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Had a calcium scan done?


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From the article referenced:


A calcium scan is most useful to assess patients considered to be at moderate risk of heart disease, as well as those whose risk is uncertain. Someone who has 5 percent to 7.5 percent chance of suffering a heart attack in the next 10 years, based on standard risk factors like age, gender, race, cholesterol level, blood pressure, smoking behavior and the presence of diabetes, is considered to be at moderate risk. The scan can also be helpful for patients deemed at low risk but with a family history of heart attack at a relatively young age, as in the case of my brother.

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They discovered a problem with my heart and I had a scan, with iodine injection, to discover the cause, a by-product of which was a CAC score. You can also have a scan without the iodine, but the results will not be as precise. The cost for my scan was around 18k at Sriracha hospital; without the iodine I expect it would be substantially cheaper.


A score below 100 is good, a score over 400 is not good at all!

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