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Motorcycle street racing: What happens when things go wrong - four dead


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On 5/7/2018 at 8:32 AM, z42 said:

Sorry but there is zero sympathy from me. Night on night idiots like these endanger other people just getting on with their journey.

No helmets also, pure idiocy but quite fitting as this is probably exactly the way these sorts envision as a cool way to exit the earth

I agree. These sorts of idiots need to learn a lesson. 

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On ‎10‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 3:02 AM, Voodoochile said:

Stupidity kills. RIP!

just sometimes the lessons in life arent learnt in time and it is youthful ignorance rather than stupididity that brings the young undone. Im guessing from your comnent you werent the youthful type who learnt the way most youth learn by pushing the boundaries and learning from consequences what was too far. You must have had a boring youth or maybe a way over protected one where you didnt learn your own lezsins but just beleived everyrhing your elders told you was true without question. You wouldnt hapoen to ve religious woukd you? 

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10 minutes ago, retoohs said:

just sometimes the lessons in life arent learnt in time and it is youthful ignorance rather than stupididity that brings the young undone. Im guessing from your comnent you werent the youthful type who learnt the way most youth learn by pushing the boundaries and learning from consequences what was too far. You must have had a boring youth or maybe a way over protected one where you didnt learn your own lezsins but just beleived everyrhing your elders told you was true without question. You wouldnt hapoen to ve religious woukd you? 

You gotta be a special kind of stupid to not understand that driving a bike at a 100 km/h without a helmet can end up killing you, without actually experiencing a crash yourself. Living a full, fun, daring and boundary-pushing youth doesn't mean you have to endanger your own life or, more importantly, the life of others. The fact that you feel the need to demean others by saying they are boring for not endangering the lives of others kinda says it all.


But I'm not surprised. The egocentric individuals who feel their need to experiment and be "daring" is more important than innocent lives always comes out to defend these young hooligans.

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you have forgotton what it is like to be young. Bulletproof and risk takers pusgung eaxh other beyond the realms of safe bebaviour. Im not defending them, totally reckless behaviour but the youngs brains are wired differently and rather than being ctnical of friends rash behaviour they will challenge themselves to show their balls are bigger. Its not just people, its all fors of animals and a lot of it is hardwired into young heads full of testosterone. Only the old when theyve lost the high testosterone levels and buy their woman instesd of winning them with courage and feats of daring craziness do tgs kessibs ztart ri cganve life patterns. The young will always behave like the animals we are no matter how much we as humans try to seperate ourselves from animals

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On 11 mai 2018 at 12:32 PM, retoohs said:

just sometimes the lessons in life arent learnt in time and it is youthful ignorance rather than stupididity that brings the young undone. Im guessing from your comnent you werent the youthful type who learnt the way most youth learn by pushing the boundaries and learning from consequences what was too far. You must have had a boring youth or maybe a way over protected one where you didnt learn your own lezsins but just beleived everyrhing your elders told you was true without question. You wouldnt hapoen to ve religious woukd you? 

WOW... All that Just on my "stupidity kills"


is it that Time of the month darling??

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4 hours ago, Voodoochile said:

WOW... All that Just on my "stupidity kills"


is it that Time of the month darling??

I have a feeling I once got a suspension for suggesting that to somebody, but then again my memory is not what it was 555555

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