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Tramadol Withdrawals


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I stopped taking Tramadol  about 4 days ago

I used to take about 4 to 5 hundred mg per day.


I have fibromyalgia,that's why I was taking it.

 I have gone through  the worst of the withdrawals but there is still pain

all over my body.


I don't know if the pain is opiate withdrawals or fybromyalgia.

I replaced Tramadol with Tynalol 8 hours and I'm still taking Gabapentin. and Amitripiline.


Does anyone know how long the pain from withdrawals   will last or how to tell if the pain

is from opiate withdrawals or  fibromyalgia.Or somebody might know a better medicine than what I'm taking.




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All government hospitals have a pain clinic where you can find help.


    4 to 500 mg is 8 to ten capsules, a day. Your body got used to it and the withdrawal is pretty similar to those of morphine, codeine etc.


    Benzo, or Diazepam could be helpful, but the withdrawal should be over soon.


    Please be careful that you don't start to take a new drug where you can develop an addiction. Get well soon. 


   Sheryl seems to be more knowledgeable. 





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Why are you quiting tramadol if you have fibro?

I have neuropathy and take a cocktail of tramadol, Lyrica and antidepressants all for pain control only.





Just realised your pretty much the same cocktail.


Be careful withdrawing from tramadol. It is a well known but not classified antidepressant as well. That's why it so hard.

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4 to 5 hundred mg a day for 8 years defiantly causes withdrawals if stopped.


I want to quit Tramadol because opiates are not good to take long term.

I reckon that the pain I feel in the morning is mostly opiate withdrawals.

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4 to 5 hundred mg a day for 8 years defiantly causes withdrawals if stopped.


I want to quit Tramadol because opiates are not good to take long term.

I reckon that the pain I feel in the morning is mostly opiate withdrawals.

Is the pain in your legs or do you have flu symptoms and feel like crap.


You might be underestimatimg the pain relief you got.


Good luck and let us know how it worked out



I'm 400 to 800 dose. On it for life as long as it keeps the pain away [emoji6]

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Tramadol withdrawal produces flu-like symptoms, which are typical of opioid withdrawal.

Common effects people may experience include: 1,2


  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Sweating.
  • Anxiety, nervousness, and/or panic.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Cold chills (rigors).
  • Uncontrollable shaking (tremors).
  • Muscle, joint, and/or bone pain.
  • Runny nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Coughing.
  • Hair standing on end.
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The pain is all over.No runny nose or diarrhea.

I took a little Imodium twice over the last few days.

I feel good in the mornings clear headed and energetic.

But the pain builds up quickly.


If this is day 5 I should probably expect some more pain  for another few days

I would love something to ease the pain in the meantime.




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Other medications that may be given to ease tramadol withdrawal symptoms include:








    • Over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
    • Medications to manage any anxiety or panic.
    • Medications for nausea, diarrhea, and other flu-like symptoms.
    • Over-the-counter or prescription sleep aids for insomnia
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If you stopped long term use of4 00-500 mg cold turkey you are lucky you are nto feeling worse than you describe.


Tramadol withdrawal usually takes at least a week, sometimes more and is better done under medical supervision. There are medications that can be given to ease some of the symptoms....and then there is the issue of finding an alternative treatment for the condition which led to the tramadol usage in the first place.


Distinguishing between pain due to withdrawal and pain due to the underlying condition is almost impossible, other than that the former will improve with time.


There are very few doctors in Thailand with any expertise in managing fibromylagia and if as your name suggests you are in Chiang Rai,  there may be none at all in your area.


Best seems to be Assoc. Prof. Dr Dr. Pradit Prateepavanich at the Siriraj Hospital pain clinic, he specializes in myofascial pain and is the author if what I think is the only Thai language textbook on fibromyalgia


Can be seen privately through Siriraj's private hosp



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Stay with [emoji471] it but yea you gonna be sick for a few weeks but don't go back you just need some support next few weeks and real help . The good news is when this passes you will feel better than you have in long time even WITH your pain .


Sign up for the forum below and post your question you asked here and get feedback from many who have much experience with what you are facing and congratulations on cutting this out of your life . You can get much good information at the forum below and have your wake up and success help others also with what you share .


Need to Talk?






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Thanks Guys,

I feel much better today.I feel "clean and sober".A haze has lifted.

Like "Lumbini " says the pain is still there but some how I feel better.


I know addiction can play strange tricks on the mind but I really feel like I wasn't addicted to the mood altering effects of Tramadol but I have been fooled by addiction before.


Day 6 was definitely a turning point

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Tolerance withdrawal over time keeps you sick even taking the same dosage so most of the time you feel like your in withdrawal even when your medicating and increasing dosage . When you stop the windows appear and longer you stay off ( completely ) the more windows and in about 90 days the sun comes out . For real ... don't believe me go see [emoji295]️
Congratulations your road is a bitch but the fruit from the effort you make will be quite amazing but you will go up and down for a few months so just let things past as this period the mind can be the enemy with its real thoughts about reinstating that are not helpful and accurate and scan spoil the very real sunshine that has been missing you may have forgotten about and how it feels that is on the way .

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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yes..........<deleted> big pharma.........and the doctors that believe them.


Do you have any thoughts on kratom.......


Also in a few weeks I will start to try to get off Gabapentin if I keep improving like this.....do you have any expierience with Gabapentin.


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11 minutes ago, chiangrai said:

yes..........<deleted> big pharma.........and the doctors that believe them.


Do you have any thoughts on kratom.......


Also in a few weeks I will start to try to get off Gabapentin if I keep improving like this.....do you have any expierience with Gabapentin.


Reading about Tramadol and gabapentin, well i was on 4 Tramadol and 4 Gabapentin daily for 4 years

200mg of each per day.

On october 29th of last year, i said enough i do not want to use them for the rest of my life, so i stopped, no problems what so ever,not taken any since.

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4 hours ago, chiangrai said:

yes..........<deleted> big pharma.........and the doctors that believe them.


Do you have any thoughts on kratom.......


Also in a few weeks I will start to try to get off Gabapentin if I keep improving like this.....do you have any expierience with Gabapentin.


The signs of gabapentin withdrawal are:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Sweating
  • Itching
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Headaches
  • Irritability
  • Changes in appetite
  • Restlessness
  • Abdominal pain
  • Muscle and bone pain
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dependent on the length of time the person has been taking gabapentin for, which can range from weeks to years. If the user took gabapentin for only a shorter period, quitting the drug is a lot easier. After longer periods of gabapentin intake, the withdrawal process can be more challenging, since the person’s brain and nervous system have come to rely on the medication.

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If you decide to quit gabapentin, it’s recommended that you work it out with the presence of a medical specialist whose field of specialization is “gradual tapering.” The doctor will reduce the dosage gradually until the drug can be stopped completely.

Quitting “cold turkey” may lead to life-threatening seizures if the addiction is advanced enough.

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 I think I've been taking gabapentin for about 9 months

at 1800mg a day so I should definitely try to ween my self off of it slowly.


I still haven't found alternative medicines for both gaba and eventually amitripuline.


Krathom sounds good but it's illegal in Thailand.Does any one know what the

out come would be if they found some Krathom being shipped to me in the post.

Hypothetically speaking you understand.


Or any thing that is less harmful than Gaba or amitripiline.

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Warned my neighbor about this nightmare of a drug a few months ago . When a drug looses its patent the drug companies try to milk ever bit of money they can by promoting the "off label " prescribing so they not have to resubmit it for new patent ....



"The Dangers of Prescription Medication Gabapentin. There's a prescription drug that is being abused and killing people -- and you might not be aware of its potential dangers. The doctors discuss the dangerous side effects of the anti-seizuremedication gabapentin, which is being used to treat everything from nerve pain to hot flashes."




When they lost the patent for Neurontin ( a " anti-seizure drug with bazaar and dangerous side effects ) the pharmaceutical company tried to start marketing it for pain and anything else they could to capitalizing on the very real benefits of the well know powerful but missed labeled placebo effect sentencing people to torturous side effects and suffering so they (Pfizer) could continue to profit of their poison . If it sounds like I am being judgmental let me be clear and mention I am just stating the facts and bringing light to the way things really are as insanity continues that causes so much unnecessary suffering . Follow The Money ...








Make sure to taper off the Gabapentin as the side effects of that poison are in a much different league than Tramadol and potentially much more dangerous. Make sure to have a word with the Dr. that prescribed this poison for pain and tell him not to hurt others like he has hurt you then fire him ...... for real


PM me if you need help ( been there

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So a poison if prescribed for something it was not developed for like pain ? Also I suggested tapering not suddenly stopping if it was prescribed for things other that what it was developed for and a person has the serious side effects that are well documented with real science and listed by the company that makes it .





Alarmist claims or very real side effect well documented ?



More common side effects


Some of the more common side effects that can occur with use of gabapentin include:



tiredness or drowsiness

loss of coordination


jerky movements

nausea and vomiting

trouble speaking

double vision

unusual eye movements


swelling of legs and feet

If these effects are mild, they may go away within a few days or a couple of weeks. If they’re more severe or don’t go away, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.


Serious side effects


Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects. Call 911 if your symptoms feel life-threatening or if you think you’re having a medical emergency. Serious side effects and their symptoms can include the following:


Changes in mood or anxiety. Symptoms can include:

thoughts of suicide or dying

attempts to commit suicide

anxiety that’s new or gets worse

crankiness that’s new or gets worse


panic attacks

trouble sleeping


aggressive or violent behavior

extreme increase in activity and talking

unusual changes in behavior or mood

Changes in behavior and thinking, especially in children ages 3 to 12 years. Symptoms can include:

emotional changes


trouble concentrating


changes in school performance

hyper behavior

Serious and life-threatening allergic reaction. Symptoms can include:

skin rashes



swollen glands that do not go away

swollen lips and tongue

yellowing of your skin or the whites of your eyes

unusual bruising or bleeding

severe tiredness or weakness

unexpected muscle pain

frequent infections

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On 4/29/2018 at 5:27 PM, chiangrai said:

Thanks Guys,

I feel much better today.I feel "clean and sober".A haze has lifted.

Like "Lumbini " says the pain is still there but some how I feel better.


I know addiction can play strange tricks on the mind but I really feel like I wasn't addicted to the mood altering effects of Tramadol but I have been fooled by addiction before.


Day 6 was definitely a turning point




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Re gabapentin


Prior posts have pasted and cut side effects from non-scientific literature with no data on frequency giving the incorrect impression that very rare side effects are common and that reported side effecst that occurred as often in people taking placebo are relevant.


To put it in correct perspective, below are the actual % of patients reporting specific side effects on gapapentin compared to the % receiving a placebo who reported the same thing (when placebo and drug group % are close, can disregard).


TABLE 3. Adverse Reactions in Pooled Placebo-Controlled Trials in Postherpetic Neuralgia
TABLE 4. Adverse Reactions in Pooled Placebo-Controlled Add-On Trials In Epilepsy Patients >12 years of age
The side effects occurring in 10% or more of people on the drug  and significantly more common than in people on a placebo are sleepiness and dizziness. Even these, occurred in less than a fifth of people taking the drug.
Hardly the profile of a "poison"
Body As A Whole    
  Fatigue 11 5
  Increased Weight 3 2
  Back Pain 2 1
  Peripheral Edema 2 1
  Vasodilatation 1 0
Digestive System    
  Dyspepsia 2 1
  Dry Mouth or Throat 2 1
  Constipation 2 1
  Dental Abnormalities 2 0
Nervous System    
  Somnolence 19 9
  Dizziness 17 7
  Ataxia 13 6
  Nystagmus 8 4
  Tremor 7 3
  Dysarthria 2 1
  Amnesia 2 0
  Depression 2 1
  Abnormal thinking 2 1
  Abnormal coordination 1 0
Respiratory System    
  Pharyngitis 3 2
  Coughing 2 1
Skin and Appendages    
  Abrasion 1 0
Urogenital System    
  Impotence 2 1
Special Senses    
  Diplopia 6 2
  Blurred vision 4 1
Body as a Whole    
  Asthenia 6 5
  Infection 5 4
  Accidental injury 3 1
Digestive System    
  Diarrhea 6 3
  Dry mouth 5 1
  Constipation 4 2
  Nausea 4 3
  Vomiting 3 2
Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders
  Peripheral edema 8 2
  Weight gain 2 0
  Hyperglycemia 1 0
Nervous System    
  Dizziness 28 8
  Somnolence 21 5
  Ataxia 3 0
  Abnormal thinking 3 0
  Abnormal gait 2 0
  Incoordination 2 0
Respiratory System    
  Pharyngitis 1 0
Special Senses    
  Blurred vision 3 1
  Conjunctivitis 1 0
  Diplopia 1 0
  Otitis media 1 0
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Many have found the drug helpful like Sheryl and some even called it their miracle drug so here is the full list of : Gabapentin Side Effects in Detail - ( and its long )  with %'s so one can weigh the so called benefits for all this off label prescriptions physicians are now prescribing this drug to treat the symptoms for diagnosis's that include everything from bipolar disorder to sleep and anxiety issues even though it was originally used and developed for seizures .



And here below is a link to Gabapentin Support Group if anyone needs it for this drug and others like Tramadol and so many others in this new paradigm that has a pill to treat the symptoms for all of our ill's that seems to be the trend  and so popular when getting to the root of issues can be challenging - Drugs.com ( the support groups here in the forum section really helped me years ago and I am grateful for the forums there that really gave me helpful information. And support when I decided to taper off a medication for pain .




So the person who started this thread who was prescribed Tramadol and Gabapentin is not alone and I am grateful we all have these medicines available but possibly this trend is becoming so popular because disease management is easier than getting to the roots of disease with real health care that most Dr.'s don't have time to educate the patient on in the short amount of time they have that seems to lend itself to just writing prescriptions and scheduling procedures ? I don't know but the trend seems to be creating more health issues as things like heart disease , cancer , cognitive issues ( like Alzheimer's , Dementia and Parkinson's now being labeled as diabetes number three ) and all the lifestyle diseases increase at alarming rates not decrease . Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half take two, Mayo Clinic researchers say. Antibiotics, antidepressants and painkilling opioids are most commonly prescribed, their study found. Twenty percent of patients are on five or more prescription medications, according to the findings, published online in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings.




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Reading some of the scare stories here about the dangers of Tramadol/ Gabapentin make me laugh, as i have already posted, i stopped taking both 6 months ago with no withdrawal or side effect symptoms.

I was a cranky old bugger when i was taking them, still a cranky old bugger now, nothing has changed.

I think most of the problems are in peoples minds, they think they will get withdrawal problems so they get them, willpower and a positive mind is all that is needed.

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