangkok Post of today 25.01.2007 : Draft law legalises rape by both spouses.

Any comments please

And at the risk of mega flame let me say, so it should be. The police have enough to do without getting involved with bedroom marital disputes.

Also, at the risk of mega flame, I have to say that I agree with this. I was actually thinking the same thing but just have not posted it yet.

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ok it had to happen sooner or later. The rapist sympathizers are coming out of the closet.

Anyone else? Safety in numbers, boys.

I think you may be missing the point, I do NOT advocate rape. I do have issues with government getting involved is all aspects of people's private lives. Your comments seem to insinuate that I/we think it's O.K. to go around raping anyone that someone see fit. Rape (apparantly) can go both ways and all they did was a sorry attempt to level the playing field (as the OP's says) but just got it 180° wrong. What's O.K. for one should be O.K. for the other, that's all.

Edited by hiromj
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I applaud the Bangkok Post for raising this issue, as it certainly should be addressed, and quickly. Anyone who forces another to have sex against their will is committing rape, regardless of relationship. All forms should be subject to criminal prosecution, and I hope that the lawmakers will do the right thing.

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I applaud the Bangkok Post for raising this issue, as it certainly should be addressed, and quickly. Anyone who forces another to have sex against their will is committing rape, regardless of relationship. All forms should be subject to criminal prosecution, and I hope that the lawmakers will do the right thing.

I'll have to disagree with you an that. What happens between married couples in the privacy of their own bedroom is an entirely different matter, and fortunately the Thai law makers were wise enough to realize this.

Go ahead, flame away!

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