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Poor Thai Families Selling Their Kidneys For Cash


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Sorry for going a little off topic in here, but I never cease to wonder...whay aren't us, farangs, doing the same. Why our girls are not prostituting that easy as thais do? Why don't the kids act like the OP's wife did? Why do I have a feeling that my mother or father would hang themselfs if they'd knew I've sold one of my organs in order to get them something they needed? Girls prostituting themselfs, they would only end up banned from the house if they would go selling their bodies, no matter the financial status. I mean come on, it's logic, why would a person do such things?

Ok, let alone the richer countries (UK, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia, NZ, etc.), take East Europe for example (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, etc.), poor or very poor countries, why don't they do it? Yeah, there are a few hookers and yes there are a few bad apples there too, but uncomparable to this part of Asia.

I'd take my hat off for somebody who could give me a logical answer for this one...

Come on Alex, approximately 20,000 of the 300,000 babies born each year in Romania are abandoned.

The Romanian Adoption Agency says that at least 10,000 children have been illegally sold to westerners.

It's also prety common knowlege that may Romanian parents were willing to sell there children to the highest bidder and the European Union have been pressuring Romania to permanently shut down foreign adoptions and this is one of a flurry of new initiatives drafted to overhaul the child welfare system as a condition for EU entry in 2007 and to show that Romania can take care of its children.

It's also common knowlege that many Romanian boys and young men are trafficked to another Eastern European country for purposes of sexual exploitation. Romanian girls are trafficked within the country for commercial sexual exploitation, and boys are trafficked from Eastern and Northern Romania to urban cities for purposes of forced labor including forced petty theft and that many of these were sold by parents or husbands.

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In most of SE Asia, the going rate for a kidney from a live donor is around $1,500 and no where neer the $10,000 price tag your wife claims to have comanded.

Bangkok has a thriving kidney trade and there are many private clinics catering to other Thais and a foreign clientele dominated by wealthy Arabs, and Chinese.

I would question if your wife is telling you the truth here, maybe the first story was real and the kidney was taken out due to it being defective.

Maybe she is covering up the real source of the money to buy the house (Farang sponser etc).

Either way, what ever the real story is your wife has already lied and been untruthful with you, how will you ever know now?

Oh well done pal.

The OP seems a nice caring guy who has

a good relationship with his wife.

So why not throw a bit of paranoia his

way to make him feel better ?


Just being realistic, nothing more and nothing less.

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Sorry for going a little off topic in here, but I never cease to wonder...whay aren't us, farangs, doing the same. Why our girls are not prostituting that easy as thais do? Why don't the kids act like the OP's wife did? Why do I have a feeling that my mother or father would hang themselfs if they'd knew I've sold one of my organs in order to get them something they needed? Girls prostituting themselfs, they would only end up banned from the house if they would go selling their bodies, no matter the financial status. I mean come on, it's logic, why would a person do such things?

Ok, let alone the richer countries (UK, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia, NZ, etc.), take East Europe for example (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, etc.), poor or very poor countries, why don't they do it? Yeah, there are a few hookers and yes there are a few bad apples there too, but uncomparable to this part of Asia.

I'd take my hat off for somebody who could give me a logical answer for this one...

Come on Alex, approximately 20,000 of the 300,000 babies born each year in Romania are abandoned.

The Romanian Adoption Agency says that at least 10,000 children have been illegally sold to westerners.

It's also prety common knowlege that may Romanian parents were willing to sell there children to the highest bidder and the European Union have been pressuring Romania to permanently shut down foreign adoptions and this is one of a flurry of new initiatives drafted to overhaul the child welfare system as a condition for EU entry in 2007 and to show that Romania can take care of its children.

It's also common knowlege that many Romanian boys and young men are trafficked to another Eastern European country for purposes of sexual exploitation. Romanian girls are trafficked within the country for commercial sexual exploitation, and boys are trafficked from Eastern and Northern Romania to urban cities for purposes of forced labor including forced petty theft and that many of these were sold by parents or husbands.

Well, that's what you get when you're giving yourself to the media. I've seen a few cases and as I saw who those romanians were, romanian gypsies, people that usually go stealing around all over europe under a romanian passport and then come back home and make it difficult for the police to touch them because they're "minorities" now and EU wants us real romanians to help them integrate, which has proven to be impossible as they really lack the ability to work or stop comitting crimes. They're the only ones selling their kids in Romania, I can assure you of that.

Please don't let yourself carried away by the media, I mean, take Kazakhstan for example and the Borat movie...they showed gypsies there (I think there might be 5 or 6 gypsies around there, but probably lost), no gypsies there and no romanians in Kazakhstan, that movie was a complete joke, the rate of reality there was for less than 5%, pure stupidity from it's makers.

Sexual exploitation? Yeah, moldavians, ukrainians, slovenians, bulgarians or gypsies, maybe a few romanians, but the percentage would go somewhere under the 10% level.

I've was borned and lived there for 21 years, I've seen the good and the bad and I'm telling you that what you guys are watching on TV is BS, what I've seen in Thailand in 2 years, I've never seen anywhere before alltogether, never been in Africa though...

I've made a few videos in Thailand, the islands, Bangkok, Chiang Mai, the nature, the sea, shopping malls and showed them to my family, everything was cool until they've seen the Walking Street in Pattaya and the Soi Nana in Bangkok, they couldn't just believe their eyes, hence, my father was a police officer in Romania, guess he's seen a lot of ugly stuff in his life, but he still couldn't believe that there is a place where you can find so many prostitutes/sqm, my mother got shocked and my grandmother said that the youngsters are spending too much time in bars, she really couldn't believe that all those girls were prostitutes.

All in all, it's by far uncomparable...

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My Thai wife and I have been married for over 2 years and we have a very health 15 month old son.


My wife has a huge scar around her right rib cage which she previously told me was from the removal of a damaged kidney.

Today, after further questioning, my suspicions were confirmed that she sold her kidney for cash.

Any comments, suggestions, help or stories would be appreciated.

quite simply, its none of your business.

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My Thai wife and I have been married for over 2 years and we have a very health 15 month old son.


My wife has a huge scar around her right rib cage which she previously told me was from the removal of a damaged kidney.

Today, after further questioning, my suspicions were confirmed that she sold her kidney for cash.

Any comments, suggestions, help or stories would be appreciated.

quite simply, its none of your business.

Ahhh, right. None of my business? Well, I feel that it is. My wife and families health and welfare certainly is my business. I don't know about you but when I am married to somebody, I take care of them physically, emotionally and financially. I provide the best for them that I am physically able. If it was none of my business and the family HAD actually forced her to do it, then what is to stop them doing similar in the future? She has lots of other organs etc to sell away. I don't want this to happen to her again, so I am involved.

Thanks to everyone for all the advice.

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not just in thailand;

a few months ago an arab worker (not from the 'area' from a decent town with good parents etc, came to ask me if i knew of a doctor that deals with kidneys cause he had a 'friend' that needed money (he is actually the one in debt).... seems fairly common in the gray areas of life/moneylending etc

e. european white slave trade alive and well in the middle east (israel) ... i help out with the workers' hotline here i can tell some awful stories... and statistics, well, aquei. said it all...

so yes, this is a done thing; i guess just most people done know people that would need to do that kind of thing or arent exposed to this as much.

as for daughter selling herself: it is a buddhist 'requirement' to honour and give gratitude (in the form of money/house/work) to your parents. it doesnt usually matter to the parent how; thereing the prostitution etc also... it is the daughter saying thank u to her parents. and no, a majority of parents wouldnt see the scar in the first place and wouldnt ever ever ask a direct question anyway... they would assume something and the daugher wouldlet them assume things...

it seems that many westerners are naive about the cost of a life and what people would do for a life or someone else's life.

if my daugher went into prostituion to support her child, and i had no money to help her out, i would not lock the door on her, it is a not a moral problem with me but a health matter (in more ways than one).. i would try to find other methods. no i would not allow her to support me by selling a kidney, on the other hand, my parents are the ones helping me financiaally at the moment i would never be able to support or care for them and they dont expect it either. i dont expect my daughter to support me either. but i was born in america not thailand.

moral values are different than health/safety issues ...

go to a good doctor to find out problems etc about kidney stuff; forget about the real reason behind it... does it matter really? (unless a health problem to second kidney)...

if your wife doesnt care about the house, then why should u. if she wants to do another supportive measure to help her parents, than u can intervene since u are two + now, and not just her.


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Please don't let yourself carried away by the media, I mean, take Kazakhstan for example and the Borat movie...they showed gypsies there (I think there might be 5 or 6 gypsies around there, but probably lost), no gypsies there and no romanians in Kazakhstan, that movie was a complete joke, the rate of reality there was for less than 5%, pure stupidity from it's makers.

You do know that Borat was an openly faked documentary, meant to make fun of everyone that didn't know anything about the country and it's customs aswell as bring light on [some] American opinions [especially against homosexuals and jews]?

It doesn't really help your case in trying to establishe any credibility of worldly knowledge when you don't even know this...

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Please don't let yourself carried away by the media, I mean, take Kazakhstan for example and the Borat movie...they showed gypsies there (I think there might be 5 or 6 gypsies around there, but probably lost), no gypsies there and no romanians in Kazakhstan, that movie was a complete joke, the rate of reality there was for less than 5%, pure stupidity from it's makers.

You do know that Borat was an openly faked documentary, meant to make fun of everyone that didn't know anything about the country and it's customs aswell as bring light on [some] American opinions [especially against homosexuals and jews]?

It doesn't really help your case in trying to establishe any credibility of worldly knowledge when you don't even know this...

Was I not trying to say that Borat is a fake? As for knowledge...well, I'm not trying to be rude here, but I think I know better that a person reading the journals with all the BS that gets there, statistics made from fairytales and all kinds of stuff...You might be smarter or more informed than I am on other matters, but hope that those other things that you know aren't as known as the subject in question, otherwise you'd be a terrible source of missleaded informations :o

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You know it's faked and yet you call the movie makers stupid...amazing.

They've called it a fake right after they've realised they were too stupid, guess they hired a smart one to wash away the shame...

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You know it's faked and yet you call the movie makers stupid...amazing.

They've called it a fake right after they've realised they were too stupid, guess they hired a smart one to wash away the shame...

Ehhh, Borat is a comedy, by the same actor that invented the brilliant Ali G. Has nothing even to do with real or fake, apart from the real laughter that is causes, which is the aim of comedies.

And, i am sorry, your argumentation starts sounding like the desperate defense of Thailand being the "Land of Smile" and as close as paradise on earth here led by many Thais and westeners despite more than overwhelming evidence of the opposite.

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You know it's faked and yet you call the movie makers stupid...amazing.

They've called it a fake right after they've realised they were too stupid, guess they hired a smart one to wash away the shame...

(Quoted so you cannot hide your mistakes later.)

Anyone that is not a completely ignorant person regarding Borat (did you know the character has been on the Ali G show for many years?) knows that the depiction of kazackstan was (humourusly) faked.

It's ok to be uneducated on a subject, but avoid being ignorant.

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You know it's faked and yet you call the movie makers stupid...amazing.

They've called it a fake right after they've realised they were too stupid, guess they hired a smart one to wash away the shame...

(Quoted so you cannot hide your mistakes later.)

Anyone that is not a completely ignorant person regarding Borat (did you know the character has been on the Ali G show for many years?) knows that the depiction of kazackstan was (humourusly) faked.

It's ok to be uneducated on a subject, but avoid being ignorant.

Sorry for being pedantic, but ignorant means being uneducated.

Other than that, not much wrong with the sentiment.

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You know it's faked and yet you call the movie makers stupid...amazing.

They've called it a fake right after they've realised they were too stupid, guess they hired a smart one to wash away the shame...

(Quoted so you cannot hide your mistakes later.)

Anyone that is not a completely ignorant person regarding Borat (did you know the character has been on the Ali G show for many years?) knows that the depiction of kazackstan was (humourusly) faked.

It's ok to be uneducated on a subject, but avoid being ignorant.

What mistakes?

Let me know when you get into contact with the reality and stop living in TV shows, movies and newspapers. (1) Ali G. is irrelevant, (2) History might be a subject you'd be interested in or at least should be since your need of expression is so strong and (3) you're in no position to call me an ignorant

P.S.: Where did you copy-pasted that article that you started this? The Sun, maybe...?

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My Thai wife and I have been married for over 2 years and we have a very health 15 month old son.


My wife has a huge scar around her right rib cage which she previously told me was from the removal of a damaged kidney.

Today, after further questioning, my suspicions were confirmed that she sold her kidney for cash.

Any comments, suggestions, help or stories would be appreciated.

quite simply, its none of your business.

Ahhh, right. None of my business? Well, I feel that it is. My wife and families health and welfare certainly is my business. I don't know about you but when I am married to somebody, I take care of them physically, emotionally and financially. I provide the best for them that I am physically able. If it was none of my business and the family HAD actually forced her to do it, then what is to stop them doing similar in the future? She has lots of other organs etc to sell away. I don't want this to happen to her again, so I am involved.

Thanks to everyone for all the advice.

Admittedly my statement was abrupt, so, just to clarify, i meant that i really dont beleive that any arrangement between your wife and her family before you met is for you to comment on.

As you have stated you take no responsibility for their financial situation, then likewise you should have little influence in their affairs beyond a very justifiable concern for your wives well being. unfortunaltely it is her battle, all you

suicide threats over whisky etc, are a clear indicator that the family has deep issues already that you cannot fix. rather than dwell on the house that her blood built, you should center concern on your wife, especially if they provided encorgment, or worse, forced her to do this.

if she was coerced, you have far deeper problems than the condition of the house. Rather than help maintain a family that doesn't deserve any symapthy or consderation you should do your best to make your wife understand that she has done more than her share and she should concentrate on her family and future with you.

however having met, wed and begun your own family with a woman who has been desparate enough to do what most of us would consider inconceivable for a family that appears ungrateful, and frighteningly, imorrally mercenary, i fear your are in a lose lose situation. if their power over her was strong enough to convince her selling an organ was a good idea, it will likely remain to be that strong.

your only real hope is that she has through you and others outside the family to provide the extended support network that she will be lacking if she decides to exract herself from their infleunce.

if she manages to do so, she is certainly uncommon. not many succeed in shrugging of the mantle of family obligation, no matter how unreasonable the their obligations may be.

good luck

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You know it's faked and yet you call the movie makers stupid...amazing.

They've called it a fake right after they've realised they were too stupid, guess they hired a smart one to wash away the shame...

(Quoted so you cannot hide your mistakes later.)

Anyone that is not a completely ignorant person regarding Borat (did you know the character has been on the Ali G show for many years?) knows that the depiction of kazackstan was (humourusly) faked.

It's ok to be uneducated on a subject, but avoid being ignorant.

What mistakes?

Let me know when you get into contact with the reality and stop living in TV shows, movies and newspapers. (1) Ali G. is irrelevant, (2) History might be a subject you'd be interested in or at least should be since your need of expression is so strong and (3) you're in no position to call me an ignorant

P.S.: Where did you copy-pasted that article that you started this? The Sun, maybe...?

I like it how you completely miss the point and fail to even counter the little thing about you not having a clue what Borat the movie was about or what it showed.

And what article did I presumable copy-paste? Are you talking about the OP? You do know I didn't type that, don't you?

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You know it's faked and yet you call the movie makers stupid...amazing.

They've called it a fake right after they've realised they were too stupid, guess they hired a smart one to wash away the shame...

(Quoted so you cannot hide your mistakes later.)

Anyone that is not a completely ignorant person regarding Borat (did you know the character has been on the Ali G show for many years?) knows that the depiction of kazackstan was (humourusly) faked.

It's ok to be uneducated on a subject, but avoid being ignorant.

What mistakes?

Let me know when you get into contact with the reality and stop living in TV shows, movies and newspapers. (1) Ali G. is irrelevant, (2) History might be a subject you'd be interested in or at least should be since your need of expression is so strong and (3) you're in no position to call me an ignorant

P.S.: Where did you copy-pasted that article that you started this? The Sun, maybe...?

I like it how you completely miss the point and fail to even counter the little thing about you not having a clue what Borat the movie was about or what it showed.

And what article did I presumable copy-paste? Are you talking about the OP? You do know I didn't type that, don't you?

I was talking about the east european article, of course...

Borat, I know what it was all about and I know where he was pointed at, looking at the "point" and the "details", I also know where else they pointed at without even knowing or better say didn't care anyways...Obviously you didn't see it and nor was I expecting you to

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You know it's faked and yet you call the movie makers stupid...amazing.

They've called it a fake right after they've realised they were too stupid, guess they hired a smart one to wash away the shame...

(Quoted so you cannot hide your mistakes later.)

Anyone that is not a completely ignorant person regarding Borat (did you know the character has been on the Ali G show for many years?) knows that the depiction of kazackstan was (humourusly) faked.

It's ok to be uneducated on a subject, but avoid being ignorant.

What mistakes?

Let me know when you get into contact with the reality and stop living in TV shows, movies and newspapers. (1) Ali G. is irrelevant, (2) History might be a subject you'd be interested in or at least should be since your need of expression is so strong and (3) you're in no position to call me an ignorant

P.S.: Where did you copy-pasted that article that you started this? The Sun, maybe...?

I like it how you completely miss the point and fail to even counter the little thing about you not having a clue what Borat the movie was about or what it showed.

And what article did I presumable copy-paste? Are you talking about the OP? You do know I didn't type that, don't you?

I was talking about the east european article, of course...

Borat, I know what it was all about and I know where he was pointed at, looking at the "point" and the "details", I also know where else they pointed at without even knowing or better say didn't care anyways...Obviously you didn't see it and nor was I expecting you to

Alex, I fear you have confused Tawp with my good self.

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Sorry for the mistake, it's a dead subject anyway, the point was again reduced to whos coming up with more flowered remarks, like may other subjects on this forum. I also am sorry for going offtopic, I thought that I would open a new thread for this matter, but it seems it will be just another topic going offtopic anyways...

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Just curious, whats the connection between Borat and kidneys for sale? Did I miss something here? :o

Anyway, my husband recalls a newspaper story quite a few years back about Thai people selling their own organs. Apparently, it is illegal here.

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Actually, I suspected that my wife's family forced her to do it,, but she told me that it was her decision and the family doesn't know. Makes me wonder though. Where do they think the scar came from and the money for that matter!

Fingers crossed on the health side, I believe we have the same blood type so I may be writing here soon with my experiences of living with one kidney myself.

As they don't know what their daughters are doing for a living in Pattaya which bring 30k a month...

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<br />Just curious, whats the connection between Borat and kidneys for sale? Did I miss something here? <img src="style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /><br /><br />Anyway, my husband recalls a newspaper story quite a few years back about Thai people selling their own organs. Apparently, it is illegal here. <br /><br /> <br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

they are getting shot of those old Wurlitzers and Hammonds ...

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Oh well done pal.

The OP seems a nice caring guy who has

a good relationship with his wife.

So why not throw a bit of paranoia his

way to make him feel better ?



Why not??

Maxidad, as the "caring guy" (TROLL?) you should go see a Doctor and get your wife a X - ray examination...

Was this "absent" kidney from any interest during her pregnancy??

Is the scar on her back- or frontside? How old is your wife?

400 000 ฿ for a kidney???

Today, after further questioning, my suspicions were confirmed that she sold her kidney for cash.

Sorry, farangsay, but this guy is already paranoid (TROLL?...).

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It's really sad to read thee stories what low-lifes force their daughters to do, directly or indirectly, by demanding not only a basic level of money, but often more and more.

Your wife can live pretty much without problems with one kidney, but she won't have a backup 'incase' now.

What an utmost offensive stand. Obviously those people did NOT force their daughter to do so. And I am extremely careful to believe these stories that easily. It is not common in Thailand that kidneys are sold. there are a very few examples that organs have been takes without permission. But it is extremely rare. Qualifying people as low lifes while they do not even know about it is stupid. I would rather question why a Farang is not willing to support his family a little bit. Do not spend it on the whiskey, spend it on the mother. How difficult can it be to sent 5,000 baht a month. see it as a tax which is probably not paid here anyhow, and if it is paid it is half the tariff back home!

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Sorry for going a little off topic in here, but I never cease to wonder...whay aren't us, farangs, doing the same. Why our girls are not prostituting that easy as thais do? Why don't the kids act like the OP's wife did? Why do I have a feeling that my mother or father would hang themselfs if they'd knew I've sold one of my organs in order to get them something they needed? Girls prostituting themselfs, they would only end up banned from the house if they would go selling their bodies, no matter the financial status. I mean come on, it's logic, why would a person do such things?

Ok, let alone the richer countries (UK, Italy, France, Switzerland, USA, Australia, NZ, etc.), take East Europe for example (Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, etc.), poor or very poor countries, why don't they do it? Yeah, there are a few hookers and yes there are a few bad apples there too, but uncomparable to this part of Asia.

I'd take my hat off for somebody who could give me a logical answer for this one...

I totally agree. I don't get it at all. I don't see how any parent could accept any money from a child that has resorted to prostitution to earn money to take care of them. I would rather eat trash or soi dogs then send my child out for that type of life. Sure there are some "fair tale" endings. I have seen a few myself. But I am sure the odds are probably around 1 in 100,000,000. It is a cultural thing I just can't concieve. Some I simply accept, some I don't even care to, and some..... like this one and can not even begin to justify.

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I am English, my grandfather was a poor hill framer here,in the early twenties he sold his sons labour out for a contract period. The system was known as tything I think.

My grandfather was drunkard so I am told.

My own father would never drink alcohol -- his father and alcohol left such a bad impression on him.

I was born in 1946 and always remember how my ftaher encouraged me to work hard at school, also telling me that a good son who did well in life would always give his father a "tenner" a week.

I woirked bloody hard and have done very well to advance my postion continuosly. and as I earned money I contributed to the family coffers.

My father died and whenever I visited my mother I slipped her a £50 note.

My mother became ill and died aged 84.

There was no will and the house I had paid for was still inhabited by my youngest brother who is disabled.

My mother did have many thousands of pounds saved (a very considerable sum)

my brother got that too.

Do I care??? not at all! It is only money.

The reason I tell you this is only that I see a similarity between the way of life for some people here in the UK in the past and the Thai concept of family today.

Love your wife ( you obviously do).

Her sense of duty to her family is to be understood and admired. ( How has she ever managed to become such a good person whilst having such rubbish parents---Yeaaa pal she must be special)

It is hard to change anyones views on family and obligation if they have been brainwashed since they were a kid.As she sees her own child grow maybe you can use her relationship and love for Him/Her as an example to illustrate just how abused she has been at the hands of her parents--(but gently and carefully eh)

To me all I see in Thai standards and family values is identical to what I know of pre-war (and pre welfare state) England.

Take them some wood preservative as someone suggested and see if the father uses it or drinks it! Make sure your wife understands what you are doing and why.

Good luck to you-wife and kiddie.

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Oh well done pal.

The OP seems a nice caring guy who has

a good relationship with his wife.

So why not throw a bit of paranoia his

way to make him feel better ?



Why not??

Maxidad, as the "caring guy" (TROLL?) you should go see a Doctor and get your wife a X - ray examination...

Was this "absent" kidney from any interest during her pregnancy??

Is the scar on her back- or frontside? How old is your wife?

400 000 ฿ for a kidney???

Today, after further questioning, my suspicions were confirmed that she sold her kidney for cash.

Sorry, farangsay, but this guy is already paranoid (TROLL?...).

I'm with Patex. As I said before, Bt400,000 to build one wooden shanty up north? :D And that price for a kidney? :D This is a trashy tale, and I think the OP is phishing for sympathy. He is extremely defensive.

Maxidaddy, you chose your life, many kind people gave you kind feedback here and you do not want to hear anything that may sound like a cruel twist on your rose-tinted perception of reality.

What about the nice folks who go for a drink and wake up in a bathtub of ice with a note that tells them to go to the hospital because one of their kidneys has been removed? Now, I would sympathise with a survivor of that ordeal.

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