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Fargo: Watched the final episode of this last night and thought it capped

of a really good series.

Kept me guessing right up until the end and Biily Bob Thornton

was still as good as in the first episode.

Highly recommended.

Season2, episode 1 is available now.

I can't take the wait between episodes …. so trying a new strategy…gonna wait for the entire season to wrap and then do a binge smile.png

I did that for Ray Donovan.

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Fargo: Watched the final episode of this last night and thought it capped

of a really good series.

Kept me guessing right up until the end and Biily Bob Thornton

was still as good as in the first episode.

Highly recommended.

Season2, episode 1 is available now.

I can't take the wait between episodes …. so trying a new strategy…gonna wait for the entire season to wrap and then do a binge smile.png

Wanna bet? smile.png

For Fargo, I can practise self control.

For Homeland, no way…I like the direction season 5 is going in. :)

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YOu could do a lot worse than watch The Martian.

Riddley Scott took Alfonso Cuaron's idea for Gravity and gave it a lot more scale and sociability.

I thought he was just going to be pottering around on mars doing some soul searching but Damon turned in a great performance.

Oscars galore.

Agreed. Caught up with this one yesterday and enjoyed it,

It was a lot more than i expected, without as many of the usual script cliches I have come to expect

Still not as good as Aliens.

Bit silly that they needed to involve the Chinese, but probably just so the movie sell better in China.

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Fargo: Watched the final episode of this last night and thought it capped

of a really good series.

Kept me guessing right up until the end and Biily Bob Thornton

was still as good as in the first episode.

Highly recommended.

Season2, episode 1 is available now.

Nice late 70s atmosphere (most terrible fashion ever). Very individualistic characters. Great "shit happens"-case. The making shows some similarities to season1, which I think is a very good thing. But what was the opening scene about??? Anyway, the drought is over. We have a great show back, I'd say.

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Just watched some of the second series of ' empire ' and unfortunatly it's turning into a rather pale shadow of what the first 3/4 of a series 1 promised. Don't think it meant but it's almost turning satirical. needless to say I'm not watching the rest of season 2

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getting up to speed and after a tremendous season one jane the virgin series 2 is looking promising

Seriously? I must admit, you did not strike me as a person who watches "Jane the Virgin" smile.png (I gave up after three failed attempts to like it, I watch other Girls Shows instead: "The Good Wife" and I also liked "Sex and the City" very much)

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getting up to speed and after a tremendous season one jane the virgin series 2 is looking promising

Seriously? I must admit, you did not strike me as a person who watches "Jane the Virgin" smile.png (I gave up after three failed attempts to like it, I watch other Girls Shows instead: "The Good Wife" and I also liked "Sex and the City" very much)

Yeah well might help if you took the girly/ boy barrier down jope mate cant see that it helps make a particularly good judgement call and yeah I like 'jane the virgin' I like the unusual way the stories part narrated, juxtaposed in play bac and it's almost satirical and certainly larger than life characters, work well imo despite its different structure its well balanced and good story telling, and bottom line that's what 'm into.

oh and b4 i forget 'Dope ' imo is a good film well worth a watch. Tale of a young kid avoiding all the' wrong things' gets inadvertently dumped in the v middle of it all. and deals withn it all. It's funny, colorful and with a social message that aint quite a clique,, as yet.

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In case somebody missed it: Dr. Thackery from The Knick is back for a second season. I liked the setup. There are some graphic scenes and on a side-note: the music is still very "individualistic". Meets the standards of season one, I'd say.

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Came across a new French 6 episode series called 'Un trop de Chance'…a police thriller…..looks like its based on the thrillers of harlan coben….cant be too shabby….i loved braquo so excited about this…..only problem is, no english subs….please let us know if you find any.

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Came across a new French 6 episode series called 'Un trop de Chance'…a police thriller…..looks like its based on the thrillers of harlan coben….cant be too shabby….i loved braquo so excited about this…..only problem is, no english subs….please let us know if you find any.

Braquo is fantastic.

It's probably a bit early for Une chance de trop seeing as it's only recently been

released and as far as I know, only in French speaking countries at this stage.

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Came across a new French 6 episode series called 'Un trop de Chance'…a police thriller…..looks like its based on the thrillers of harlan coben….cant be too shabby….i loved braquo so excited about this…..only problem is, no english subs….please let us know if you find any.

It's probably a bit early for Une chance de trop seeing as it's only recently been

released and as far as I know, only in French speaking countries at this stage.

The website addic7ed.com is usually good for subs to obscure and hard to find foreign shows.

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Just been to the Cinema to see the new film with ''Anne Hathaway' and Robert de Niro'' called ''The Interim'' it was excellent, far better than what i expected.

then i went to see that new Thai film about the Monk called ''Arbat'' that was good as well, just wished they had not cut out a lot of the interesting parts..

The Theatre was so so full , which means a lot of ''Thai People'' wanted to see it.., like i said, Great film but they should not of censeored it..

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Just been to the Cinema to see the new film with ''Anne Hathaway' and Robert de Niro'' called ''The Interim'' it was excellent, far better than what i expected.

Just a correction and that it is "The Intern". On my list of must see now. Thanks. smile.png

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Any fans of "Satisfaction" the entire 2nd season is now available at your most reputable torrent dealers. Episode 1 kicked off on Saturday with Episodes 2 - 10 uploaded yesterday.

Having watched Episode 1 follow a similar start to Season 1 it could get rather boring rather quickly. But I'll binge ;)

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1) THE WALKING F#@%&)+ DEAD is back!...and it is AWE-SOME!

2) American Horror Story: Hotel- I don't want to EVER!!! meet the guy, who wrote this! Pretty messed up nightmares, he/sh must have...and I like it A LOT!

3) Watched an entertaining flic on the weekend, called "Extinction". Some plotholes, some unexplained story- points...but over all an enjoyable end- of- times movie.

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As a heads up, Amazon Prime is dumping all of Alpha House season two on Oct 24th.

If you haven't watched season one, highly recommended, hoping season two lives up to my expectations

That's a bit disappointing. I was hoping for season 3 this year. Not gonna happen, though. Well, maybe another time. One can hope, can't one?

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KIngdom. About an American MMA gym in LA. Run by a dysfuntional family. Lots of real UFC guys have cameo rolls. Produced by Bravo. Graphic and violent. Sopranos goes MMA.

Thanks for the heads up on this one.

Watched episode 1 yesterday and it was really good.


Season 2 has just started.

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Keanu, what have you done?

Knock Knock.

What the possibly worst couple of hours i have spent with Keanu. And recently i have spent a few. I don't watch many fillums, but when i saw that Keanu was in that load of crap. I watched. Right to the end. What is he doing??

I'd rather look at him on his motorcycle around where he lives in pics by the paparazzi, than that.

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Apart from that, i am watching what you lot are. Downton Abbey last night was fun with the projectile vomiting!!

A rather nice reality tv thingy i found, was an American one called 30 day fiancé. About getting your bride to the US on a fiancé visa. I sorta get attached to their stories. and the people.

Now i am off to watch Doc Martin and Stacey Dooly.

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Keanu, what have you done?

Knock Knock.

What the possibly worst couple of hours i have spent with Keanu. And recently i have spent a few. I don't watch many fillums, but when i saw that Keanu was in that load of crap. I watched. Right to the end. What is he doing??

I'd rather look at him on his motorcycle around where he lives in pics by the paparazzi, than that.

Yeah I saw that, looked at the story line and a few snapshots and instantly thought a bad re-run of Wild Things...

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Tv series - The Romeo Section

I haven't really made up my mind about this one as yet.
The premiere kept me interested enough to have a look at episode 2 though.

IMDB: Lies, corruption, murder - welcome to the world of The Romeo Section where spies are recruited to seduce for secrets.

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Apart from that, i am watching what you lot are. Downton Abbey last night was fun with the projectile vomiting!!

A rather nice reality tv thingy i found, was an American one called 30 day fiancé. About getting your bride to the US on a fiancé visa. I sorta get attached to their stories. and the people.

Now i am off to watch Doc Martin and Stacey Dooly.

Downtown Abbey,great, doc Martin great again ,Stacy Dooley, about as much fun as licking my toilet bowl clean LOL
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