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Trump says DACA deal for young immigrants is off


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And it's not just CBS. Here's some more lies from that socialist propaganda outpost otherwise knows as Fox News:
Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants

Large majorities of voters favor granting work permits or citizenship to illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children, according to the latest Fox News poll.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival recipients, or Dreamers, who do not apply for renewal in time will lose their status starting in March 2018. President Donald Trump announced Sept. 5 he was ending the Obama-era program giving Congress a six-month window to act on the program.


You call fox News a socialist propaganda network? You have to do plenty of homework. [emoji12]

Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

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People who have just fronted up to Thailand (with no invitation or vetting) complaining about people who have not had a choice in the matter...


Fairs fair, maybe if they can stick a derisory amount of money in the bank - let’s say $25,000 or 800,000 baht - and they can stay indefinitely?


What’s good for the goose and all that...

Edited by samran
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17 minutes ago, alocacoc said:

You call fox News a socialist propaganda network? You have to do plenty of homework. emoji12.png

Sent from a so called Smartphone using an App.

Are you saying that Jay55 was wrong to be discreditng the CBS poll? Because that's what I was commenting on. Here it is for you again:

"What CBS "News'" meant to say was 1,515 of 2,164 people (allegedly) said they support DACA (allegedly).    They were all Americans (allegedly).   Margin for error 2.6%.  Apparently.


But CBS made a conscious decision to lead with, "Most Americans Support", and,  "A large majority of Americans". 


I use "allegedly" because any company or agency involved in this kind of blatant public opinion shaping and shameless, continuous attempts to influence the masses using their "trusted news" platform, can not be trusted.  Therefore anything they, or their hired pollsters, say, has no face value."


Have you gone over to the dark side?

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On 02/04/2018 at 12:13 PM, Tug said:

I thought Easter was a time to celebrate renual brotherhood compassion to our fellow man sooo the orange Buffon thought it was a good time to screw over 900;000 kids it just beggars comprehension 


It seems it was the parents who screwed over all those kids by illegally transporting them to the U.S, why do I need a Visa to travel there but if you’re a Mexican you can just cross the border and live there, not pay tax and undercut the wages of U.S citizens?

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25 minutes ago, cat handler said:


It seems it was the parents who screwed over all those kids by illegally transporting them to the U.S, why do I need a Visa to travel there but if you’re a Mexican you can just cross the border and live there, not pay tax and undercut the wages of U.S citizens?

The caravans traveled legally to the US-Mexican border, at times escorted by the Mexican authorities to assure their safety and well being. The caravan participants then legally requested asylum at the US Border Stations where a review will be held to determine whether they may enter the US as legal immigrants, typically by an immigration judge.

Where do you see illegal immigrants in this process?

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Trump doesn't want DACA.  Even when he says something like, "we'll consider that......." he's bullshiting.  He's the king of BS.  He's got BS oozing from every pore and orifice of his body.


Same when he appears to be a tiny bit reasonable about the gun craziness in the US.  He pretends to be listening to reason, but inside his head he's going, "God, I wish these people would shut the hell up so I can get on AF1, get a few cheeseburgers, and get over to the golf links."


He's as sincere about DACA as he is when he says, "Thank you, Thank you, thank you" ...to the journalists shouting uncomfortable questions at him - questions which he knows he can't answer.   When Trump says 'thank you', he's actually saying: "get out of my face.  Go far away and never come near me again.  You make me sick."

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17 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

No, all you did was a silly generic disparagement of the CBS poll. Your approach could just as easily be applied to the results of any poll. You offered no data of your own. You just questioned the data provided by CBS without any kind of proof. CBS polling has a track record that you could look up.


Yes, it can be, as far as I'm concerned.  That one in particular, because I looked, only because it was tossed out there as a link to shore up a desired end state.


Your only qualification here is you have an internet connection.  You have no skin in the game, other than ideology. 

Edited by 55Jay
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17 hours ago, meechai said:

Actually no he does not. The minority is the whiners


Same minority that did not win with Hillary

Same minority that does not even win the Thailand survey on this forum

SURVEY: Do you want Trump to finish his first term?



Truth is the majority in the USA feel the dreamers can get in line like everyone else & legalize themselves or not their choice.

There is a process same as most if not all countries


I have to agree. Maybe some have been out of the country for too long.  The majority are getting fed up with the immigration situation in the U.S.. Especially when they realize what it is actually costing them. Polls are fine. But, don't say the polls are on your side when truthfully they are not.

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11 minutes ago, PhonThong said:

I have to agree. Maybe some have been out of the country for too long.  The majority are getting fed up with the immigration situation in the U.S.. Especially when they realize what it is actually costing them. Polls are fine. But, don't say the polls are on your side when truthfully they are not.

Doesn't really matter whether you agree or not, you're wrong.


When a trustworthy poll has as result a vast, vast majority is in favor of something, it may be in line with your own opinion, or not. But it not being in line does not mean the poll is wrong, it just means you're opinion 'a majority is against ...' is wrong.

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6 hours ago, 55Jay said:

Yes, it can be, as far as I'm concerned.  That one in particular, because I looked, only because it was tossed out there as a link to shore up a desired end state.


Your only qualification here is you have an internet connection.  You have no skin in the game, other than ideology. 

Like you, my personal qualifications are unproveable and my motives are irrelevant.. What I have offered are independently checkable facts. What you offer are merely empty assertions.

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5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Doesn't really matter whether you agree or not, you're wrong.


When a trustworthy poll has as result a vast, vast majority is in favor of something, it may be in line with your own opinion, or not. But it not being in line does not mean the poll is wrong, it just means you're opinion 'a majority is against ...' is wrong.

You know this because you all if any of you have the responsibility to know the facts. Know the law.  Know the penalties for hiring an illegal whether knowingly or not?

 You pay thousands a month, hundreds of thousands a year in wages, taxes, social security, matching retirement plans, paid vacations? You have workers and their families dependent on you. You have a pretty decent health plan even though the government will supply a ridiculous health plan for very high co-payments that most cannot afford. 

 Do you compete against other employers that are willing to skirt the law and hire undocumented workers at a much-reduced rate?

 You sit in a foreign country berating what the president does. Probably most of you are not even U.S. citizens and maybe never even been to the United States. But, you feel the need to put your 2 cents worth in. To me, you are just suffering from that dreaded disease, Diarrhea of the Mouth.

 I am one that pays these wages, pays these taxes, pays the insurance, pays for health care.  So, don't tell me I am wrong unless you can prove it.

 The president is doing such a fine job that employers such as myself are having a hard time finding people to fill job vacancies. During the Obama years, I could find 20 people for every job opening my company has. Now it is hard to find qualified people to do the job. Yes, we pay top wages and the benefits are second to none. 

 So, unless you have the real first-hand knowledge, I suggest you keep your uneducated opinions to yourself. You are sounding like fools.

  By first-hand knowledge, I am not talking about the press. I am talking about getting down in the mud and dealing with it first hand.


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1 hour ago, PhonThong said:

I have to agree. Maybe some have been out of the country for too long.  The majority are getting fed up with the immigration situation in the U.S.. Especially when they realize what it is actually costing them. Polls are fine. But, don't say the polls are on your side when truthfully they are not.

I guess it's time for a repeat performance. Here is a a Fox News poll. Are you claiming ing that Fox News lied?

Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants

Today, overwhelming majorities favor granting work permits (86 percent favor vs. 12 percent oppose) and U.S. citizenship (79-19 percent) to illegal immigrants under the age of 30 brought here as children, provided they pass a background check.


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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

This is really bizarre. It's completely non controversial that most Americans don't want the DACA people kicked out. Yet some extremists still fight that obvious reality. It's OK to support kicking them out but not OK to promote a fake reality that most Americans want that. They do not. End of.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Not extremist at all

Just  Americans living in America seeing the reality

Not American expats living in Asia reading bought & paid for polls making claims

Also we never said kick out we said legal pathways exist

to remain legally in the USA & are available to all who apply


Edited by meechai
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9 minutes ago, meechai said:

Well the poster that was being called wrong gave very good 1st hand evidence



Instead of the usual wild poll claims

"Usual wild poll claims" Polls are usually wild? Really?

Looks like you are living in deep denial of blatantly strong evidence.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

I guess it's time for a repeat performance. Here is a a Fox News poll. Are you claiming ing that Fox News lied?

Fox News Poll: 83 percent support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants

Today, overwhelming majorities favor granting work permits (86 percent favor vs. 12 percent oppose) and U.S. citizenship (79-19 percent) to illegal immigrants under the age of 30 brought here as children, provided they pass a background check.


They support a pathway to citizenship. Not grant them citizenship automatically due to the fact they were brought to the U.S. as children. If they earn the right, I am all for it. But, as it stands now.  No!

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23 minutes ago, PhonThong said:

They support a pathway to citizenship. Not grant them citizenship automatically due to the fact they were brought to the U.S. as children. If they earn the right, I am all for it. But, as it stands now.  No!

Where did you ever come up with the notion that the DACA order grants Dreamers citizenship? I'd love to see the source of that falsehood.

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If you're liberal and you have faith in "trusted" mainstream media polls then you learned absolutely nothing from the 2016 election.
I call B.S.
The consensus of MSM polling predicted Clinton would win the popular vote by about two percent. Which she did.

They got the state polling wrong but keep in mind that "trump" only because he won by very narrow margins in four swing states.

The polls showing support for DACA people to stay indicate massive overwhelming majorities. No doubt whatsoever that they accurately reflect public opinion.

Sent from my Lenovo A7020a48 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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25 minutes ago, sukhumvitneon said:

If you're liberal and you have faith in "trusted" mainstream media polls then you learned absolutely nothing from the 2016 election.

Yes, the polls were off by an average of 1 percent in the national polls. Massively wrong. And Trump was given a 28% chance of winning. You think 28% means impossible? If that were the case, then Russian Roulette would be a really safe game to play.

Edited by bristolboy
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2 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Where did you ever come up with the notion that the DACA order grants Dreamers citizenship? I'd love to see the source of that falsehood.

Again, a person with no dog in the hunt. You are another getting your information from news organizations. 

 Have you attended townhall meetings with your, local senator or congressman? I am guessing not. Have you been to your local BBB meetings? I am guessing not. Have you been to Washington to attend hearings open to the business public on DACA? Again, I am guessing not. 

Never said, DACA order grants Dreamers citizenship? I said, they Support a pathway to citizenship. 


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24 minutes ago, PhonThong said:

Again, a person with no dog in the hunt. You are another getting your information from news organizations. 

 Have you attended townhall meetings with your, local senator or congressman? I am guessing not. Have you been to your local BBB meetings? I am guessing not. Have you been to Washington to attend hearings open to the business public on DACA? Again, I am guessing not. 

Never said, DACA order grants Dreamers citizenship? I said, they Support a pathway to citizenship. 


Then why did you write this if it's not the case? "Not grant them citizenship automatically due to the fact they were brought to the U.S. as children. If they earn the right, I am all for it. But, as it stands now.  No!"

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5 hours ago, bristolboy said:

Like you, my personal qualifications are unproveable and my motives are irrelevant.. What I have offered are independently checkable facts. What you offer are merely empty assertions.

1,500 of 325 million doesn't = Majority of, or a Large Majority. 


The point is CBS' representation in text is dodgy on its face.  It's all too common these days, almost normal.  That's my assertion.  Nothing to do with DACA.

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