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What movies or TV shows are you watching now?


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Watched "Ender´s game" yesterday. I enjoyed it but it was obviously difficult to adapt it to the big screen.

The story line was more sped up than a tuk tuk driver on yabaa, so you really didn't connect to the other characters in the movie. What supposedly took several years in the book was now done in the matter of a few weeks in the movie. Another thing that really bugged me was Harrison Ford, who gave his worst performance ever.

Despite all that, the movie kept close to the core, the book. It wasn't bad but it didn't have the "wow" effect either but... I wouldn´t mind watching the sequel if there is going to be one.

Looking forward to watching this one

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Hello Ladies, haven't seen this one yet...New series, comedy, up to Episode 2. Has the English Comedic Actor Stephen Merchant starring

So I caught up on the first 3 episodes of this, f*** me Merchant's an annoying <deleted> in this show, but the wheelchair bound midget's freaking hilarious!

Hopefully gets better...

Watched episode 1 of Hello Ladies

Some excruciatingly awkward moments and cringe worthy scenes throughout laugh.png

Merchant sure is an annoying f***.

Ill keep on watching though.

A guide for the could-be-loser within us all thumbsup.gif

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So caught up over the weekend on Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D - not a bad series so far, enjoying the cross over between The Avengers and there was even a cameo from Mr Jackson... hahaha... Ming Na's not too bad on the eye either even though she's what? 50 something? She's no Lucy Liu, but there's something about her... The 2 nerds are what do it for me, crack me up, Fitz and Simmons...

Brooklyn Nine Nine - bit like Reno 911 - but not nearly as stupid. Happy to continue to watch it, provides for stupid laughs...

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Apologies gang, as this isn't a new movie (1988) but was trawling through

True Visions yesterday and saw they were playing Mississippi Burning.


Even though I've seen it several times, I could not turn it off.

Absolute stunning movie and I'd rate it 8.5/9.00 everyday of the week.

Good to know that it still holds the test of time. I remember when I first watched Mississippi Burning the sense of injustice i felt.

Very well done movie

I had the same thing happen recently with Enemy at The Gates. A very underrated movie IMHO.


Agreed. I've seen this a couple of times now, and though it is a relatively long movie at over 2 hours, it hold the interest.

Certainly rate in my top 10 war movies

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I know it' been mentioned here before, but have just finsished

the series of Rectified.


Thought it was a tad slow at the beginning but thought by the end it was

really good.

Looking forward to series 2.

SteeleJoe did mention Rectify it a while back (Sadly we haven't seen SJ on Thaivisa for a while) but I am glad you brought it up again. I'm going to add this one to my 'gather & watch' list.

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Been watching Leverage Season 4. A team of 5 ex-con peoples have joined together to get justice for the minions against big unscrupulous business operators

A lite n easy show I have been watching it as background while I'm at the computer. NO real surprise or unhappy endings thus far.

5.5/10 from me


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Last US Blockbuster video rental stores to close

The last 300 Blockbuster Video film rental stores in the US are closing in the face of unrelenting competition from online digital video, corporate parent company Dish Network has said.

About 2,800 people are expected to lose their jobs by early January.

The once-dominant chain filed for bankruptcy, pummelled by Netflix's DVD-by-post and online streaming services.

Dish Network, a satellite television provider, will also end Blockbuster's own DVD-by-post service in December.

About 50 US stores that are operated as independent franchises will remain open.


"Blockbuster grew into a goliath. It had roughly 5,500 stores nationwide as recently as 2005, including franchised locations".


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My current list of Fav's

Walking Dead


The Blacklist


Hawaii 5 O

Jericho (I'm rewatching the whole show to tell myself how much better it is than Revolution)

NCIS Los Angeles

The Voice (Don't Judge Me!)

The Daily Show

The League

Edited by GinBoy2
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My current list of Fav's

Walking Dead


The Blacklist


Hawaii 5 O

Jericho (I'm rewatching the whole show to tell myself how much better it is than Revolution)

NCIS Los Angeles

The Voice (Don't Judge Me!)

The Daily Show

The League

Some good shows there.

I have not seen The League. Might check that one out

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Yes indeed. She was worth the watch alone

Really??!! blink.png

Ok, well each to their own I guess

Yes really wink.png

I actually just purveyed a copy of it in 1080p (The Wolverine that is) having already seen it in less than stunning quality (as previously mentioned).

Also picked up a 1080p of 2 Guns as the last time I watched it the quality wasn't up to scratch...

Also interested to see Paranoia of which, I'm currently in the process of purveying. Really should stop getting these movies, I think I've got like 10 movies to catch up on that I've intended to watch in the last month but have been too interested in my TV series.

In that list includes:

Paranoia - Gary Oldman's english accent is going to be annoying though, should have gone with Ray Winstone or someone like that...

Turbo - still haven't gotten around to watching it!


We're the Millers - Not sure why I decided on this one, probably a slow day, will review the preview and see how it looks... Hahaha yeah that'll do...

I had another 5 in that list, but went back and reviewed the preview and binned them...

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Yes indeed. She was worth the watch alone

Really??!! blink.png

Ok, well each to their own I guess

Yes really wink.png

I actually just purveyed a copy of it in 1080p (The Wolverine that is) having already seen it in less than stunning quality (as previously mentioned).

Also picked up a 1080p of 2 Guns as the last time I watched it the quality wasn't up to scratch...

Also interested to see Paranoia of which, I'm currently in the process of purveying. Really should stop getting these movies, I think I've got like 10 movies to catch up on that I've intended to watch in the last month but have been too interested in my TV series.

In that list includes:

Paranoia - Gary Oldman's english accent is going to be annoying though, should have gone with Ray Winstone or someone like that...

Turbo - still haven't gotten around to watching it!


We're the Millers - Not sure why I decided on this one, probably a slow day, will review the preview and see how it looks... Hahaha yeah that'll do...

I had another 5 in that list, but went back and reviewed the preview and binned them...

Let us know what Syrup is like after you've watched it.

Paranoia I'll be watching

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My current list of Fav's

Walking Dead


The Blacklist


Hawaii 5 O

Jericho (I'm rewatching the whole show to tell myself how much better it is than Revolution)

NCIS Los Angeles

The Voice (Don't Judge Me!)

The Daily Show

The League

Some good shows there.

I have not seen The League. Might check that one out

The League is a stealth treasure. Even more cool if you're into Fantasy Football

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Just watched Hello Ladies Ep 2.  What an awkward series this is!


It continues along that theme.. Makes you want to punch Marchant in the face!

In other news, watched Paranoia and Syrup last night..

Paranoia - very cool! I'll upgrade to the 1080p version to store away for a revisit. Surprisingly Oldman's accent wasn't so bad.

Syrup - not bad, more 'Friends with Benefits' -without the benefits - than 'Layer Cake' which was a little disappointing but nevertheless, a decent enough film. BM not sure if you should watch with the missus though hahaha

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Just watched Hello Ladies Ep 2. What an awkward series this is!

It continues along that theme.. Makes you want to punch Marchant in the face!

In other news, watched Paranoia and Syrup last night..

Paranoia - very cool! I'll upgrade to the 1080p version to store away for a revisit. Surprisingly Oldman's accent wasn't so bad.

Syrup - not bad, more 'Friends with Benefits' -without the benefits - than 'Layer Cake' which was a little disappointing but nevertheless, a decent enough film. BM not sure if you should watch with the missus though hahaha

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

There is basically nothing likable about Marchant's character so far. Three cringe worthy moments in Ep 3. laugh.png

U have me intrigued about Syrup now GS. Are you suggesting it will arouse dangerous passion within my GF?

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