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Australian Lottery Website

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Now as a foreign resident, I don't know what the rules are with regard to playing Lotto, but if I won the big one, and they rang me on my Ozzie mobile number which is on roaming, I would say that I am on holiday overseas at the moment and would ask if I needed to return to collect or would they put it into my account as usual with other small fry's, and if I did, I would take the next flight back to Oz, if I didn't need to go back, then it would be party time here, straight to Phuket, I will take you, you and you....happy days are here, until the morning after 555 

I rang the Aussie lotto people (The Lott) and they made it clear that ticket purchases made outside of Australia are against the rules and winnings would not be paid.
As mentioned above by others, my winnings (only ever small so far) have also always been paid into my online account as I play often using a VPN.
Should I ever win the big one, I too will accept their phone call to my Australian mobile number (on roaming) and be on the first plane home. But with my luck I’m sure the lottery officials will check the IP address that was used to buy the winning ticket, establish that the IP address belongs to an offshore VPN provider then check with Immigration to ascertain if I was overseas on the day the ticket was purchased.
When I arrive back to Aus to claim the big one they will then say “sorry Sir, but we’re withholding payment as we think you illegally bought the winning ticket from overseas. Please show us your passport to confirm our suspicions”
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6 hours ago, Nemises said:


I rang the Aussie lotto people (The Lott) and they made it clear that ticket purchases made outside of Australia are against the rules and winnings would not be paid.
As mentioned above by others, my winnings (only ever small so far) have also always been paid into my online account as I play often using a VPN.
Should I ever win the big one, I too will accept their phone call to my Australian mobile number (on roaming) and be on the first plane home. But with my luck I’m sure the lottery officials will check the IP address that was used to buy the winning ticket, establish that the IP address belongs to an offshore VPN provider then check with Immigration to ascertain if I was overseas on the day the ticket was purchased.
When I arrive back to Aus to claim the big one they will then say “sorry Sir, but we’re withholding payment as we think you illegally bought the winning ticket from overseas. Please show us your passport to confirm our suspicions”


Yeh it absolutely sucks, but I would challenge it in court, because as an Australian Citizen I wouldn't think you are breaking the law.


I use a web browser that says I am in Australia as my usual Google browser doesn't get in when I try to buy a ticket.


The best alternative for me is to get my daughter back in Sydney to buy me the ticket/s and I deposit the money into her account, and if she wins, well there is no argument, just go to convince her to cough up ????


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10 hours ago, Nemises said:


I rang the Aussie lotto people (The Lott) and they made it clear that ticket purchases made outside of Australia are against the rules and winnings would not be paid.
As mentioned above by others, my winnings (only ever small so far) have also always been paid into my online account as I play often using a VPN.
Should I ever win the big one, I too will accept their phone call to my Australian mobile number (on roaming) and be on the first plane home. But with my luck I’m sure the lottery officials will check the IP address that was used to buy the winning ticket, establish that the IP address belongs to an offshore VPN provider then check with Immigration to ascertain if I was overseas on the day the ticket was purchased.
When I arrive back to Aus to claim the big one they will then say “sorry Sir, but we’re withholding payment as we think you illegally bought the winning ticket from overseas. Please show us your passport to confirm our suspicions”


When my wife and I came to Thailand we still put our lotto for 10 weeks at a time using my account. We did not know this was not allowed. There was no problems until not so long ago I could not login anymore. Doing research I found that we we not supposed to do that and we were now blocked from OS IP. So I used a VPN and log in via that. After reading this I am concerned.


I am still in Thailand and commitments are keeping me here for a few more years but my wife has had to return to Australia to care for her aging parents. My online account has an Australian address, games paid for by an Australian credit card and wins paid into an Australian bank account. I am wondering if I get her to log in from her iPad in Australia into my account and put the lotto on for me would that be ok as bought in Australia plus my account details as above.?

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^Your plan sounds fine in regards to a genuine AU, non-VPN generated IP address. Biggest concern however would be that no one tips off the Lottery Office that a 3rd party logged in as you to buy the winning ticket and that you were overseas at the time of ticket purchase!

Just make sure you get the first plane home and tell your wife to remain calm and say nothing to no one until you’re inside your AU home’s front door :)



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  • 3 weeks later...

I emailed the Lott with the following question:-


At the moment I am spending extended time in Thailand. I have an online account and have become aware that I am not allowed to purchased from Thailand. My wife is living in Australia looking after her parents. Is it legal if she uses my account, obviously with my permission, to put lotto on? Money will be paid by and Australian bank account, wins into Australian bank account and my registered address is in Qld, Australia. I don't want to win the "big one" and find out I can not collect it.


They replied with:-


As you are probably aware, all of the minor prizes are paid into your online account and you can then withdraw any funds you might win. With the 'big one' - division one prize - you will need to be able to show ID with an address in Australia (except WA). As long as you can do this, then there are no issues with your account.


So it appears all you need is a current valid Australian ID. I still have my Queensland drivers license.

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