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I have to have a surgical procedure and in getting quotes, found Thailand more expensive than India. However as I live in Thailand, would prefer to have operation here than India. But is the quality of surgeons say at Bumrangrad Hospital, equal to hospitals in India. 


An impossible question to answer - but - The training/education of medical staff in India is based on the UK model which does produce highly skilled, very competent surgeons. 

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9 minutes ago, Swimman said:

An impossible question to answer - but - The training/education of medical staff in India is based on the UK model which does produce highly skilled, very competent surgeons. 

India is wonderful for medical procedures,been hospitalised there few times over the years excellent    Go to Medifee site ,no need to go any distance there, Calcutta not far off... Get other procedures done while there    skin cancer check colonoscopy ,heart echo  etc.

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There is a wide variation in quality of surgeons in all countries and also within the same hospital.


There are excellent surgeons in both countries, there are also mediocre and outright bad surgeons in both countries. Wherever you go, you need to carefully select your doctor.


Costs in Indian private hospitals are much less than costs in private Thai hospitals but about the same as in Thai government hospitals.


If you want advise as to best place in Thailand to have this procedure taking price into account you need to specify what the procedure is and what the underlying diagnosis is.

11 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

There is a wide variation in quality of surgeons in all countries

I would challenge that statement - I would be next to impossible for a mediocre candidate to gain admission to The American Board of Surgery or the British Royal Colledge of Surgeons.

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You could also google the individual doctors at whatever hospital in India,see  what their performance is up to,some are 100% with 100s of procedures done, not so Thailand, Hospitals in India will sack not up to standard doctors,reputation is everything there,not so here in Thailand,excepting big private ones                  

   Could,maybe even now stay in Govt hospital for free in India,treatment likewise,farmed out to private hospitals for MRI at cheaper rate,known a few UK residents there that took that option,but prob changed now,but sure is far cheaper than Thailand Govt. and private


The answer to your question depends a great deal on the type of procedure, its complexity and the nature of the surgical intervention. My personal view is to never have a surgical procedure done in Thailand, nor India unless it is  an emergency. 


I am more worried about  the post operative care and likelihood of a surgical site infection (SSI). India has an SSI  rate that is 2-5X higher than in the west. For example,  the SSI rate for  cardiac surgery is 5.6% in India vs 1-2% in the west (depending on the country). Thailand doesn't report, so  one doesn't know. Maybe if they don't report, it is assumed  no one will question the  post operative issues.

Now, this doesn't mean the surgeons are incompetent, but it highlights the risks associated with procedures in the tropics and in countries like India and Thailand. There are molds, bacteria and viruses which are  more deadly  or more likely to persist in places like India and Thailand. It is very difficult to keep a surgery room sterile and clean when one is surrounded by filth and aggressive air pollution and tap water that is polluted.   Dirt and beasties find their way in.  The cleaning and technical staff face difficult challenges.


Heres an article which highlights the issue(s).      http://vancouversun.com/health/the-dark-side-of-medical-tourism-how-quick-and-cheap-treatment-abroad-can-prove-costly-to-health-and-our-health-care-system


If I was faced with an urgent need for a difficult or complex surgery, I would prefer to have it  done in  Japan or Singapore if I could not get to  western Europe, Australia, Canada or the USA.



In semi private ward last year India  oldish guy acquired infection,hospital held him back for few days until cleared up.  Introduced stainless steel operating cabins to contain infections I believe


Purely anecdotal, but a friend of mine; mid-70's had a double knee replacement done in India several years ago and it worked out very well for him.

He got a "package plan": airfare from Thailand, hotel, surgery and post-op including 2 weeks physical therapy for $10,000.

His surgeon continued to follow-up with him twice a week via video messaging for 2 months following his return to Thailand.

He said the hospital was new and spotless. Great nursing care and excellent communication with all staff.  


I have had a lot of surgeries done in the last few yeas in the U S and seems like half the surgeons are Board Certified surgeons of Indian nationality.


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