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Can An American Woman Get A Fiances Visa Even If She Is Married

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I am deeply dismayed. I am hoping one of you can enlighten me on the way this works. My wife is a 28 year old white American girl.

While doing volunteer work in the Khao Lak area she started having an affair with a Thai person. Is it possible for my wife to get a fiances visa even though she is still married to me in America?

She say her and the former monk have been cohabitating for a few months. She also just got hired to teach English at a resort.

What am I asking? What is the easiest way to get a long term visa if you were my wife. I have been in the middle east all year with the army and was both shocked and heart broken to come home to this. Now I just want to know what to expect.

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I am assuming you are talking about a visa for Thailand.

There is no such thing as Fiances Visa.

If she is going to teach your wife will need a Non Immigrant B visa which will be extended for one year

once she has the work permit for her teaching job.

On no account should she engage in any work without the permit.

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Yes, she is trying to get a visa to stay in Thailand.

I had read on a forum here at Thaivisa that there was something called a fiances visa that required a foreigner to cohabitate with a Thai person.

Your saying no such thing exists? Could she marry a Thai person and get some type of visa as his wife without divorcing me?

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Actually, a user made mention of such a visa, then again it is possible I miss understood the context of what he was saying.

I assume there is a visa for someone who is a foreigner and marrys a Thai person correct? My knowledge of Thai Visa law is very limited. I have only been there twice, less than 30 days both times.

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If your wife intends to marry another, she will in theory have to get a divorce from you. In her case, the Thai authorities will require her to sign an affidavit at the US Embassy that she is free to marry. If she is married already, and she lies to the US Embassy, she can be charged (with perjury?).

Anyhow, I suggest you dump/divorce her and move on.

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You are very right gumball, about moving on. I commited myself to being a good husband. I stood by her side through two years of her using heroin.

I paid for rehabilitation clinics and doctors, car accidents, and who knows how much money she stole for drugs.

She went to Thailand to help tsunami victims as part of conquering her addiction and to not miss me as I was away with the army.

I am just shocked to come home and find after I was faithful and stood by her and tried to be supportive that she would have an affair in Thailand, move in with a local and take up residence there.

Leaving her will be no problem, she left me already. I am just in shock and trying to figure out if she can get a visa indefinetly or if I'll wake up one day with her on my door step.

I loved her very much and still do. It's the shock of the situation and not knowing what to expect. She called me the other day saying she received a 90 day visa and just got a job as a english teacher for some hotel.

Thanks though to all of you who commented. I am just trying to make sense of things since I returned from Koh Samuii last month.

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