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Why Are You In Thailand?


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when I married my wife, living in Thailand close to her family was part ob de package...that turned out to be a small town in southern Suphanburi. I am adaptable...my parents exiled me to Bolivia from southern California in 1965 because they didn't like me...I turned it into a party an' had a great time...

now, in decline as a middleaged man in poor health with diabetes I am seeing the advantages...everything is paid for an' there shall be 3 hots anna cot until the incinerator door at the wat opens...there ain't no bars, restaurants, cinemas where I live but I had that scene before on the west coast of California an' don't miss it much...the family and the children more than make up fer it...

everything considered I ain't doin' too badly...unless, of course the powers that be revert to simian antics an' kick all the falangs outta the country... :o

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Sh1t, ye've blown ma cover, ye nasty Sassenach!

Now for the full "outing" qwertz. You are also a plumber, yes?

I've laid more pipe than ye've had hot haggis. And don't ye be thinkin' we're friends noo, because I havnae forgotten the battle o' bonnie brae an' what ye did tae ma Annie Laurie.

Edited by qwertz
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I've laid more pipe than ye've had hot haggis.


That must be like making love to an octopus! Have you considered a blow-up doll? Or is that what a good BJ is in Banknock? Get on yer bike and come to Bangkok and we'll treat ye to a real night out.

P.S. Bring a bottle of that Banknock whisky that must be quite vintage now. I'm sure the locals have a few stashed away.

P.P.S. Sorry we hijacked your topic Dgoz, but at least its back on top again and I did include a reason for why the Banknockite sould come to BKK.


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I've laid more pipe than ye've had hot haggis.


That must be like making love to an octopus! Have you considered a blow-up doll? Or is that what a good BJ is in Banknock? Get on yer bike and come to Bangkok and we'll treat ye to a real night out.

P.S. Bring a bottle of that Banknock whisky that must be quite vintage now. I'm sure the locals have a few stashed away.

P.P.S. Sorry we hijacked your topic Dgoz, but at least its back on top again and I did include a reason for why the Banknockite sould come to BKK.

Och the noo ye cheeky Sassenach, ah've missed ye 'cos Ah had tae bring in the coo, it's snowin' like the blazes teneet an' the water mill's froze so Ah had nae juice fer me compooter.

An' Ah'm no afraid o' no slitty eyed orientals either. Ah'll be there with a nip of Old Angus soon as Ah extricate mesen from these here pipes.

Lang may yer lumb reek

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  • 2 weeks later...
Och the noo ye cheeky Sassenach, ah've missed ye 'cos Ah had tae bring in the coo, it's snowin' like the blazes teneet an' the water mill's froze so Ah had nae juice fer me compooter.

An' Ah'm no afraid o' no slitty eyed orientals either. Ah'll be there with a nip of Old Angus soon as Ah extricate mesen from these here pipes.

Lang may yer lumb reek

I just got my computer back from the repair shop. I put your last message through "Google Translator" and it blew the processor.

Oh, and we don't have much need for lumbs here but I've got some ice for the whisky (and the beer). Your Japanese/Scottish friend Angus will be very welcome here also.

Say "hello" to the girls of Banknock if you have a minute to spare.

P.S. Just to keep "on topic" Why are you NOT in Thailand?

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I got black-mailed into coming to Thailand to live. I fell in love with my wife in Australia - she was studying at University at the time. When we wanted to get married, her father agreed to the marriage with only one condition - I had to move to live in Thailand.

Prior to marriage I neither liked nor dis-liked thailand, but once decided upon the move, I have put all my energy into making the best of the situation. Sure its different from Australia, but so is a move accross the great land of "down-under".



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Why Thailand? Easy answer...Sabai..... man baw/chai mai?

After living back in Australia with my Issan wife. our son and another on the way, life in OZ became.....less then ideal. The light at the end was fading.

Here I build our house with my own hands, (no approval /mortgage/bullshit, needed) ,say Hi to the smiling kids on their way to school, have a short (limited Pasa Issan), chat to the local ice-cream/woven mat/shovel vendor, water my veges/garden while I have a beer/ drop into the market for dinner.

As I said...... Sabai.

Take it easy... Mike

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I first visited Thailand in 1988 on the advice of a friend. I had recently been divorced. I was told that Thailand offered cheap woman & booze. I thought that was the place for me, so I came for a holiday and had the greatest two week bender of my life. I have been living in Thailand 10 years now and my reasons for staying are not the same reasons I had before. I have a family I live far from Pattaya and Phuket, and no longer enjoy visiting those places. I only go to BKK when I really have to and I do not mind spending a couple of days there, shopping and having a bit of R&R with a few mates.

There are more and more Farangs coming to live in los and many are not the sort of person I would choose to mix with. I met a good example last night when this guy enter a very nice expat pub, he appeared to be alright till he went to the toilet and returned out of his head. I was told later that he was on bail for possession of Yah Baa. And that he was wanted in the UK for drug offences. There goes the neighbourhood!!

I will not return to the UK, the main reason being I have spent so long here, that I have nothing to go back too. Thailand is my home now. I do agree that the Thai's are not quite as friendly as they once were, but I still find it very comfortable and safe here.

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Why Thailand? Easy answer...Sabai..... man baw/chai mai?

After living back in Australia with my Issan wife. our son and another on the way, life in OZ became.....less then ideal. The light at the end was fading.

Here I build our house with my own hands, (no approval /mortgage/bullshit, needed) ,say Hi to the smiling kids on their way to school, have a short (limited Pasa Issan), chat to the local ice-cream/woven mat/shovel vendor, water my veges/garden while I have a beer/ drop into the market for dinner.

As I said...... Sabai.

Take it easy... Mike

Now, that's the spirit I love. Bless ya, Rasi.

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Why Thailand? Easy answer...Sabai..... man baw/chai mai?

After living back in Australia with my Issan wife. our son and another on the way, life in OZ became.....less then ideal. The light at the end was fading.

Here I build our house with my own hands, (no approval /mortgage/bullshit, needed) ,say Hi to the smiling kids on their way to school, have a short (limited Pasa Issan), chat to the local ice-cream/woven mat/shovel vendor, water my veges/garden while I have a beer/ drop into the market for dinner.

As I said...... Sabai.

Take it easy... Mike

Now, that's the spirit I love. Bless ya, Rasi.

Hi Jet, and thanks for your good thoughts. I'm just doing what keeps me and mine smiling.


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Och the noo ye cheeky Sassenach, ah've missed ye 'cos Ah had tae bring in the coo, it's snowin' like the blazes teneet an' the water mill's froze so Ah had nae juice fer me compooter.

An' Ah'm no afraid o' no slitty eyed orientals either. Ah'll be there with a nip of Old Angus soon as Ah extricate mesen from these here pipes.

Lang may yer lumb reek

I just got my computer back from the repair shop. I put your last message through "Google Translator" and it blew the processor.

Oh, and we don't have much need for lumbs here but I've got some ice for the whisky (and the beer). Your Japanese/Scottish friend Angus will be very welcome here also.

Say "hello" to the girls of Banknock if you have a minute to spare.

P.S. Just to keep "on topic" Why are you NOT in Thailand?

Hallo the noo, Alf. Sorry aboot the late reply, I've been busy with the turnip harvest. Why am Ah no in Thighland? Because the ox cart service doesnae start till spring an' it's 3 weeks on foot tae Greenock aerodrome. An' there's nary a girl in Banknock, just a lot of frightened sheep.

May your lumb reek langer

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