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quantify how bad is sugar ?


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i wonder if there is a conversion table,

or if someone can convert how many tablespoons of food is 1 teaspoon of sugar ?

i now have 1 cup of cappuccino a day, and that sums up what i even want to consume in a day,

i use 1.5 teaspoon of brown sugar innit

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Hello there Poanoi,  I really must talk about this evil thing called sugar. I didn't know I was having far too much sugar in my normal intake of foods and drinks until I had this night urination problem.

At first I thought it was prostate problem because of my age(55). I was lucky I discovered  it was due to too much sugar in my normal foods one example is eating too much rice. Once I kept the carbohydrate down and increase my oil and fats(healthy oil -like fish oil and olive oil not animal fats or oil), things become normal I longer have to go to bathroom 2 or 3 times a night. OH that was wonderful feeling. Because I consume enough of oil and fats I don't feel hungry in between meals so my blood sugar remains stable throughout the day.

I don't eat very sweet fruits, cakes, pastries(completely out are bread and wheat products).

I hope people out there can benefit from my experience. Of course Night Urination can be caused by other things like diabetes or prostate problem. But before you go see doctor just try the no sugar diet and see what happen. I eat only one third of rice that I normally ate. Important thing for me is no more getting hungry in between meals.

When you have too much sugar in your blood your body try to flush it out in the urine especially at night that's why you need to pee many times.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't worry too much about sugar, i don't buy processed foods but i do occasionally drink fruit juice (not often but I don't stress out when I do) or drink water with syrup (low dose of syrup). I think that if you consume too much sugar its bad for you but a bit once in a while is not going to kill you. 


There was a nice test in an BBC documentary about carbs some people can handle carbs better then others (sugar is carbs). They let people chew on a cracker and if the taste changed quick (to sweet) you could handle carbs better as those who had no change in taste. Anyway find the TV documentary for a better description. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I truly believe that Sugar and high Carbs are the cause of all health problems.

There is so much manipulation and corruption on this subject.

Eat protein, fat, veggies and no carbs you will lose weight and be healthy.

This entire industry/subject is a big manipulation. 

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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, Alisa2233 said:

Sugar is not good, for sure. It was really hard for me to get used to drinking coffee without it. The solution was to replace sugar with dried fruits.

Ever tried Splenda?

Half a small sack of it does it for me in coffee.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Protein-rich and healthy fats diet can help those who are looking for how to give up on sugar. Researches have shown that eating high protein foods like organic fish and chicken, red meat along with avocado and other foods with healthy fats can keep your sugar cravings away.


Start your day with a high protein breakfast and bid farewell to your post meal sugar cravings. You will need to train yourself and follow a disciplinary lifestyle to enjoy a healthy life without added sugars.

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