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Just watched the finale of „The Leftovers“, another show not many people around here seem to care for that much. But I will tell you anyway : smile.png

It was quite the ride!

A few things the Guilty Remnand did in previous episodes make sense now (in the most perverse and craziest meaning). And it is chaos, full blown anarchy! I feel for you, Chief Garvey, but I must say it : „You need therapy, man, long hours of bloody therapy.“ On the other hand, don’t we all?

HBO renewed the show for a a second season. Count me in!

Half way through, I gave up. Looks like you are renewing my interest for the leftover show!


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Various sources report that there might be a third season of "The Dome".

I still watch it because of Big Jim, but it is getting weirder and weirder. I'm not sure how much longer I will bother.

I gave up a couple of weeks ago ,but just looked in yesterday ,utter crap springs to mind ,

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The behaviour of Abby doesn't sit with me that well. All those years with Ray I don't feel she'd put the family at risk like she does

Yeah she's either going to get knocked off or she's going to end up in prison. She's no oil painting and it makes it really hard to watch, especially her Southie accent, which can be quite chaarming on the right woman :P

Aside from that, bloody good watching, I'm also kind of happy with the direction it took last week where 2 characters were removed, they were beginning to annoy me more than Abby.

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The behaviour of Abby doesn't sit with me that well. All those years with Ray I don't feel she'd put the family at risk like she does

Yeah she's either going to get knocked off or she's going to end up in prison. She's no oil painting and it makes it really hard to watch, especially her Southie accent, which can be quite chaarming on the right woman tongue.png

I understand that she is the mother of Ray's children. Maybe she was cute when she was younger and he is use to her, but what is wrong with that cop that is giving it to her now? Yecck!

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Utopia - a new Merkin reality show. I laughed so much, there are characters from a Preacher to a Redneck. Sometimes, you have to just get away from the Rays etc., and watch some utter trash. And there is loads out there - Million Dollar Listing about real estate in LA - the houses are beautiful. Married at first Sight - a show about couples who marry without ever meeting each other. All of the Real Housewives series i have been watching for years.

Also, Strictly Come Dancing has started again on the Beeb, X Factor etc.

I'm still enjoying Masters of Sex, Rush and Satisfaction.

Next week, last episode of Ray, whatever are we going to do?!!!

Edited by Patsycat
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just downloaded

Scooby Doo, Thunderbirds, Tom & Jerry, The Flintstones and Captain Scarlet for the kid.

I watched them all first time round, Scooby Doo and T&J are still good, the rest seem terribly dated.

(I didn't bother with Four Feather Falls and Fireball XL5 as they were B&W)

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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just downloaded

Thunderbirds....seem terribly dated.

I watched the complete series as a kid, then had to rewatch the complete series on rerun 22 years ago in London when my son was 4, and there ain't no way I'm watching those space puppets again. However I will say one thing:


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just downloaded

Thunderbirds....seem terribly dated.

I watched the complete series as a kid, then had to rewatch the complete series on rerun 22 years ago in London when my son was 4, and there ain't no way I'm watching those space puppets again. However I will say one thing:


Are these the predecessors of "Team America"? smile.png

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Boardwalk empire, season 5, just started.

Boardwalk Empire, s05 e01

NOT REALLY SPOILERS follow, just overall impressions, but some people might say SPOILERS...Up to You.

Just watched Boardwalk 05/01, the new season opener. When the opening credits came on, with Nucky getting his wingtips ruined in the salt water all over again, I thought I was watching a rerun, as it listed characters I thought were gone, namely Michael "Van Alden" Shannon, and Gretchen "Gillian Darmody" Moll, Jeffery "Narcisse" Wright, and Stephen "Al Capone" Baker. I'm sure we'll see Van Alden again, with his always unsuccessful attempts to control his seething rage. Gillian the Junkie is dead, and needs to stay that way (PLEASE!), just like her son Jimmy, the most annoying character from the earlier series. Narcisse is dead, and Chalky finds himself in greatly reduced circumstances. Historically, Al Capone would be in prison by this point. I hope that is the case. Baker is a good British actor, but he's never been believable as Scarface Al.

Nucky is still the world-weary ex-politician, trying to capitalize on new opportunities. He's always been a natty dresser, but his suit in this episode is the best ever. Light gray tropic weight 3 piece with a subtle pattern weave. Handsome cravat with a pin through the collar to make that tight knot pop. He looks sharp as a tack, (as we used to say back when) topped off with that Optimo style panama straw hat.

Lots of scene-setting going on in this episode. Much better than the tired device of half the show taken up with "previously on B,E..." We know what happened previously, get on with it. They do, quite effectively. Glad to see Patricia Arquette is still around. She's packed on a few pounds (who hasn't!) but she still has that great languid sex appeal. She's got those imperfect but strangely sexy teeth, harking back to early Ali MacGraw, without Ali's whiny attitude. She's also very biz savvy, and takes no guff from Nucky.

The production values on this show continue to be outstanding. They have gone all out on the scenes from Havana 1931. Beautiful, with sudden jarring splashes of violence and intrigue. Scenes shift from AC in 1884 (Nucky's childhood flashbacks...hope the whole series doesn't get cluttered with those) to NYC with the Mafia and Charlie Lucky (Vincent Piazza is great in that role) and out in the woods somewhere with Chalky. For some reason they have kept the role of Nucky's Irish ex-almost wife going. Arnold Rothstein historically is also gone, but little Meyer is still with us, skulking around as only he can.

So, we get seven more of these finely crafted episodes to savor. I think they have kept the show going too long. Three seasons would probably have been enough. That's all they gave Deadwood, which many people remember with great fondness. Maybe they have saved the best for last. So far, so good.

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Next week, last episode of Ray, whatever are we going to do?!!!

Blacklist, Sons of Anarchy and Sleepy Hollow all returning Pats, no issues wink.png

Just started watching sons of Anarchy ,you wont believe this but have seen it advertized for years ,i thaught it was a documentry sort of prog about guys who built motorbikes (hangs head in embarrasment),seems ok ,blacklist ,didnt like it and sleepy hollow , not my cup of tea.thumbsup.gif

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Next week, last episode of Ray, whatever are we going to do?!!!

Blacklist, Sons of Anarchy and Sleepy Hollow all returning Pats, no issues wink.png

Just started watching sons of Anarchy ,you wont believe this but have seen it advertized for years ,i thaught it was a documentry sort of prog about guys who built motorbikes (hangs head in embarrasment),seems ok ,blacklist ,didnt like it and sleepy hollow , not my cup of tea.thumbsup.gif

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Next week, last episode of Ray, whatever are we going to do?!!!

Blacklist, Sons of Anarchy and Sleepy Hollow all returning Pats, no issues wink.png

Just started watching sons of Anarchy ,you wont believe this but have seen it advertized for years ,i thaught it was a documentry sort of prog about guys who built motorbikes (hangs head in embarrasment),seems ok ,blacklist ,didnt like it and sleepy hollow , not my cup of tea.thumbsup.gif still watching and liking leftovers ,but still dont know what its about

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Next week, last episode of Ray, whatever are we going to do?!!!

Blacklist, Sons of Anarchy and Sleepy Hollow all returning Pats, no issues wink.png

Just started watching sons of Anarchy ,you wont believe this but have seen it advertized for years ,i thaught it was a documentry sort of prog about guys who built motorbikes (hangs head in embarrasment),seems ok ,blacklist ,didnt like it and sleepy hollow , not my cup of tea.thumbsup.gif still watching and liking leftovers ,but still dont know what its about

Worst tv show ever. Horrific acting, too far fetched.....yet addictive

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Ray Donovan s02 e09

NO SPOILERS..... relax

How are they going to resolve all of these situations with only one episode left to go!?!?

I'll just say this: This show is overburdened with characters and their "situations." I was searching for a better word but my mind is blown from developments in ep 09. Some house cleaning is in order. The most expendable cast member and storyline is BUNCHY! They have done the pedophile priest thing and its aftermath to death on this show. And the other brother is welcome to go to "Eye-uh-land" with his dumpy girlfriend, on a fabulous one way trip on Ryanair, the Eurozone Peoples Choice Airline. Ray should cash him out. The brothers and their hangups are just not that interesting any more, and it all takes time away from much more interesting stories. We can keep Black Irish (Darryl) , 'cause he's a real Brother.

After the series goes on hiatus, we gotta discuss!

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Correction to Post 2533:

Al Capone is played by the excellent British actor Stephen Graham, not Baker. Don't know where I got that. Good actor, but the worst Capone since Neville Brand played him in the pilot for The Untouchables TV show in 1959-60. I remember Brand answering the phone saying. "Yass, dis is Al-ah Capone!" Brand was useful as a gang member or as the leader of a prison riot, as in Riot in Cell Block 11.

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Am I the only male around here who likes Masters of Sex?

I like it too, but I have not finished with season one yet. I watch the manly stuff first.

I liked Season 1 but gave up on Season 2 after a couple of episodes. Turned into a regular daytime soap opera. I can enjoy some programs series aimed mostly at women, like Damages, but very few.

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Ray Donovan is kicking off!

Episode 9 out today.

All happening.

Just finished watching it.. Poor <deleted> Bunchy!

My wife's enjoying it without enjoying it, constantly wishing Abby would just <deleted> and listen to Ray..

Annoyingly good watching!

The behaviour of Abby doesn't sit with me that well. All those years with Ray I don't feel she'd put the family at risk like she does

The actress playing Abby, Paula Malcomson (Norther Irish, BTW), played a similarly annoying wife, Amanda Graystone, in the series Caprica. She does that well. It kills me how Ray puts up w/ her. Doesn't ring true . . . .

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Ray Donovan s02 e09

NO SPOILERS..... relax

How are they going to resolve all of these situations with only one episode left to go!?!?

I'll just say this: This show is overburdened with characters and their "situations." I was searching for a better word but my mind is blown from developments in ep 09. Some house cleaning is in order. The most expendable cast member and storyline is BUNCHY! They have done the pedophile priest thing and its aftermath to death on this show. And the other brother is welcome to go to "Eye-uh-land" with his dumpy girlfriend, on a fabulous one way trip on Ryanair, the Eurozone Peoples Choice Airline. Ray should cash him out. The brothers and their hangups are just not that interesting any more, and it all takes time away from much more interesting stories. We can keep Black Irish (Darryl) , 'cause he's a real Brother.

After the series goes on hiatus, we gotta discuss!

Agreed. The least expendable character after Ray himself: his father Mickey. Jon Voight's still doing him up fine.

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Jon Voight is SO GOOD as the ultra-sleazy Mickey. The scenes with him playing off against Shorty from across the hall, or with Wendell Pierce, are comedy classics.

Paula Malcomson was a nasty handful as Trixie the Whore in Deadwood. Even the Great Al Swearingen could barely handle her. Speaking of Al, when are we going to see Ian McShane again in some fantastic HBO/Showtime/Cinemax/FX production?

Abby has pushed Ray D right to the edge of what he can stand. They have piled more problems on the Big Man this season than any mere mortal could bare. I suspect there will be a lot of dangling threads left at the end of ep. 10. , surrounding one big mind-blowing shocker that none of us saw coming.

The Abby character draws a lot of venom from "fans." They say she's ugly, that they wish she would be killed, why does Ray stay with her, etc. I think, if nothing else, she keeps Ray keyed up, which he needs to do his job. And next season, I'd like to see more focus on Ray doing his fixer job, and less on family problems.

Is the deal for the Trousdale house still on? How can he think about going so deeply in hock for a woman who has his stones in a vise? That's love, baby!

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I'm happy to say that one of my favourites shows, The Newsroom returns Nov 9.

HBO Sets Premiere Dates for The Newsroom's Final Season, The Comeback's Comeback, and Getting On


Too preachy and the main character claiming that he is a "republican" drives me crazy. He never seems to to notice the scandals that concern the democrat party. However, I do still watch it from time to time. I like the actors and the stories are interesting. I LOVED the West Wing and they are both from Aaron Sorkin.

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Jon Voight is SO GOOD as the ultra-sleazy Mickey. The scenes with him playing off against Shorty from across the hall, or with Wendell Pierce, are comedy classics.

Paula Malcomson was a nasty handful as Trixie the Whore in Deadwood. Even the Great Al Swearingen could barely handle her. Speaking of Al, when are we going to see Ian McShane again in some fantastic HBO/Showtime/Cinemax/FX production?

Abby has pushed Ray D right to the edge of what he can stand. They have piled more problems on the Big Man this season than any mere mortal could bare. I suspect there will be a lot of dangling threads left at the end of ep. 10. , surrounding one big mind-blowing shocker that none of us saw coming.

The Abby character draws a lot of venom from "fans." They say she's ugly, that they wish she would be killed, why does Ray stay with her, etc. I think, if nothing else, she keeps Ray keyed up, which he needs to do his job. And next season, I'd like to see more focus on Ray doing his fixer job, and less on family problems.

Is the deal for the Trousdale house still on? How can he think about going so deeply in hock for a woman who has his stones in a vise? That's love, baby!

Loving the addition of the terminally ill neighbour, he's damn funny with his wild ideas of robbing the pot shop across the road (this is only a spoiler if you haven't been following for a few weeks), even the Hooker has her moments. The parole officer is also a good touch. Mickey's character certainly has improved this season.

Abby is definitely no oil painting and the type of character you just want to punch in the face to get her to shut up, but being a girl from Southie it better be a good first punch :P

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Loving the addition of the terminally ill neighbour, he's damn funny with his wild ideas of robbing the pot shop across the road (this is only a spoiler if you haven't been following for a few weeks), even the Hooker has her moments.

That pot shop "heist" was SO funny.

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