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Earning requirements and UK Visas

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I have always found it odd that the UK Government doesn't simply use the records that they have to prove the earnings that somebody has to support settlement, FLR and ILR visa.

Now we have "Part of the problem has been a requirement to provide four pieces of evidence for each year that a person has been in the country.

Windrush migrants must prove they have been in the UK continually since 1 January 1973,"

The Government is expecting immigrants that have been in the countrt since before 1973 to prove that they have been in the country when the Government themselves has all the tax and NICs data. Anybody who was here before 1973 will have to provide 184 pieces of evidense to substantiate their claim. I certianly couldn't do it.

I wonder why when it comes to immigration does the UK have to be so obtuse?

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Well the government did have evidence of immigration status for the 'Windrush Generation'.


The immigration disembarkation cards for these people where held by the government, ordered destroyed by the last Labour government, burned by the Tory/Lib Dem government (under authority of Theresa Ma) and demanded as evidence of right to remain in the UK by this Tory government under authority of Amber Rudd, acting for Theresa May.


What a bitter, spiteful, small minded and inhuman place the UK is becoming. 

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On 23/04/2018 at 7:06 PM, Trevor1809 said:

" What a bitter, spiteful, small minded and inhuman place the UK is becoming.  "


I regret to say I agree with everything that you said. Can Britain actually become a worse place to live than it currently is, unless you are a foreign tax exile.

The place is a dam mess

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