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Prostitutes in Thailand are fueling the rise in cases of super gonorrhoea


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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

Why specifically Arabic countries?

I spent some time in them, obviously the wrong ones, not much sex going!

I spent nine years in the Emirates and 10 in KSA. Lots of Saudi men zip on over to Dubai or Bahrain on weekends and vacations and go nuts with the wine, women and song.

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during the Vietnam war, there were rumors of the "thirty" day clap and the "black" asia clap, that was the one that was incureable and if a service member caught it he would be sent to an undisclosed location and remain there until either they found a cure or he died!. 

there was also a rumor that the bar girls in vietnam had a glass condom that they used and the G.I. had his tallywacker cut up! 

so goes the rumors!


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12 minutes ago, Dustdevil said:

I spent nine years in the Emirates and 10 in KSA. Lots of Saudi men zip on over to Dubai or Bahrain on weekends and vacations and go nuts with the wine, women and song.

Yes I went to Bahrain , I also hear that Doha has some of it and Dubai it is well known

The Causeway Al Khobar over to Bahrain is busy at weekends, but I didn't have the Exit-Re-entry multiple so couldn't do that.

And my time in Dubai area preceded it's current liberal ways.. Just The Red Lion Pub...

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He forgets, cant be Thailand's  fault as 1 Its never their fault and 2 There is no prostitution in Thailand and 3 he should stop intimating Thailand is a prostitution centre.......There I think Ive cleared that up for the govt now.
Good that's cleared up that......next![emoji3] [emoji3]

Please Excuse Spelling mistakes/Grammar/Misunderstanding...Best!

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14 hours ago, Justfine said:

Stronger strains happen with all infections.

Only when treatments are mismanaged and treatment regimes are not followed to the end. 

That's the problem in  regions where antibiotics were readily available.


14 hours ago, Happy enough said:

you are calling a fact a myth?

It is a myth to assume that infection with HIV is nothing more than manageable. It is a chronic condition that ends with a deterioration of general health. Taking potent drugs for decades has a physical impact.


13 hours ago, jenny2017 said:

The risk of contracting HIV during vaginal penetration, for a woman in the United States, is 1 per 1,250 exposures (or 0.08 percent); for the man in that scenario, it’s 1 per 2,500 exposures (0.04 percent, which is the same as performing fellatio). 


That is when one looks at the full general population. It includes having sex with  people who are not expected to be infected. It is more accurate to ask the likelihood of infection when  having sexual relations with a known infected group. For example, in Bangkok, the HIV rate of infection of sex workers is 20%. This is much higher than the rate of infection amongst university students. Therefore if one . has sexual relations with a high risk group, one is  more likely to be infected than if  having sex with a low risk group. The key number to understand is the  infection rate in the sex worker population.


2 hours ago, DonnyT said:

Are you claiming to be a doctor?

Or is looking at other people's genitals just a hobby?

Nope. The anus is not a part of the genitals.  :)  And did you know that there are a large number of professional groups who look at various body parts while in  school, during continuing education and while on the job. Here are some of the activities;

Pathology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Anatomy, Public Health, Hygiene, and the various  support staff who aid and assist in the gathering of specimens including nurses, and specialized  technicians. Much of the field work in  infectious disease is carried out by  specialized professionals who will work  under the supervision or in conjunction of a designated specialist who may have an MD.   T

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12 minutes ago, captspectre said:

during the Vietnam war, there were rumors of the "thirty" day clap and the "black" asia clap, that was the one that was incureable and if a service member caught it he would be sent to an undisclosed location and remain there until either they found a cure or he died!. 

there was also a rumor that the bar girls in vietnam had a glass condom that they used and the G.I. had his tallywacker cut up! 

so goes the rumors!


I have heard the term 'vietnam rose' used as well.

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The article is from the Daily Mail I think, which loves this type of stuff, especially about Thailand. It's scaremongering and short on details. 


The super gonorrhea has been round a while. Years ago there was a story of a guy who got it from oral sex with a Japanese woman and they were warning people not to think oral sex is safe. Shame the Mail article didn't provide useful info like this to help prevention.


Anyone can spread and be infected by STIs,  regardless of their occupation.

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15 hours ago, nong38 said:

Apparently it has not been passed on according to reports from the UK, lucky for them.


Which seems lucky in itself as i understand that statistically after 3 or 4 encounters his wife would have caught it. Maybe he was in the bad books on his return anyway or maybe this is just a sensationalist story with little credibility.


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20 hours ago, kannot said:

He forgets, cant be Thailand's  fault as 1 Its never their fault and 2 There is no prostitution in Thailand and 3 he should stop intimating Thailand is a prostitution centre.......There I think Ive cleared that up for the govt now.

This Brit is obviously immune against antibiotics, maybe he took too many. Taking into account how e.g. chicken are fed with antibiotics in the West, you can't blame it on Thailand.

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Super gonorrhoea from Thailand???

And again the Brits are completly BS the world!!!


They had it long time in their country and maybe brought it to Thailand!!!

Just read: 

An outbreak of cases was first reported in Leeds in November 2014.

Additional cases have now been confirmed in the West Midlands and the south of England, five of which were in London.

This takes the total number of cases confirmed in England from November 2014 to April 2016 up to 34.



There were almost 35,000 cases of gonorrhoea reported in England in 2014 and it is the second most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the UK after chlamydia, with the majority of cases affecting people under the age of 25.

So much about this BS!!!

Edited by snowgard
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Did this luckless Brit actually catch the super-bug here and not in one of the numerous other South East Asian countries where sexually transmitted diseases are rife?


He must have a pretty good idea. And that goes for the doctors treating him. None of the UK newspapers where I have seen the story, including the Guardian and Mail, specified the "guilty" country. Probably worried about losing lucrative advertising contracts if they did!


So it is a bit rich for the Thai Visa News to point the finger of suspicion at LOS without any supporting evidence. Unless, of course, they know something the rest of us don't.


I doubt TAT will sue for libel or defamation, though. The scare story will help the junta in rolling out their plan - already in full swing in places like Phuket and Pattaya - to transform Thailand from a sex tourist destination to a family holiday paradise.


It's an ill wind. . . 

Edited by Krataiboy
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20 hours ago, webfact said:

The unnamed British man, which the BBC said had caught the "worst-ever" case of super-gonorrhoea after a sexual encounter with a woman in Southeast Asia has a partner in the UK.

I think that should probably read 'had a partner'...

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The unnamed British man, which the BBC said had caught the "worst-ever" case of super-gonorrhoea after a sexual encounter with a woman in Southeast Asia has a partner in the UK.


Bloke with no name gets a dose from a hooker on holiday, go's home and gives it the missis, who gives it the window cleaner.  Hardly news

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I would be very surprised if hookers are the cause of a great increase in VD in Thailand. The wearing of a condom is pretty much a required standard with professionals. I think guys are at far more risk from an amateur they meet in a bar.

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Sexually transmitted diseases have always been out there. We all know it! All of a sudden the government, via the press, is attempting to scare the goose that lays the golden egg out of the country. All part of the so called "cleaning up Thailand" campaign. It won't work. Nobody is going anywhere and quality tourists C & R's suck!

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20 hours ago, Happy enough said:

I thought it was AIDS that could cause death and why would there be people dying from HIV which is a manageable disease now?


If you have an STI, you're more likely to get infected by HIV. How many people in Thailand get timely access to medical intervention for managing HIV? Number of people dying of AIDS related illnesses in Asia, including Thailand.



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