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Siriroj Internationalย  Hospital in Phuket answer me:


* Albumin: 250 THB

* Bilirubin Direct: 250 HB

* Bilirubin Total: 250 THB

* Total Protein: 220 THB

* ALP: 280 THB

* AST: 260 THB

* ALT: 260 THB

* GGT: 570 THB


These are tests of liver function. They are not tests of liver fibrosis, there is no blood test for that (though in severe fibrosis, liver function will be affected). Normal results will not rule out presence of fibrosis, they will only tell you that so far the liver is still able ot function adequately.


Fibrosis, including at earlier stages not yet compromising liver function, can be seen on an abdominal ultrasound. Many hospital check-up packages include this.


Why no blood test of course that exists why can we do it in Europe and not in Thailand ?

You have read the test proposed by the Siriroj International ย Hospital in Phuket it is a blood testย :smile:


Hepatic function tests better known as "liver function tests" are used to highlight liver damage or diseases. It is the combination of several parameters (up to 5) measured on the same blood sample. They are chosen from:

> Alanine Aminotransferase (ALAT) an enzyme found mostly in the liver the best test for hepatitis.
> Aspartate Aminotransferase (ASAT) an enzyme found in the liver but also in the muscles and heart.
> Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) an enzyme partially excreted by bile often increased in obstructions of the bile ducts.
> Bilirubin total and bilirubin conjugate (direct) often evaluated in pathologies of the liver and also in newborns presenting jaundice (jaundice).
> Albumin the most abundant protein in the blood made by the liver whose dosage makes it possible to know the capacities of synthesis of the liver.
> Total proteins meanย albumin but also other proteins including antibodies, produced in response to an infection.

Other blood tests may be prescribed including gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and coagulation tests (prothrombin rate) but also the search for bilirubin in the urine.


As I explained, none of those tests specifically identified fibrosis. They identify liver function.


- you can have abnormal results fro ma cause other than fibrosis


- you can have a fair amount of fibrosis before it gets to the point of affecting liver function


No difference in Europe. They will do an ultrasound of the liver if liver function tests come back abnormal in order to identify cause.


You asked specifically abut liver fibrosis. Perhaps what you really meant was liver function? For that, easily done by blood test. Though by itself it will not tell the reason for abnormal results and it also will often not show if there are early adverse processes any sort underway in your liver.


Frankly I do not understand why your specific emphasis on fibrosis.ย  If you are worried about your liver then indeed the blood tests you mention (easily done at any hospital, standard part of most check up packages) and I would also encourage an ultrasound assuming you have some reason to think you are at risk of liver problems (alcohol, history of hepatitis etc) since this can detect changes before the blood values become abnormal.


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