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Suits...Upcoming Season Ender Speculation: Cliff Hanger featuring Red Queen Donna! NOT a SPOILER but Some Might Disagree...Proceed Carefully, at your Own Risk.

Is there anybody left in the New York corporate law community that doesn't know "Mike's Secret" yet? Does the entire future of Pearson/Specter/Litt revolve around this tired device? It seems the writers have long since painted themselves into a corner with it, maybe two seasons ago.

Episode 13 was one of the best ever, with flashbacks bringing Grandma and Trevor back into the story, and Hardman, and the fierce early rivalry between junior partners Harvey and Louis. Episode 14 was a letdown after that. Why does the firm let Mike take the very shaky whistle blower case? Mikey's defying everybody on this, and they are letting him get away with it. Why? Louis should choke him out.

Jessica and Jeff? Who cares, really, when Donna's future hangs by a thread? Donna consistently blows every other woman off the screen, especially Rachel. We MUST SAVE HER, by any means necessary. (You know Harvey will do it, but probably not until next season.)

Donna and her big red headed sister Joan (Christina Hendricks) from Mad Men can "have their way" with me any time!

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Funny. I thought episode 13 of Suits was the worst episode ever and 14 was back on track. I was talking it over with a friend the other day who felt the same way. He was guessing that they had a new writer. I found 13 extremely confusing, because of the way they kept jumping through time. Also, I'm a lot hotter for Rachel than Donna, who does nothing for me. I guess it takes all kinds.

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Funny. I thought episode 13 of Suits was the worst episode ever and 14 was back on track. I was talking it over with a friend the other day who felt the same way. He was guessing that they had a new writer. I found 13 extremely confusing, because of the way they kept jumping through time. Also, I'm a lot hotter for Rachel than Donna, who does nothing for me. I guess it takes all kinds.

yeah what the f was all that time jumping about? it was just plain weird, didnt seem quite too fit in, it did cross my mind that they were just padding it out to fill time, but for such historically sharp story tellers that that didnt quite feel right or work. Still as you said back on track

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The Mule (2014)

A first time drug mule tries desperately to prevent his body from giving up its lethal cargo after Australian authorities take him into custody.

Review here: http://www.theguardian.com/film/2014/nov/20/the-mule-review-angus-sampson-toilet-humour-smart-art

Amusing, but a bit too "shitty" for me... Reminded me a bit of Trainspotters...

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Cucumber. Is a drama set in Manchester. Made by the same folk that gave us Queer as Folk. It is about homosexuals, but with a comedic twist. I am enjoying it because seeing men screw does not make my gonads go up inside my body. The storyline is good too.

Now, the latest from British TV which is going to be a smash is Indian Summers - absolutely beautiful scenery, capters the early 1930s Raj etc. It is going to be a goodun.

The Oscars!!! I actually watched the whole ceremony from start to finish and enjoyed it. Whodaknown that Lady Gaga could sing like that... I closed my eyes and i was back watching The Sound of Music....

Good on Eddie Redmayne!!! My sister has had the press ringing her up all morning (her being his Aunt)!!! His film The Theory of Everything was lovely, i watched it yesterday and he really did deserve his statue.

Thank god the last episode of Broadchurch is on tonight - so we can all sigh a sigh of relief. I have hated this season.

Having not watched Eastenders for a couple of years, I did start watching it again last week. And am amazed that none of them seem to have changed. That said - i do remember where i was and who i was with when i watched the first episode.

Where were you?

I was in may parent's flat in Edinburgh with my flatmate Sarah. I was 21 years old, and a wee hottie. She was as well!!

Edited by Patsycat
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well thank u patsy cat a most enlightening postbiggrin.png , and this is one,, , totally stuck 4 something to watch last night b4 i hit the sac and tbh i've been avoiding this series, but it keeps on getting really good reviews, i did try and watch the pilot and it just turned me off, so i skipped that and watched the next one, and surprise surprise, it aint half bad. worth a twirl in my humble, 'jane the virgin'

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Funny. I thought episode 13 of Suits was the worst episode ever and 14 was back on track. I was talking it over with a friend the other day who felt the same way. He was guessing that they had a new writer. I found 13 extremely confusing, because of the way they kept jumping through time. Also, I'm a lot hotter for Rachel than Donna, who does nothing for me. I guess it takes all kinds.

yeah what the f was all that time jumping about? it was just plain weird, didnt seem quite too fit in, it did cross my mind that they were just padding it out to fill time, but for such historically sharp story tellers that that didnt quite feel right or work. Still as you said back on track

was thinking having liked the series up to the current episodes '' has the time come to call it a day'' it has started to get a bit sillier than it already was. Rachel and Donna are beginning to be the only draw. Does Rachel have wide hips or does my tv need adjusting.

edit the story line with Jessica takes some believing ( not wanting to be a spoiler)

Edited by steve187
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Norte, The end of history

At a tad over 4 hours, this one won't appeal to everyone.
A Filipino movie by acclaimed director Lav Diaz.

I really liked it however and managed to get through it
in one sitting.

Edit: It does have subtitles for those interested.

IMDB: An embittered law student commits a brutal double murder; a family man takes the fall and is forced into a harsh prison sentence;
a mother and her two children wander the countryside looking for some kind of redemption.


Edited by Will27
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Cucumber. Is a drama set in Manchester. Made by the same folk that gave us Queer as Folk. It is about homosexuals, but with a comedic twist. I am enjoying it because seeing men screw does not make my gonads go up inside my body. The storyline is good too.

Now, the latest from British TV which is going to be a smash is Indian Summers - absolutely beautiful scenery, capters the early 1930s Raj etc. It is going to be a goodun.

The Oscars!!! I actually watched the whole ceremony from start to finish and enjoyed it. Whodaknown that Lady Gaga could sing like that... I closed my eyes and i was back watching The Sound of Music....

Good on Eddie Redmayne!!! My sister has had the press ringing her up all morning (her being his Aunt)!!! His film The Theory of Everything was lovely, i watched it yesterday and he really did deserve his statue.

Thank god the last episode of Broadchurch is on tonight - so we can all sigh a sigh of relief. I have hated this season.

Having not watched Eastenders for a couple of years, I did start watching it again last week. And am amazed that none of them seem to have changed. That said - i do remember where i was and who i was with when i watched the first episode.

Where were you?

I was in may parent's flat in Edinburgh with my flatmate Sarah. I was 21 years old, and a wee hottie. She was as well!!

Just wanted to say I developed a respect for Lady Gaga after watching her do an hour show dueting with Tony Bennett singing all the great numbers from the Sinatra / Bennett era. She has such a good voice and can really pull off the jazzy / mellow song style of that era, a real talent.

Fully agree with Eddie Redmayne, brilliant performance.

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Last year at "Oscar Time" I had seen all of the big contenders, but this year I am way behind. Birdman best picture? I suspect furiously heavy lobbying behind that choice, but when was it otherwise? It made me tired to watch, with all of the action confined to the theater environment, and the ever-restless camera. I thought Edward Norton turned in a better performance in that film than Michael Keaton.

I guess I'll have to see Still Alice, despite the grim subject matter. Julianne Moore is always great, but Julie Christie worked this turf superbly well a few years ago with Away From Her. Think I'll wait a while.

Haven't seen The Theory of Everything, but the consensus seems to be that Mr. Redmayne deserved the award. The best big screen performance by any male actor I have seen lately is JK Simmons in Whiplash. I still think of that as a leading role, because whenever Simmons was onscreen, he totally owned that film.

Somebody said that the two guys who played Caesar and Koba (apes) in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes deserved at least Honorable Mention for their outrageous, difficult performances. I agree. What a thrill ride that was!

It was nice to see Rosanna Arquette come away with a statue. She was good in that interminable Boyhood movie, but she was smashingly fine in Boardwalk Empire. She was too much woman for Nucky Thompson.

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BIG EYES (2014)

Tim Burton has made some interesting movies and I quite liked this one, though I found it irritating in spots.

Christopher Waltz seems to relish playing the villain and his performance goes up and up until it's over the top IMO.

I love Amy Adams and she gives a quiet, but superb performance as Margaret Keane, absolutely beautiful.

Review here: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/big_eyes/

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Last year at "Oscar Time" I had seen all of the big contenders, but this year I am way behind. Birdman best picture? I suspect furiously heavy lobbying behind that choice, but when was it otherwise? It made me tired to watch, with all of the action confined to the theater environment, and the ever-restless camera. I thought Edward Norton turned in a better performance in that film than Michael Keaton.

I guess I'll have to see Still Alice, despite the grim subject matter. Julianne Moore is always great, but Julie Christie worked this turf superbly well a few years ago with Away From Her. Think I'll wait a while.

Haven't seen The Theory of Everything, but the consensus seems to be that Mr. Redmayne deserved the award. The best big screen performance by any male actor I have seen lately is JK Simmons in Whiplash. I still think of that as a leading role, because whenever Simmons was onscreen, he totally owned that film.

Somebody said that the two guys who played Caesar and Koba (apes) in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes deserved at least Honorable Mention for their outrageous, difficult performances. I agree. What a thrill ride that was!

It was nice to see Rosanna Arquette come away with a statue. She was good in that interminable Boyhood movie, but she was smashingly fine in Boardwalk Empire. She was too much woman for Nucky Thompson.

I agree with all that. I have been watching Birdman for a few days and am in no hurry to finish it, but it was better than Grand Budapest Hotel, which is not saying much. I think that Whiplash should have won , but quite liked Sill Alice, The Theory of Everything and Boyhood. I have not given up on Birdman being better than what I have seen so far.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I thoroughly enjoyed Birdman. The fact that it was nearly entirely filmed in what appeared to be nearly one continuous take makes it an unparalleled accomplishment in film.

Keaton owned the role, (perhaps thanks to his role some 26 years ago as Batman) but yes, Norton was (is) outstanding. So was the chick who plays Keaton's daughter.


Director Alejandro González Iñárritu's Birdman deserves the high praise it has received from critics, and not just for its brilliant writing; hyper-meta deconstruction of fame and self-perception; and excellent acting by its stars. Famously, Birdman was filmed to look like one continuous shot.

To make this work, the director and cinematographers had to get really creative, utilizing tricks like time lapse and dark spaces for cuts between scenes. But the film doesn't rely entirely on movie magic: parts of the movie are truly composed of massively long takes. In this behind-the-scenes clip, leading actor Michael Keaton explains how one such scene was made."

source: http://www.fastcodesign.com/3042470/check-out-how-one-of-birdmans-ridiculously-long-shots-was-made

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Last year at "Oscar Time" I had seen all of the big contenders, but this year I am way behind. Birdman best picture? I suspect furiously heavy lobbying behind that choice, but when was it otherwise? It made me tired to watch, with all of the action confined to the theater environment, and the ever-restless camera. I thought Edward Norton turned in a better performance in that film than Michael Keaton.

I guess I'll have to see Still Alice, despite the grim subject matter. Julianne Moore is always great, but Julie Christie worked this turf superbly well a few years ago with Away From Her. Think I'll wait a while.

Haven't seen The Theory of Everything, but the consensus seems to be that Mr. Redmayne deserved the award. The best big screen performance by any male actor I have seen lately is JK Simmons in Whiplash. I still think of that as a leading role, because whenever Simmons was onscreen, he totally owned that film.

Somebody said that the two guys who played Caesar and Koba (apes) in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes deserved at least Honorable Mention for their outrageous, difficult performances. I agree. What a thrill ride that was!

It was nice to see Rosanna Arquette come away with a statue. She was good in that interminable Boyhood movie, but she was smashingly fine in Boardwalk Empire. She was too much woman for Nucky Thompson.

I agree with all that. I have been watching Birdman for a few days and am in no hurry to finish it, but it was better than Grand Budapest Hotel, which is not saying much. I think that Whiplash should have won , but quite liked Sill Alice, The Theory of Everything and Boyhood. I have not given up on Birdman being better than what I have seen so far.

I am not sure if Whiplash should have won but it was the most enjoyable movie of the year for me.

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Last year at "Oscar Time" I had seen all of the big contenders, but this year I am way behind. Birdman best picture? I suspect furiously heavy lobbying behind that choice, but when was it otherwise? It made me tired to watch, with all of the action confined to the theater environment, and the ever-restless camera. I thought Edward Norton turned in a better performance in that film than Michael Keaton.

I guess I'll have to see Still Alice, despite the grim subject matter. Julianne Moore is always great, but Julie Christie worked this turf superbly well a few years ago with Away From Her. Think I'll wait a while.

Haven't seen The Theory of Everything, but the consensus seems to be that Mr. Redmayne deserved the award. The best big screen performance by any male actor I have seen lately is JK Simmons in Whiplash. I still think of that as a leading role, because whenever Simmons was onscreen, he totally owned that film.

Somebody said that the two guys who played Caesar and Koba (apes) in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes deserved at least Honorable Mention for their outrageous, difficult performances. I agree. What a thrill ride that was!

It was nice to see Rosanna Arquette come away with a statue. She was good in that interminable Boyhood movie, but she was smashingly fine in Boardwalk Empire. She was too much woman for Nucky Thompson.

I agree with all that. I have been watching Birdman for a few days and am in no hurry to finish it, but it was better than Grand Budapest Hotel, which is not saying much. I think that Whiplash should have won , but quite liked Sill Alice, The Theory of Everything and Boyhood. I have not given up on Birdman being better than what I have seen so far.

UG a movie is supposed to be watched in one sitting. Are saying you are watching one movie over a period of days? Short attention span? Whats going on ?

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Last year at "Oscar Time" I had seen all of the big contenders, but this year I am way behind. Birdman best picture? I suspect furiously heavy lobbying behind that choice, but when was it otherwise? It made me tired to watch, with all of the action confined to the theater environment, and the ever-restless camera. I thought Edward Norton turned in a better performance in that film than Michael Keaton.

I guess I'll have to see Still Alice, despite the grim subject matter. Julianne Moore is always great, but Julie Christie worked this turf superbly well a few years ago with Away From Her. Think I'll wait a while.

Haven't seen The Theory of Everything, but the consensus seems to be that Mr. Redmayne deserved the award. The best big screen performance by any male actor I have seen lately is JK Simmons in Whiplash. I still think of that as a leading role, because whenever Simmons was onscreen, he totally owned that film.

Somebody said that the two guys who played Caesar and Koba (apes) in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes deserved at least Honorable Mention for their outrageous, difficult performances. I agree. What a thrill ride that was!

It was nice to see Rosanna Arquette come away with a statue. She was good in that interminable Boyhood movie, but she was smashingly fine in Boardwalk Empire. She was too much woman for Nucky Thompson.

I agree with all that. I have been watching Birdman for a few days and am in no hurry to finish it, but it was better than Grand Budapest Hotel, which is not saying much. I think that Whiplash should have won , but quite liked Sill Alice, The Theory of Everything and Boyhood. I have not given up on Birdman being better than what I have seen so far.

UG a movie is supposed to be watched in one sitting. Are saying you are watching one movie over a period of days? Short attention span? Whats going on ?

remember as a v young kid every movie in the cinema had a break mid way through.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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UG a movie is supposed to be watched in one sitting. Are saying you are watching one movie over a period of days? Short attention span? Whats going on ?

I have not found a copy that I can watch on the player in my room, so I am having to watch it on my PC at work. I get interrupted a lot. I am still only half way through!

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We all have our own way of watching movies. I had to stop Birdman in the middle and watch it over two nights. That trippy camera work almost gave me a headache. Inherent Vice was another long one that I had to break in the middle. Nothing was lost there, since there is no "plot" in the usual sense. And anyone who could watch Boyhood in a single sitting, my hat is off to you.

Something tells me that in ten years there will be a followup as we watch this kid marry and divorce, pursue a career, etc. Rather like Michael Apted's series of checking in on that group of British kids every seven years (49 UP, etc.) That became very tedious, but I watched them all.

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We all have our own way of watching movies. I had to stop Birdman in the middle and watch it over two nights. That trippy camera work almost gave me a headache. Inherent Vice was another long one that I had to break in the middle. Nothing was lost there, since there is no "plot" in the usual sense. And anyone who could watch Boyhood in a single sitting, my hat is off to you.

Something tells me that in ten years there will be a followup as we watch this kid marry and divorce, pursue a career, etc. Rather like Michael Apted's series of checking in on that group of British kids every seven years (49 UP, etc.) That became very tedious, but I watched them all.

Birdman was challenging but i enjoyed it. I thought if Norton's role had an extra ten minutes on screen he would have been a solid chance for best supporting actor. His role seemed to end prematurely.

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Just watched The Water Diviner".

Good movie. 8.1 on IMBD. Aussie will enjoy it more. The romantic bits in the movie are not so good but everything else is good. Unfortunately my copy did not have english subtitles and i suggest you wait for a better copy.

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Ida (2013)

​Polish with English subtitles

Anna is an 18-year-old orphan who was raised in a convent and is preparing to take her vows when her Mother Superior insists that first she meet her one known relative. It's only 80 minutes long, visually beautiful in black and white and filmed in the boxed image.

I will watch this movie again and again and probably again.

I highly recommend that you take 80 minutes and go on an incredible journey with Anna.

Review here: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/ida_2013/

Edited by uptheos
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Just watched The Water Diviner".

Good movie. 8.1 on IMBD. Aussie will enjoy it more. The romantic bits in the movie are not so good but everything else is good. Unfortunately my copy did not have english subtitles and i suggest you wait for a better copy.

I should add my rating 7.5. A few lame things about this movie but some things top notch. RC did a good job. Edited by stat088
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The site that starts with "K" and ends with "S" yielded up a treasure for me last night, a documentary called Finding Vivian Maier. I have been waiting to see this for months, and it did not disappoint.

The link to IMDB will give you the whole rundown. What a story!


Beautiful mate, been waiting for that to appear! what a woman.

and what a great doco.

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