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London murder rate overtakes New York's


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53 minutes ago, DILLIGAD said:

When can you remember Brixton being a white upper middle class area??
Just curious as I worked there for many (happy) years.

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Brixton has long been considered the home of London's West Indian community, ever since the first Jamaican immigrants settled there after arriving on the Empire Windrush in 1948. Many new arrivals ended up in the area because they were temporarily housed in nearby Clapham South, and the closest employment centre was in Brixton.


Evryding Airi Maan?





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Brixton has long been considered the home of London's West Indian community, ever since the first Jamaican immigrants settled there after arriving on the Empire Windrush in 1948. Many new arrivals ended up in the area because they were temporarily housed in nearby Clapham South, and the closest employment centre was in Brixton.
Evryding Airi Maan?

Exactly. Maybe the guys talking about the 19th century when it was a favored place for Music Hall stars???
I’ve only been around since ‘57!!!

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2 minutes ago, DILLIGAD said:

Exactly. Maybe the guys talking about the 19th century when it was a favored place for Music Hall stars???
I’ve only been around since ‘57!!!

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Wasn't Jack the Ripper from Brixton? 

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2 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Try reading up the history of Brixton yourself if you`re curious. Google is your friend.


2 hours ago, DILLIGAD said:

Sorry, I trust first hand knowledge as more reliable.



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Google is your friend if you know how to use it and stay away from the loony websites. And as for Brixton most of the racists from their dull, dreary provincial towns doing their their rants on this thread, probably haven't been there for decades if it all. The place has and is changing. Just visit Brixton Market to see the difference. The average house price in Brixton is now over 900,000 pounds and apartments over 400,000. Whatever the problems demand to live in London higher than the grey places the racists often hail from. Bottom line? These guys can't afford London. That's the real beef. PS I recall a friend who bought a house in Brixton in the 90s when it was jokingly referred to as 'The Front Line'. Didn't pay too much for it and now worth over a million pounds.

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Google is your friend if you know how to use it and stay away from the loony websites. And as for Brixton most of the racists from their dull, dreary provincial towns doing their their rants on this thread, probably haven't been there for decades if it all. The place has and is changing. Just visit Brixton Market to see the difference. The average house price in Brixton is now over 900,000 pounds and apartments over 400,000. Whatever the problems demand to live in London higher than the grey places the racists often hail from. Bottom line? These guys can't afford London. That's the real beef. PS I recall a friend who bought a house in Brixton in the 90s when it was jokingly referred to as 'The Front Line'. Didn't pay too much for it and now worth over a million pounds.

Agree. I was an Assistant Bank Manager in the High Rd (504).



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Brixton’s identity has changed enormously over time. In the 1920s it was south London’s shopping capital. In the 1950s it became home to immigrants from the West Indies. In the 1980s it was made notorious by riots. But today it faces a very different challenge: it is becoming one of London’s trendiest places to live. Some describe the area’s renaissance as regeneration, others say it is simply gentrification, forcing poorer residents out.


   A well-written review:



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1 hour ago, Happy enough said:

you just have this strange thing off assuming everyone is racist and not entitled to their opinion. if you must know my mum lives in clapham common and has done for many many years. i own and have a rented out flat in earlsfield and know the areas very well and used to go out to mass in brixton in my late teens. whether you live in what are now one million pound plus house on clapham common northside, it still has an estate right behind it and the same youth crime and stabbings. whether you have a 2 million pound house on northcote road there is still doddington and surrey lane estates right behind clapham junction and opposite the new riverside developments and still has all the associated crime and stabbings. and these are predominently by black kids whether you wish to believe it or not is entirely up to you

Many council estate problems long predate immigration into a lot of those areas. Even so and even with the recognition that there are 'problem estates', writing off people who are living there because of their ethnic background is hopeless and useless. And certainly not one supported in London mostly. Again it is worth pointing out that even in ex-council housing it is difficult to find a 2-bedroom apartment for under $500,000 equivalent in Zone 1. What does that mean? It means that the demand to live in some London council presumable hell-holes is a lot, lot more than the provincial areas where a lot of the forum criticism is coming. Well fancy that!

Edited by SheungWan
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1 hour ago, SheungWan said:

Many council estate problems long predate immigration into a lot of those areas. Even so and even with the recognition that there are 'problem estates', writing off people who are living there because of their ethnic background is hopeless and useless. And certainly not one supported in London mostly. Again it is worth pointing out that even in ex-council housing it is difficult to find a 2-bedroom apartment for under $500,000 equivalent in Zone 1. What does that mean? It means that the demand to live in some London council presumable hell-holes is a lot, lot more than the provincial areas where a lot of the forum criticism is coming. Well fancy that!

don't care about the property situation. talking about black kids running around like feral rats

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5 hours ago, Happy enough said:

don't care about the property situation. talking about black kids running around like feral rats

Yes, that property situation really is a complete embarrassment for some of our resident racists. How shameful to discover that the price of the ex-Council apartment in horrible inner London is worth double that of the whiter Northern dump. Better cut it out.

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8 hours ago, SheungWan said:

Many council estate problems long predate immigration into a lot of those areas. Even so and even with the recognition that there are 'problem estates', writing off people who are living there because of their ethnic background is hopeless and useless. And certainly not one supported in London mostly. Again it is worth pointing out that even in ex-council housing it is difficult to find a 2-bedroom apartment for under $500,000 equivalent in Zone 1. What does that mean? It means that the demand to live in some London council presumable hell-holes is a lot, lot more than the provincial areas where a lot of the forum criticism is coming. Well fancy that!

Happening,called segregation,the only way forward,and is supported by vast white majority in UK.  Many whites forced out,blacks probably all by house prices.

                2012 opening shot Olympics, mixed race family shown  as typical,it was nothing short of throwing up time,sickening to watch,vomit inducing,whoever,or whatever thinking, taking the UK in this direction is heading for violence.  Nobody ,but nobody wants to live alongside ,problems  manifest,worked alongside them,positive discrimination to put them in positions they are incapable of managing,even giving evidence in court means trials collapsing...Empire Windrush  needed in reverse

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Amber Rudd in today's Telegraph gets front page by claiming that budget and reductions in staffing are not to blame for the increase in crime in London, particularly knife crime and moped gang attacks (and presumably everywhere else in the country).


But Cressida Dick, Head of the Metropolitan Police said in November that further cuts in staffing and budgets would limit the Mets. ability to tackle violent crime and in particular, knife crime and moped gang attacks.


So who to believe..........easy peasy, I'm with Cressida Dick on this one, Amber Rudd is full of political poo!





The government needs to find money to increase police numbers and get control of crime, it's increased by 24% in 2016 and by 13% in 2017.






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17 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

i really think they just need more Police so reinstate their budget and back to doing back to stop and search without fear of being labelled racist. there are certain ways to target and it's not just the colour of the skin but how they are acting, how they are dressed and where they are etc. they should be allowed to clear up this mess. i think for the moped gangs i read they bought 10 bmw motocross bikes with specially trained riders to chase them and also to use some sort of liquid dye that they can throw at them which they wouldn't be able to get off their skin, clothes and bikes for a certain amount of time in case the police had suspects soon then would be easier to link them to a crime

The country is broke, every government department and service needs money spent on it, the armed forces, the NHS, the Police yet they're still cutting - don't we have something we can sell, how much would Charles fetch on the open market!

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6 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

The country is broke, every government department and service needs money spent on it, the armed forces, the NHS, the Police yet they're still cutting - don't we have something we can sell, how much would Charles fetch on the open market!

Nah. the UK's loaded. got plenty of free houses and money to give away both home and abroad 555

*BTW I think we'd get more for Kate Middleton, could send her down Patts (we can say that here can't we haha)

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1 minute ago, DILLIGAD said:

Agree and cut ALL foreign aid. Get our (UK) house in order first

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Foreign aid is given so that the recipient buys things off you with the money. It is not given for purely altruistic reasons.

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Foreign aid is given so that the recipient buys things off you with the money. It is not given for purely altruistic reasons.

Agree, just like there is no prostitution in Thailand.
Harsh times need harsh changes.

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3 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

"But we still blame those who want to come and chance their arm and not useless government? We need to be calling them out first on their failure to tackle problems rather than those trying to reach our shores by fair means or foul."


Everyone is calling them out but they simply do not listen and blame each other for anything that goes wrong as they are over the murder rates. With regards those who want to reach the UK and don't have the means or skills to contribute anything and will in all likeliness raise sprogs that will be hopeless losers like a lot of the kids we are seeing now, then they should not be allowed to enter and if they do illegally they should be sent straight back.


Only yesterday a judge freed a romanian gangster who had been sentenced to 9 years in jail in bucharest but skipped bail and fled the the UK because he said his human rights would be violated as their prisons are over crowded. It's a country in the EU for christ's sake! so the UK basically released him from serving his time and put him out on the UK streets. Expect every Romanian criminal to be jumping bail to the UK now! The UK is screwed at every level.It's farcical

Like I say, how easy is it to flee the UK? Very, I would imagine given there are no embarkation controls. Why is this - 'No money'?

Meanwhile, who can blame anyone for not staying where the money isn't and going where the money is, criminals included? Is it their fault we make it easy to commit crimes?

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40 minutes ago, simoh1490 said:

The country is broke, every government department and service needs money spent on it, the armed forces, the NHS, the Police yet they're still cutting - don't we have something we can sell, how much would Charles fetch on the open market!

The country is not broke as it sends zillions of quid to the EU to bolster countries that are. Perhaps when that stops the UK will be able to reallocate dosh where it's needed.....

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