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Experts worried about lack of Thai digital skills


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they better hurry because chinese people will not let the opportunity go. its not that thais cant do it but they probably wont. just look at the mess that lazada is. its the worst e-commerce site ever and mainly due to people not understanding how to properly post their goods. whatever you search for you can be sure there is loads of useless stuff that has nothing to do with the actual search ....things advance and if you dont keep up u loose

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8 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

What nonsense!


Does the "distinguished" Fellow believe that poor farmers have the technical skills to manage on-line sales of their wares? The same poor farmers who were "educated' in the Thai education system?


Perhaps in theory, one day, the farmers will be able to manage their own sales operation and reap the benefits, but that day is way off in the future. The story notes: 


Pramote Ruamsuk, adviser of the Eastern Provinces’ Chamber of Commerce, said he is not sure whether Thai farmers would gain more from Alibaba since there have been many Chinese businessmen setting up operations in Thailand to buy durians directly from farmers for online sales.


Why do you think that is the case? Simply because they enjoy the weather?


Prayut is pleasing his Chinese masters.



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they will find a way, the Government will come up with a cunning scheme that sets the Durian price for the Thai farmers which gives them a fair and equitable price, then they will gather them all together and a few selected highly digitally trained Government officials will sell them onwards to the Chinese. The D.O.G.S (Digital Officials Government Sellers) will be appointed on the basis of how many votes they can deliver to the new democratic candidate, Prayuth. There is always a way.

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I'm very surprised they can use calculators. When going into a shop to buy two items of the same product, out comes the calculator. Whatever did they do before calculators? Although I haven't seen an Abacus as yet. 

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