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Another Dumb Farang Question


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DNK most people myself included can't understand African-American street talk which is what I'm assuming you are trying to speak.Sorry to offend you just simple English will suffice.

just out of curiosity, what indicators triggered the assumption that DNK is african american? was it your vast knowlege of latin?

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DNK most people myself included can't understand African-American street talk which is what I'm assuming you are trying to speak.Sorry to offend you just simple English will suffice.

just out of curiosity, what indicators triggered the assumption that DNK is african american? was it your vast knowlege of latin?

Then he'd be a Latino?! :o

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I studied Latin and speak Italian,and DKY sounds just like a lot of my African American friends it's street talk doesn't translate well when it's written.

No kidding.

Perhaps he could spray-paint it on the side of a bus for us? :o

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To the OP

If you really love this girl you would be back in the UK with her....and sorting out the problems later....This at least would show her that your intentions are serious...something that you havent done to date....begorrah you love her but let her marry another man...I nominate you for the least supporting actor in a role.

If you havent done that, then you arent that serious and should build a bridge.

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Is this the same girl who has got a degree and loads of money that you went on about in your last sob story???

I think your a bit sad waiting around for some cheating bird who is married and living in a different country, that is if we are to go on the assumption that this story actually has some credability. I doubt it though :o


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o my the bus 1 funy well if you did nto get the joke i will not so any more if you did get it good for you lock this post pleas

I know lots of members think that English isn't your first language, DNK, but from reading some of your slang & terminology, I have a horrible suspicion you're a Brit. Am I right?

And before anyone starts having a go at me, I'm British! That's why some of his slang seems familiar!

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o my the bus 1 funy well if you did nto get the joke i will not so any more if you did get it good for you lock this post pleas

I know lots of members think that English isn't your first language, DNK, but from reading some of your slang & terminology, I have a horrible suspicion you're a Brit. Am I right?

And before anyone starts having a go at me, I'm British! That's why some of his slang seems familiar!

I can't believe that a brit can screw-up the english language like that...

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o my the bus 1 funy well if you did nto get the joke i will not so any more if you did get it good for you lock this post pleas

I know lots of members think that English isn't your first language, DNK, but from reading some of your slang & terminology, I have a horrible suspicion you're a Brit. Am I right?

And before anyone starts having a go at me, I'm British! That's why some of his slang seems familiar!

I think he's having a laugh... English teachers, eh? :o

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  • 1 month later...
I have a solution for both you idiots: You call the husband in the UK and tell him what you have told us, then get your little married two timing b***h to back up your sad story.

She gets kicked out, you get burnt, and you can live happily ever after knowing that you TOTALLY DESTROYED ANOTHER MAN'S LIFE.

You are one sick <deleted>.

You didn't get burnt by any chance?

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o my the bus 1 funy well if you did nto get the joke i will not so any more if you did get it good for you lock this post pleas

I know lots of members think that English isn't your first language, DNK, but from reading some of your slang & terminology, I have a horrible suspicion you're a Brit. Am I right?

And before anyone starts having a go at me, I'm British! That's why some of his slang seems familiar!

I think he's having a laugh... English teachers, eh? :o

This sense is threadless - I love it! :D Troll or not, these loony love triangles are more common than sensible people might think. Many years ago I got involved with a German woman (divorcee) and yes, I was thinking with my d##k. Shortly after moving in with her I found out she was still making out with ex hubby. When I demanded an explanation (while hurriedly packing my things) she cried, said she needed to get her head straight and asked me to give her a little time. I said "Yeah, right" and never looked back. Bottom line, her daughter showed up one day as a student where I was guesting and told me the ex was still with her mother 8 years later, but mummy also had a steady guy! Pity, that woman was hot stuff, but not worth waiting for.

Edited by qwertz
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Why did she marry the lad in the first place? Was she seeing you before she got married?

Anyways if she doesnt love her husband faire enough, she should pack it in and come home to thailand. Terminate the visa and get a divorce. Do things the proper way, anything less is pure deception and points to a character flaw of epic proportions.

Yes she was seein me before she got married, they'd been together a little while before we met, simliar story to alot of people. He needed to go back to the UK. I've turned up back packing from Australia, met, fell in love, moved in then he came back and had to move out. This was always there plan, and I had expected it. It hurt but I thought i'd have to move on, but she keeps telling me how she loves me and has made a mistake. I thought it was over once I knew she was coming to the UK, but we met up a couple of times before I headed back here. I just need to know what she needs to sort out, which is what shes telling me, shes telling shes trying to find ways round it, but I thought i'd get more sense out of people on here. No offence to her, but i'm not sure shes finding information from the right places!

If theres things I can do then great, i'll do them to help her. I love this girl and at the end of the day if she feels i'm interfering and find out information, then maybe shes pulling the wool over both our eyes. Either way, I need to know.

Its just the waiting around for answers, I can wait, but if i'm waiting for nothing whats the point! When she tells me to give her time she needs to sort herself out as she might come back here and not be able to come back to the uk if I ever want to go back, which I cant see myself staying in this great (but mad:) Country forever!

Thanks for your help and I know alot of people go through crap, but theres been no money involved, just grief for longer than expected. My mate tells me all Thai grils are bad in some way, but I really want to prove him wrong with her, because I feel shes just confused and will hate it if I think like him in a few months time!

Thanks again for your replys and anymore replys!

A couple of months have passed since your original post. Hopefully by now you have your head on straight. Love triangles are as old as humankind and they always turn out badly. I agree with other posters who surmise that the lady in question is actually playing both of you -- the husband and you. That means the f**cking you were getting ain't worth the f**cking you are going to get in the future.

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I've met and fallen in love with a girl that had got married.

Reality check..... She did marry the other guy, she's shagging him EVERY night...... there are plenty of other girls better than that, westerner or Thai..... she's playing for the thrill and your the one who will suffer the most in the long run..... get out now, change your phone number and emails, make a break now and move on. Aunty Annie :o:D:D

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I've met and fallen in love with a girl that had got married.

Reality check..... She did marry the other guy, she's shagging him EVERY night...... there are plenty of other girls better than that, westerner or Thai..... she's playing for the thrill and your the one who will suffer the most in the long run..... get out now, change your phone number and emails, make a break now and move on. Aunty Annie :o:D:D

My post has cropped up again! Well, her storys kept changing and made me angry so i've speeled the beans, told her husband everything. I never learnt they were married until about 5 months later, so yes i'm a dumb farang, but only through love and after months of storys not matching up, I smartened up. Maybe some people think I've done a bad thing, maybe I did. Not sure whats happening with them now.


Ok another one born everyday made me laugh

Edited by Jai Dee
Inappropriate language deleted.
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Whether the OP is trolling or not, if a woman - Thai, English, French, Australian etc. - would lie, cheat and scheme like she IS doing, would you still want to wait that long knowing deep down that she is liable to do the same to you in the future? Or even wait around at all?

Some women collect husbands along life's way and in doing so collect all those 50%'s of their husbands wealth, making them selves rich.

The thing is you KNOW what a scheming, cheating baitch she is already and you want to fall into her honey trap?

It is bad enough not knowing when a woman is like this and you get caught out, but for you to want one you KNOW is like this sounds crazy to me.

As other posters have said .....

Oh, forget it. I think you will never see this for what it is and for you to actively encourage a woman to do this is absolutely nuts!! No wonder so many get a bad name :o

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