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Salsa Kitchen, Canadian Whiz Kid Makes Chiang Mai's Best Bbq Ribs (imho)

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I have always enjoyed Salsa Kitchen, but usually forget it is there because it isn't in a main tourist area, so I never just walk by it. It is in with all those hippy restaurants off of the small soi right after The UN Irish Pub on Ratvithi Road when coming from Muang Mung Road. The owner, Canadian John - AKA Chiang Mai Soul Brother on Thai Visa - is a great cook, an excellent host and an all around nice guy.

Anyway, a freind of mine told me that recently Joe Cummings has been highly recomending the home made natchos there and I know that Joe is a real expert on Mexico and Mexican food ( and Thailand and Burma and Laos and music and many other things), so we went by last night to check them out.

I wanted to have the natchos, but John knows me pretty well and said that I really should try the ribs.

I was hesitant because there are a lot of people doing BBQ ribs in Chiang Mai and all of them taste pretty good, but are by no means fantastic. I miss the ones that I had a child when the meat fell off the bone and almost melted in your mouth and the taste of the meat made any thought of ever becoming a vegetarian laughable.

Let it suffice to say that Canadian John's ribs are just what I've been looking for and the best that I've had in Thailand since Irish Eddie and Blinky Bill used to do those outdoor BBQs every Thursday that almost every Expat in Chiang Mai attended.

In MY Humble Opinion, Salsa Kitchen's BBQ ribs can't be beat! :o:thumbsup::D


Sounds good.

I like BBQ ribs and I like Mexican food, but how did it happen that in Thailand American BBQ ribs (as well as burgers and fries) are considered Mexican food? Salsa kitchen? BBQ sauce ain't SALSA, it's sauce.

If I was with the Mexican embassy, I would be taking some action to protect their national honor.

I will be working while you guys are consuming the alchohol and fondling the young devashkas... :D

Awww c'mon UG...surely you could get a way for half an hour to meet some of us "Good 'ole boys" :D

Anyway you need to add Tuskers to your list of places you have visited. :D

You could pop into Miquel's before or after to satisfy your stomach...its just round the corner...gotta eat tonight have'nt you??? :o

No excuses now...unless its to do with these so called devashkas :D


I would have to leave a very new staff member alone in the double size shop and the backpackers would have a field day "liberating" all the merchandise.

Were are you fellows going to be later? Any idea? :o

I would have to leave a very new staff member alone in the double size shop and the backpackers would have a field day "liberating" all the merchandise.

Were are you fellows going to be later? Any idea? :D

none...but pm me your number if you like and I will give you a call (if I can still work the tiny buttons by then) :o

What time do you close?

Sounds good.

I like BBQ ribs and I like Mexican food, but how did it happen that in Thailand American BBQ ribs (as well as burgers and fries) are considered Mexican food? Salsa kitchen? BBQ sauce ain't SALSA, it's sauce.

If I was with the Mexican embassy, I would be taking some action to protect their national honor.

Nothing to protect, cuz Salsa could be used as BBQ sauce.. :o

Sounds good.

I like BBQ ribs and I like Mexican food, but how did it happen that in Thailand American BBQ ribs (as well as burgers and fries) are considered Mexican food? Salsa kitchen? BBQ sauce ain't SALSA, it's sauce.

Salsa Kitchen isn't just a Mexican restaurant. They have other stuff. In fact, they used to have good bagels too (and maybe they still do)?

They do call the BBQ sauce, "Mexican BBQ Sauce", but it ain't, it is just good ole' American style sauce on Northern Thailand's best ribs. :o


I'm a vegetarian and no amount of 'delicious' ribs could ever convert me. The opposite, in fact...but I'll take your word for it.

But the nachos - now that's a different story. I can absolutely agree that the nachos at Salsa Kitchen are the finest in Thailand. To be honest, I've eaten my fair share of nachos in the UK too and nothing compares to the fabulous nachos at Salsa Kitchen.

I've tried other things on the menu but they are never as good as the nachos. Mmmmmmmmmm... nachos!

I've made myself hungry now so I'm off to the kitchen to make some lunch!



Well now UG, when I was lauding the Salsa Kitchen a while back and saying it was the best Mexican food in Chiang Mai you took offense. Now that your "friend" Mike has sold Miquel's it seems we have your permission to praise the Salsa Kitchen. :o


I'm sorry if you thought that I had taken offence when you praised the Mexican food at Salsa Kitchen. Actually, I go through periods where I eat there a lot. I like the Mexican food and I like the owner, but I wouldn't call it "authentic" even though it is quite tasty. That is why I never raved about it on TV.

On the other hand, Mike's Mexican food tastes pretty much like what I used to eat almost every day in the Mission District of San Francisco when I lived there, which is why I am so vocal about Miquel's.

You might have noticed that I did mention Miquel's just last week and said that I thought it was just as good as when Mike had it and is more comfortable than before with a nice seating area on the side.

When it comes to ribs, I think that Salsa Kitchen has no equal locally, including Tony Roma's in Bangkok at four times the price. The ribs are tender and fall off the bone and melt in your mouth; just what I fantasize about.

In fact, I'm ashamed to admit that I went back for ribs again last night, even though I had them just the night before.

By the way, if I recommend a restaurant it doesn't have much to do with being friends with the owner. I will eat anywhere that the food is good and I could care less if the proprietor is a really swell guy or a complete twit.

I am what is known as a food whore! :o

When it comes to ribs, I think that Salsa Kitchen has no equal locally, including Tony Roma's in Bangkok at four times the price. The ribs are tender and fall off the bone and melt in your mouth; just what I fantasize about.

what matters more? the quality of the pig that was slaughtered or does it have to do more with the preparation of the ribs; to give you tender meat that falls of the bone and melts in your mouth? :o


I am flying up there and when I get off the plane, I am taking a taxi! Miguel, do you have a bad boy brother who can bring your Mission district Mexican food to Pattaya?

When it comes to ribs, I think that Salsa Kitchen has no equal locally, including Tony Roma's in Bangkok at four times the price. The ribs are tender and fall off the bone and melt in your mouth; just what I fantasize about.

what matters more? the quality of the pig that was slaughtered or does it have to do more with the preparation of the ribs; to give you tender meat that falls of the bone and melts in your mouth? :o

I am not a trained cook, but I know that I have tried the other places that sell ribs in Chiang Mai over and over and they have NEVER been tender enough for me - not even once, however, I have to say that many other people like them fine. I usually have BBQ chicken instead.

There used to be a restaurant in Chiang Mai run by Blinky Bill and Irish Eddie and they would do an all day cook out every Thursday and IMHO the ribs were tender and delicious every single time.


I think that they are tender because they are smoked. I also think they are the best ribs - and best value - in Chiangers. I had the Chiang Mai saloon - didn't like the taste. hel_l's Kitchen - ribs are waaaaaaaaaaay expensive and overshadowed by the beans. The Dukes are good - but if I'm in The Dukes then I'll probably have something else.

Does anyone know of any other decent ribs places - or does Salsa Kitchen rock the most?

  • 2 weeks later...
Does anyone know of any other decent ribs places - or does Salsa Kitchen rock the most?

I honestly think that Salsa Kitchen is way ahead of the rest for texture, tenderness and taste, however, it is not the most comfortable place in the world with no air-con and surrounded by other restaurants and clubs playing loud music.

John has added a bunch of fans to cool you off, but, at the moment, you don't even need them - the weather is great for eating there right now.

A bunch of us have been going every few days since we found out about the ribs and bringing friends and - so far -every single person has been most complimentary. We are trying to get burned out before Hot season gets here!

Does anyone know of any other decent ribs places - or does Salsa Kitchen rock the most?

I honestly think that Salsa Kitchen is way ahead of the rest for texture, tenderness and taste, however, it is not the most comfortable place in the world with no air-con and surrounded by other restaurants and clubs playing loud music.

John has added a bunch of fans to cool you off, but, at the moment, you don't even need them - the weather is great for eating there right now.

A bunch of us have been going every few days since we found out about the ribs and bringing friends and - so far -every single person has been most complimentary. We are trying to get burned out before Hot season gets here!

incidently i did pay a visit to the Duke's a few days back. tried their ribs and yes you are right UG, they are tender. but !!! tooooooooooooo sweet for my taste. am i the only one who thinks so?

their pizza preparation sure looks funky though. :o

incidently i did pay a visit to the Duke's a few days back. tried their ribs and yes you are right UG, they are tender. but !!! tooooooooooooo sweet for my taste. am i the only one who thinks so?

Have you tried Salsa Kitchen's ribs yet? One of my buddies much prefers the BBQ sauce at Salsa Kitchen.

I enjoy sweet sauce and all of the BIG Three - Salsa Kitchen, He11s Kitchen and The Dukes taste fine to me, however, the pork at Salsa Kitchen is much more tender! :o


OK.....I've been reading this thread and decided that I better go check it out for myself. I couldn't decide weather to try the ribs or the nachos. My Mia Lao was easy...the fish tacos ( which she really enjoyed to my amazement !! ) Well I ended up getting both...the ribs and the nachos. Round 1...the nachos they were good and I did enjoy them, however I prefer Miguels. Part due to presentation...I like a nice big sloppy pile of nachos with everything mixed together. At Salsa each chip is individually prepared....nothing wrong with it, just not my preference. Second round came the ribs....hot ###### ! them was some good ribs ! I was poking around to find the bone to grab....but boneless ! Even better ! Mine had some pretty good sized chunks of fat in it, but I love that flavor that is given to the meat from the slow cooked fat ! Oohh...think I just had a minor heart attack thinking about that ! :o Over all, good experience and fair prices. Definately would return.


We have been to Salsa Kitchen yesterday. I had the ribs and my wife the nachos, both were realy very good, even for European taste. Right now, with the perfect temperature in the evening this is realy a very good place to be. Before we were at Tusker Bar, another nice place in Chiang Mai to have a nice drink, beer or whatever...

incidently i did pay a visit to the Duke's a few days back. tried their ribs and yes you are right UG, they are tender. but !!! tooooooooooooo sweet for my taste. am i the only one who thinks so?

Have you tried Salsa Kitchen's ribs yet? One of my buddies much prefers the BBQ sauce at Salsa Kitchen.

I enjoy sweet sauce and all of the BIG Three - Salsa Kitchen, He11s Kitchen and The Dukes taste fine to me, however, the pork at Salsa Kitchen is much more tender! :o

Did you see the rib smoker? Looks like a minature steam-engine!


I almost think the mighty Sceadugenga may be lured from his Chiang Rai mountain lair, nostrils flaring, to leap upon an unsuspecting plate of Salsa Kitchen spareribs.

American food has always been an enigma to me, I suspected it was over sweetened but on a cruise a few years ago I share a dining room table with two delightful American ladies who encouraged me to try several dishes, mainly New England cusine, with good results.

Will bring a companion or two so we can try several dishes, I have a weakness for good Mexican food as well.

Won't be for a while unfortunately, the former home country demands my presence for five weeks.

<deleted> is a hippie restaurant General? The only hippie I ever knew well lived on Heinz tomato sauce sandwiches.


Hippie restaurants: In the same area as Salsa Kitchen, there are a bunch of restaurants with mostly backpacker customers that are all made of dingy bamboo on a dirt street. It looks like the seady side of Koh Samui and they all blast loud Raggae music at the same time and have garbage food for very cheap prices.

Salsa Kitchen is also made of bamboo and it is reasonably priced, but the food is MUCH better than the other places.

I suggest you try it now while the nights are still cool as there is no air con!

Hippie restaurants: In the same area as Salsa Kitchen, there are a bunch of restaurants with mostly backpacker customers that are all made of dingy bamboo on a dirt street. It looks like the seady side of Koh Samui and they all blast loud Raggae music at the same time and have garbage food for very cheap prices.

Salsa Kitchen is also made of bamboo and it is reasonably priced, but the food is MUCH better than the other places.

I suggest you try it now while the nights are still cool as there is no air con!

Actually, there are all sorts hanging out there - they're just all generally quite young and most of them seem to be female. That soi is like Loi Kroh for farang girls.

And, there's a little hole in the wall restaurant on that soi that is incidentally really cheap but it serves great Isaan food and a bit of Chiang Mai food. Fantastic laab muang and fried sai. I had gone off Isaan food for a while because we just weren't having any consistently good food from any restaurant, but this place has refuelled my love of fried, boiled and minced animal parts...I'd eat Salsa Kitchen every night if my bank account or waistline could handle it, of course, but with one getting smaller and the other larger....

Actually, there are all sorts hanging out there - they're just all generally quite young and most of them seem to be female. That soi is like Loi Kroh for farang girls.

The girls I work with have christened that area, "Rasta Alley"!

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