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Just finished Episode 2 of "Intruders". They managed to keep me interested. In other words: I want, I must find out what is going on. If only it wasn't so confusing. At least it became clear who the main characters are. The cop is on the good side, the girl is obviously not (btw, I think the child actress plays her rather well). But what is it with this "Mr. Shepard"? Is he good or bad? Does anybody know? Any hint is appreciated.

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Hand of God:

Hate to be a party pooper, but I bailed out of this one before the halfway point of the pilot. I thought the scene where the banker "changes his mind" regarding the bank's check cashing policy was beyond stupid. After getting a fair idea of the general drift, who's who/what's what, I elected to put this one back in the can. I used to have a crush on Dana Delaney when she was a nurse on China Beach, in the TV version of the Vietnam War. Ron Perelman has a face only a mother could love, as the old cliche goes. And Garrett Delahunt always seems to play some sort of creep. On Deadwood, he played TWO different creeps: the rat who shot Wild Bill Hickock in the back (Eights 'n Aces), and then as that advance man/murderer of whores who worked for the evil Mister Hearst. In both cases, he got what was coming to him in that show. Good actor. Good to see Andre Royo getting some work.

I look forward to your further reports on this series.

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Hand of God:

Hate to be a party pooper, but I bailed out of this one before the halfway point of the pilot. I thought the scene where the banker "changes his mind" regarding the bank's check cashing policy was beyond stupid. After getting a fair idea of the general drift, who's who/what's what, I elected to put this one back in the can. I used to have a crush on Dana Delaney when she was a nurse on China Beach, in the TV version of the Vietnam War. Ron Perelman has a face only a mother could love, as the old cliche goes. And Garrett Delahunt always seems to play some sort of creep. On Deadwood, he played TWO different creeps: the rat who shot Wild Bill Hickock in the back (Eights 'n Aces), and then as that advance man/murderer of whores who worked for the evil Mister Hearst. In both cases, he got what was coming to him in that show. Good actor. Good to see Andre Royo getting some work.

I look forward to your further reports on this series.

I feel this one could go either way for me.

I thought the banker scene was ludicrous as well.

Don't what they're were thinking including that.

It was only a pilot but I would like to see another episode

to see how it develops.

Yep good to see Bubbles in the show and there's worse things

than Elaine Tan to look at.


Edited by Will27
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Think about how many times you'll watch this guy tell people all about themselves, and the people wondering How does he know that!?

Have you seen "The Mentalist"? I never really buy that there would be logical reasons why he would know what he knows, but I still enjoy the show quite a bit.

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I thought the scene where the banker "changes his mind" regarding the bank's check cashing policy was beyond stupid.

I am not especially attracted to either white women or redheads, but if I was in his shoes, I would have given almost anything to get what she was hinting at. She was VERY convincing. biggrin.png

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Hand of God:

Hate to be a party pooper, but I bailed out of this one before the halfway point of the pilot. I thought the scene where the banker "changes his mind" regarding the bank's check cashing policy was beyond stupid. After getting a fair idea of the general drift, who's who/what's what, I elected to put this one back in the can. I used to have a crush on Dana Delaney when she was a nurse on China Beach, in the TV version of the Vietnam War. Ron Perelman has a face only a mother could love, as the old cliche goes. And Garrett Delahunt always seems to play some sort of creep. On Deadwood, he played TWO different creeps: the rat who shot Wild Bill Hickock in the back (Eights 'n Aces), and then as that advance man/murderer of whores who worked for the evil Mister Hearst. In both cases, he got what was coming to him in that show. Good actor. Good to see Andre Royo getting some work.

I look forward to your further reports on this series.

I feel this one could go either way for me.

I thought the banker scene was ludicrous as well.

Don't what they're were thinking including that.

It was only a pilot but I would like to see another episode

to see how it develops.

Yep good to see Bubbles in the show and there's worse things

than Elaine Tan to look at.

Hmmm I might just have to have a wee captain cook at this..

Thanks Khun Will27 ;)

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So a quick look at The Hand of God has revealed that it along with several other pilots are in some sort of a competition being run on Amazon.

The other pilots in the competition are:


The Cosmopolitans


Red Oaks


I've lined all of them up except for Hysteria as the BS doesn't interest me, the others look like good entertainment. One quote from Red Oaks "a C is like a Jewish F" hahaha

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I thought the scene where the banker "changes his mind" regarding the bank's check cashing policy was beyond stupid.

I am not especially attracted to either white women or redheads, but if I was in his shoes, I would have given almost anything to get what she was hinting at. She was VERY convincing. biggrin.png

If we get too detailed about the contents of this scene in Hand of God, we are in some slight danger of a SPOILER, if only for a sliver of the pilot episode.

But I must ask: say you are the guy at the bank in charge of OK'ing the cashing of checks. In walks an obvious religious charlatan and his girlfriend, asking you to violate bank policy in a major way. You say sorry, but no. "Preacher" leaves the room, and then the girlfriend plops her tush on your desk and starts unzipping your fly!?!? Even if you were a complete, slavering Poon-dawg, you would see that these two are up to no good, trying to put you into a compromised trick bag.

I would tell her to button up and back off, and then hold the check for ten business days. And no advance from the check. The only exception would be if the issuing party came to the the bank in person and vouched for these scammers. Even then, I would take their picture and a thumbprint.

But this is, after all, TV Land.

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Person of Interest is Coming Back!

You are being watched. The government has a secret system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. I designed the machine to detect acts of terror but it sees everything. Violent crimes involving ordinary people. The Government considers these people "irrelevant". We don't. Hunted by the authorities, we work in secret. You'll never find us, but victim or perpetrator, if your number's up... we'll find *you*

Dig this preview:


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Two words: Ray Ray!

Wowee what an episode and what an upcoming episode!

You ain't just a' BS'n Mister Six. Ray s02 e08 has left me stunned.Sometimes the s--t rains down so heavy, you just have to get under the wagon with the wet dog. Whew!

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Having watched all of the pilots tonight, I've got to say that unless 3 of them go into a longer format, they've got no chance.

Hand of God's got the goods so far, crazy arse Judge and father whose found Jeebus.

Ron Perlman an excellent choice for the role. It's also good to see some ex-Burn Notice actors getting a second chance.

I had a good laugh with 'Really' and if 'Married' got itself a season then there's no reason this chestnut can't be cracked.

Completely agree, "Hand of God" is my favorite, too.

For me, "Really" was a must: Sarah Chalke! Since she played Dr. Elliot Reed in "Scrubs" (one of my all time favorites), I like her. But after "Scrubs", no comedy she played in stayed for long. So, "Really" might be her chance. The potential is there.

If it was up to me, I would give "Hysteria" a chance, as well. I think, it was way better than expected (the summary of the pilot sucks), with some characters and story lines worth developing: a weirdo on death row, a 17 year old girl with a 36 year old ex-lover who is also a cop, false rape accusations, a boring female psychiatrist with personal problems. Not too bad, so far. But to be honest, I cannot see it making the cut. We'll see.

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Fox Cancels Gang Related After One Season


If I remember correctly, this is the one our Mr Smith likes.

I watched episode one and didn't think it was much chop

to be honest.

<deleted>! That <deleted> Murdoch can go and take a long walk off a short pier!

Not completely unsurprised by this but still: <deleted> you Murdoch!

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Having watched all of the pilots tonight, I've got to say that unless 3 of them go into a longer format, they've got no chance.

Hand of God's got the goods so far, crazy arse Judge and father whose found Jeebus.

Ron Perlman an excellent choice for the role. It's also good to see some ex-Burn Notice actors getting a second chance.

I had a good laugh with 'Really' and if 'Married' got itself a season then there's no reason this chestnut can't be cracked.

Completely agree, "Hand of God" is my favorite, too.

For me, "Really" was a must: Sarah Chalke! Since she played Dr. Elliot Reed in "Scrubs" (one of my all time favorites), I like her. But after "Scrubs", no comedy she played in stayed for long. So, "Really" might be her chance. The potential is there.

If it was up to me, I would give "Hysteria" a chance, as well. I think, it was way better than expected (the summary of the pilot sucks), with some characters and story lines worth developing: a weirdo on death row, a 17 year old girl with a 36 year old ex-lover who is also a cop, false rape accusations, a boring female psychiatrist with personal problems. Not too bad, so far. But to be honest, I cannot see it making the cut. We'll see.

Oh yeah forgot about Hysteria, wasn't my cup of tea having seen the preview.

It's an interesting concept - the pilot scheme where the viewer decides - probably should do that more often, cheaper than focus groups I'm sure :P

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Just watched the second episode of the "chidrens show" dr who ,please do not get offended by what i am about to say ,because i am neither racist or a homophobe, but the writer is gay and the BBC is notoriously left wing .

in the first two episodes we have had two women who are married ,then in the second episode we had the doctors assistant chatting up a black guy while holding a copy of the guardian in plain view,are the subliminally trying to tell us and the kids something? smile.png

ps i am not to keen on the new doctor and the show seems to be lacking something ,its not as good as usuall but his assistant is very cute.

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Hand Of God didn't do it for me. All that religion is too depressing. Banker scene was nonsense, as has been pointed out. I did like seeing Andre Royo again, though his part seems a bit unlikely.

Intruders, most of it is recycled but I guess I'm gonna have to watch it.

So glad Ray Donovan is still going.

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Does anyone watch Franklin & Bash? Really enjoy that, should be new series starting soon (think it's the 3rd or 4th). Only short series, (10 or 13, can't remember) but light legal drama with unorthadox legal partners that are hired by a regular law firm. Really enjoyable show

Yep F and B is one of my favourite comedy shows too.


I know The Honorable Member GrantSmith also likes this show.

Just started the 4th Season of Franklin and Bash. This is an easy to watch series, with a lot of guest roles by known actors in the episodes.

Season 4 sees a lot of changes to the cast and I am not sure if there is any overriding plot anymore, but all okay so far.!

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Just watched the second episode of the "chidrens show" dr who ,please do not get offended by what i am about to say ,because i am neither racist or a homophobe, but the writer is gay and the BBC is notoriously left wing .

in the first two episodes we have had two women who are married ,then in the second episode we had the doctors assistant chatting up a black guy while holding a copy of the guardian in plain view,are the subliminally trying to tell us and the kids something? smile.png

ps i am not to keen on the new doctor and the show seems to be lacking something ,its not as good as usuall but his assistant is very cute.

Dr. Who has been getting steadily gayer since Captain Jack.

It's really a bit creepy now.

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Just watched the second episode of the "chidrens show" dr who ,please do not get offended by what i am about to say ,because i am neither racist or a homophobe, but the writer is gay and the BBC is notoriously left wing .

in the first two episodes we have had two women who are married ,then in the second episode we had the doctors assistant chatting up a black guy while holding a copy of the guardian in plain view,are the subliminally trying to tell us and the kids something? smile.png

ps i am not to keen on the new doctor and the show seems to be lacking something ,its not as good as usuall but his assistant is very cute.

Ha? What's wrong with the "guardian"? Very Europe-friendly! smile.png

And the question remains: Is TV trying to tell us something or are they just showing what they see?

I can answer that for Germany: the state-run TV stations are always trying to tell us something. It does not really matter because we all know it. It is simply nerve jumping once in a while.


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And the question remains: Is TV trying to tell us something or are they just showing what they see?

Unless they all live in San Francisco, they are not showing what they see. They are trying to influence to accept their version of reality. Quite frankly, the propagandizing gets on my nerves, but young people probably don't even realize that it is happening.

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Hand of God was great...thanks for the heads up.

OT...anyone know the brand of car that the man and lady drove in to the construction site. I tried to see the hood ornament and couldn't. Very beautiful car if anyone knows.

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Trend Setters

Am halfway through an English crime series called Suspects.


Like a lot of English shows I've watched lately, not great, but pretty darn good.

There are 2 short series available and I've nearly finished season 1.

I'd give it a solid 7 to 7.5.

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